myfs_139652 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 Dear Master,May I know how is the affect to House Gua as attached if there will be the extension to the side 10ft land, the original House Gua will be remain or change accroding to the proposition? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 22, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 22, 2013 Significance of missing corners and protrusions can be found under this link:- scroll down to around the middle of the above url. Quote On 4/22/2013 2:44:26 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,May I know how isthe affect to House Gua asattached if there will be theextension to the side 10ftland, the original House Guawill be remain or changeaccroding to the proposition? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_139652 Posted April 23, 2013 Share Posted April 23, 2013 Dear Master,Thanks for explanation but I wish to know will this side land extension change the original house gua proposition or it does not fall into House Gua.By the way, will the car park in front of Main Entrance door blocking the qi flow into the house? But the problem is almost everyone park the cars inside the house and in front of main door which will eventually blocking all entrance especially in the small car porch with 2 cars, if yes, how do we solve it? Quote On 4/22/2013 6:25:39 PM, Anonymous wrote:Significance of missing corners andprotrusions can be found under thislink:- scrolldown to around the middle of the aboveurl.On 4/22/2013 2:44:26 PM, BenjaminPhuah wrote:Dear Master,May I knowhow isthe affect to House Gua asattached if there will be theextension to the side 10ftland,the original House Guawill beremain or changeaccroding to theproposition? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 23, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 23, 2013 You wrote: Thanks for explanation but I wish to know will this side land extension change the original house gua proposition or it does not fall into House Gua.A. Frankly, is your "House Gua" = applying Flying Star? For Flying Star application, it is about trying to find the centrepoint of the home. And from there plot a Flying Star chart. If it is what you mean?B. In Shapes and Forms, I have provided a link to the SIGINFICANCE of such a protrusion based on which sector the extension is. Please note that A and B are two different areas or concepts. For example if above A. is water and B. is oil. Oil will float on top of the water. They won't mix together.You also wrote: By the way, will the car park in front of Main Entrance door blocking the qi flow into the house? But the problem is almost everyone park the cars inside the house and in front of main door which will eventually blocking all entrance especially in the small car porch with 2 cars, if yes, how do we solve it?Please take a look at the attachment. You are already blessed with a semi-detached, you know. And you have a huge field. And don't just think that your frontage is ONE and ONLY the car park. Reminder look at your field and compare to the attachment.Yours is a semi-detached. And there are terrace homes. Which has no openings at all at the sides of their home. .If your home needs a good cure to solve it. Then tell me how to solve the terrace homes which has only the frontage as shown.In Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, even a small area or clear space at the FRONTAGE is better than nothing already. This clear space is commonly called BRIGHT HALL.Many would eny your corner lot: do you know that or not? One has to have their feet planted on the earth. And not some utopian cure. Are you not blessed? Quote On 4/23/2013 4:36:23 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,Thanks for explanation but Iwish to know will this side landextension change the original house guaproposition or it does not fall intoHouse Gua.By the way, will the car parkin front of Main Entrance door blockingthe qi flow into the house? But theproblem is almost everyone park the carsinside the house and in front of maindoor which will eventually blocking allentrance especially in the small carporch with 2 cars, if yes, how do wesolve it?On 4/22/2013 6:25:39 PM, CecilLee wrote:Significance of missingcorners andprotrusions can be foundunder thislink:- to around the middle ofthe aboveurl.On 4/22/2013 2:44:26PM, BenjaminPhuah wrote:DearMaster,May I knowhow istheaffect to House Gua asattachedif there will be theextensionto the side 10ftland,theoriginal House Guawill beremain or changeaccroding totheproposition? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 23, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 23, 2013 A semi-detached home is often blessed with THREE-SIDE Openings. As shown in the attachment with various blue arrows.The only down-side and not so much of Feng Shui is in Malaysia; touch-wood burglary is pretty common place in the country. And, here, at least two sides especially corner unit homes are more prone to .... above.. Quote On 4/23/2013 6:35:42 PM, Anonymous wrote:You wrote: Thanks for explanation but Iwish to know will this side landextension change the original house guaproposition or it does not fall intoHouse Gua.A. Frankly, is your "HouseGua" = applying Flying Star? For FlyingStar application, it is about trying tofind the centrepoint of the home. Andfrom there plot a Flying Star chart. Ifit is what you mean?B. In Shapes andForms, I have provided a link to theSIGINFICANCE of such a protrusion basedon which sector the extension is. Pleasenote that A and B are two differentareas or concepts. For example if aboveA. is water and B. is oil. Oil willfloat on top of the water. They won'tmix together.You also wrote: By