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I am new to fengshui but i like to seek some advice from you about new house.
1. Is it appropriate for a property to have a protruding wall directly outside the bedroom door?
If not, what can be done?
2. Theree is a steep sloping road far behind the house . iDoes it have any implications on the family members?

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You wrote: I am new to fengshui but i like to seek some advice from you about new house.
1. Is it appropriate for a property to have a protruding wall directly outside the bedroom door?
If not, what can be done?

In my opinion, quite a lot of "issues" has it's origins in common sense then Feng Shui.
And because it is common sense, some may not see the association and then proclaim it to be related to (or in the name) of Feng Shui.
For example; why common sense? Here, one must use some imagination:
How often we see someone running or dashing out of a door (be it a room or even a bedroom). And instead of running into an open h, the child could not stop in time or the floor can be slippery and simply "smash" into or hurt himself/herself against this protruding wall.
Because of what I had mentioned, ideally, isn't it better to haveclear space directly after we walkout of a door.
In some instances, a protruding wall(depending on how much protrusion may make it more difficult to negotiate bringingin and out furniture e.g. during a move or replacing e.g. a solid frame bed; or for some; may have difficulty in bringing one of those huge massage chair.
In Feng Shui; if I don't explain with the above; simply it is considered inauspicious to have a protruding wall, facing a door.
and You also wrote: 2. There is a steep sloping road far behind the house . Does it have any implications on the family members?
Frankly, for such things, I always feel; only the writer of such short two sentences knows what he/she is talking about. The rest of us is like: ???????????

On 3/25/2013 8:51:12 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi,I am new to fengshui but i
like to seek some advice from
you about new house.1. Is it
appropriate for a property to
have a protruding wall
directly outside the bedroom
door?If not, what can be
done?2. Theree is a steep
sloping road far behind the
house . iDoes it have any
implications on the family

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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