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These are some consideration:
1. Looks like the edge of Tower 22, Stack 45 is aimed towards Tower 10, Stack 18. Hopefully, it is not aimed towards the balcony / living room windows.
1.1 Unlike a bedroom window, which often can be easily neutralised by e.g. day curtain(s) or blinds; a living room area is often usually an open area.
2. Pot Luck and Tower 10, Stack 18. As it may be affected by both the poison arrow (sharp corner of Tower 22, Stack 45.
2.1. In addition @ the East coast or around the South side of Singapore which is near to the sea; often one can feel strong winds blowing from the land towards the sea (South.)
2.2. Tower 10, Stack 18 directly faces the "opening" as shown in Yellow marking "A".During distinct high and low pressure zone periodsand
2.3. At different times of day:if the wind coming from the land (North) blowing to the South is too strong; this creates Sha qi (too strong = inauspicious) towardsexposed Stack 18.
2.4. This is a double-edged sword as if too exposed and too windy... fortunes will wane. If winds are moderate; one can see good gains.
3. Stack 17 is (a safer bet) if one is deciding between the two stacks (subject to type and size of layout).
4. Stack 18 also has an edge that may create a poison arrow most likely towards Tower 2, Stack 1.
5. Tower 16, Stack 34 also seems to have poison arrow(s) aimed towards Tower 20, Stack 40.
6. This is not Feng Shui. But most likely, some may not like Tower 22, Stack "44" as in Cantonese it implies "die, die or die x 2". And often this would affect somewhat the resale value or more difficult to rent or sell, later on...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 9 years later...
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Dear Master Cecil,

I have viewed a resale unit at Tower 10 stack 18 and came across your page. Should I just not consider stack 18 if the intention is for own stay with my family? Or it is still possible to get a unit from the stack with your on site consultation?

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Dear Master Cecil,

I have viewed a resale unit at Tower 10 stack 18 and came across your page. The view from the balcony is indeed towards the edge of Tower 22 stack 45. Should I just not consider Tower 10 stack 18 if the intention is for own stay with my family? Or it is still possible to get a unit from the stack with your on site consultation?

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On 4/14/2022 at 4:49 PM, stann said:

Dear Master Cecil,

I have viewed a resale unit at Tower 10 stack 18 and came across your page. The view from the balcony is indeed towards the edge of Tower 22 stack 45. Should I just not consider Tower 10 stack 18 if the intention is for own stay with my family? Or it is still possible to get a unit from the stack with your on site consultation?

From a scientific Feng Shui point of view, Part 1 (30 marks): How suitable to - can make or break the total score or grade of a unit: Frontage, Kitchen and Main Bedroom.


Part 2  & 3: 35 marks each will also contribute to the grade of a unit:-



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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