the way,will the car park in front of MainEntrance door blocking the qi flow intothe house? But the problem is almosteveryone park the cars inside the houseand in front of main door which willeventually blocking all entranceespecially in the small car porch with 2cars, if yes, how do we solve it?Pleasetake a look at the attachment. You arealready blessed with a semi-detached,you know. And you have a huge field. Anddon't just think that your frontage isONE and ONLY the car park. Reminder lookat your field and compare to theattachment.Yours is a semi-detached. Andthere are terrace homes. Which has noopenings at all at the sides of theirhome. .If your home needs a good cure tosolve it. Then tell me how to solve theterrace homes which has only thefrontage as shown.In Shapes and FormsFeng Shui, even a small area or clearspace at the FRONTAGE is better thannothing already. This clear space iscommonly called BRIGHT HALL.Many wouldeny your corner lot: do you know that ornot? One has to have their feet plantedon the earth. And not some utopian cure.Are you not blessed?On 4/23/2013 4:36:23PM, Benjamin Phuah wrote:DearMaster,Thanks for explanation but Iwish to know will this side landextension change the original houseguaproposition or it does not fallintoHouse Gua.By the way, will thecar parkin front of Main Entrancedoor blockingthe qi flow into thehouse? But theproblem is almosteveryone park the carsinside thehouse and in front of maindoorwhich will eventually blocking allentrance especially in the small carporch with 2 cars, if yes, how do wesolve it?On 4/22/2013 6:25:39 PM,CecilLee wrote:Significance ofmissingcorners andprotrusionscan be foundunder thislink:- to around the middleofthe aboveurl.On 4/22/20132:44:26PM, BenjaminPhuahwrote:DearMaster,May I knowhow istheaffect to HouseGua asattachedif therewill be theextensionto theside 10ftland,theoriginalHouse Guawill beremain orchangeaccroding totheproposition? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 23, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 23, 2013 From the layout plan, it shows staircase leading up to 2nd storey. And perhaps, this house has a third storey.Therefore, there are not only 3 sides (openings) but also on the 2nd level and perhaps even more levels.Mathematically: 3 sided openings X say 2 levels = 6 (SIX) Openings - whether one opens some or all is a different story. Quote On 4/23/2013 6:51:02 PM, Anonymous wrote:A semi-detached home is often blessedwith THREE-SIDE Openings. As shown inthe attachment with various bluearrows.The only down-side and not somuch of Feng Shui is in Malaysia;touch-wood burglary is pretty commonplace in the country. And, here, atleast two sides especially corner unithomes are more prone to .... above..On4/23/2013 6:35:42 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:You wrote: Thanks for explanationbut Iwish to know will this sidelandextension change the originalhouse guaproposition or it does notfall intoHouse Gua.A. Frankly, isyour "HouseGua" = applying FlyingStar? For FlyingStar application,it is about trying tofind thecentrepoint of the home. Andfromthere plot a Flying Star chart. Ifit is what you mean?B. In Shapes andForms, I have provided a link to theSIGINFICANCE of such a protrusionbasedon which sector the extensionis. Pleasenote that A and B are twodifferentareas or concepts. Forexample if aboveA. is water and oil. Oil willfloat on top of thewater. They won'tmix together.Youalso wrote: By the way,will the carpark in front of MainEntrance doorblocking the qi flow intothe house?But the problem is almosteveryonepark the cars inside the houseandin front of main door which willeventually blocking all entranceespecially in the small car porchwith 2cars, if yes, how do we solveit?Pleasetake a look at theattachment. You arealready blessedwith a semi-detached,you know. Andyou have a huge field. Anddon'tjust think that your frontage isONEand ONLY the car park. Reminder lookat your field and compare to theattachment.Yours is a semi-detached.Andthere are terrace homes. Whichhas noopenings at all at the sidesof theirhome. .If your home needs agood cure tosolve it. Then tell mehow to solve theterrace homes whichhas only thefrontage as shown.InShapes and FormsFeng Shui, even asmall area or clearspace at theFRONTAGE is better thannothingalready. This clear space iscommonly called BRIGHT HALL.Manywouldeny your corner lot: do youknow that ornot? One has to havetheir feet plantedon the earth. Andnot some utopian cure.Are you notblessed?On 4/23/2013 4:36:23PM,Benjamin Phuah wrote:DearMaster,Thanks for explanation but Iwish to know will this side landextension change the originalhouseguaproposition or it doesnot fallintoHouse Gua.By theway, will thecar parkin frontof Main Entrancedoor blockingthe qi flow into thehouse? Buttheproblem is almosteveryonepark the carsinside thehouseand in front of maindoorwhichwill eventually blocking allentrance especially in the smallcarporch with 2 cars, if yes,how do wesolve it?On 4/22/20136:25:39 PM,CecilLee wrote:Significance ofmissingcorners andprotrusionscanbe foundunder thislink:- to around themiddleofthe aboveurl.On4/22/20132:44:26PM, BenjaminPhuahwrote:DearMaster,May I knowhow istheaffect to HouseGua asattachedif therewillbe theextensionto theside 10ftland,theoriginalHouse Guawill beremain orchangeaccroding totheproposition? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_139652 Posted April 24, 2013 Share Posted April 24, 2013 Dear Master,My house a cluster house where end are link to another cluster house and 2 sty only.It is because according to my search tips, front door front must spacious enough for qi to flowin but the actual situation is if 2 cars park inside the house, will it block the qi?Another question is about House Gua sector, what if the best sector for bed is on East but it will align with bedroom door, is it advisable still locate bed at the East but this will cause the qi to flow directly to the bed and the bed will not be protected in fengshui mean, how about place a side cabinet or screen between the door and the bed, but in case, will it block the qi to flow in? Quote On 4/23/2013 7:35:24 PM, Anonymous wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 24, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 24, 2013 1. Please re-read my earlier postings on "Bright Hall".1.1. In Malaysia and even in Singapore (which is worse-off) most cars are parked inside their compound. 1.2. Thus, you are not the only person affected by this. 1.3. As I mentioned earlier, one don't need or often can't have lots of clear space at the frontage.1.4. What you are implying is that without "frontage" it is a fatal error?2. You keep on mentioning about House Gua. Frankly, if one refers to the "House" it is often referred to as the Flying Star chart.2.1. Your House Gua from what I read, this round is actually called: Eight House or Personal Gua(Kua) or 4 Good or 4 Bad directions.2.2. Common sense = pure common sense.3. Many of us, even without Feng Shui, would instinctively know roughly where we want to place our bed-head.3.1. Here, you are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. How can?3.2. If your Eight House or your "Gua" says that your leg must face a certain direction and the legs face the bedroom door.. You mean, you are good to go for it?4. Try to make sense out of non-sense Feng Shui if it is so awkard.4.1 For example, even if your Gua says to e.g. face East, you mean do or die you must do that?4.2. Worse scenario if a husband is an East group and wife is a West group. And this implies that when one sleeps: the wife legs sleep with the husband's leg? Ain't this ridiculous?5. Please note that Shapes and Forms prevail over your Gua / Kua / House Gua number.6. In the past, around the 1999 - 2000; a doctor wrote into the forum. He thought that Feng Shui is like the Gray's Anatomy book. Where a normal man's heart is suppose to be at a specific location etc...6.1. He thought that Feng Shui is also a pure science.7. Please don't ever become like some geomancers. Many times, a new client had engaged a geomancer. Telling them not to use the master toilet. To come home and use the back door. Ain't this looney tunes? If ever there was one?8. A bedroom is often limited in the placement of a bed. As often, one has not only to consider the bedroom door; attached master toilet door; windows and layout of the bedroom. As mentioned earlier, in fact every one when they enter an empty room would already have a feel where their bed is.9. NICE-to have and Not a MUST-have. So what if you are an EAST group. But if the bedroom layout does not fit your East group = just too bad. It is not a MUST-have.10. Putting a square peg into a round hole is inadvertently indirectly "making fun of the art of Fung SWAY". Quote On 4/24/2013 5:22:41 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,My house a cluster housewhere end are link to another clusterhouse and 2 sty only.It is becauseaccording to my search tips, front doorfront must spacious enough for qi toflowin but the actual situation is if 2cars park inside the house, will itblock the qi?Another question is aboutHouse Gua sector, what if the bestsector for bed is on East but it willalign with bedroom door, is it advisablestill locate bed at the East but thiswill cause the qi to flow directly tothe bed and the bed will not beprotected in fengshui mean, how aboutplace a side cabinet or screen betweenthe door and the bed, but in case, willit block the qi to flow in?On 4/23/20137:35:24 PM, Cecil Lee wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 24, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 24, 2013 1. As mentioned, previously, you are not alone. With a home where a car or two cars need to be parked in the compound.2. Don't be too transfixed into a "problem" that practically be solved. It can be solved, make the cars disappear from the compound. 3. If there is "no cure" to an imaginery problem or a real problem. No point banging one's head on a pillar.4. If one really feels that it cannot be solved; and want to improve luck or check for problems then:-The Concept of Maximizing MarksI am sure, one a person's life; as a student, we were taught techniques in answering e.g. 3 out of 10 questions. etc... 5. There is no point in pressing for a solution to such a (you feel that there is a problem). 6. You will be surprised that sometimes, if there is truly a problem; there could be even greater leaks or problems somewhere else in the home. Quote On 4/24/2013 6:05:42 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. Please re-read my earlier postings on"Bright Hall".1.1. In Malaysia and evenin Singapore (which is worse-off) mostcars are parked inside their compound.1.2. Thus, you are not the only personaffected by this. 1.3. As I mentionedearlier, one don't need or often can'thave lots of clear space at thefrontage.1.4. What you are implying isthat without "frontage" it is a fatalerror?2. You keep on mentioning aboutHouse Gua. Frankly, if one refers to the"House" it is often referred to as theFlying Star chart.2.1. Your House Guafrom what I read, this round is actuallycalled: Eight House or Personal Gua(Kua)or 4 Good or 4 Bad directions.2.2.Common sense = pure common sense.3. Manyof us, even without Feng Shui, wouldinstinctively know roughly where we wantto place our bed-head.3.1. Here, you aretrying to fit a square peg in a roundhole. How can?3.2. If your Eight Houseor your "Gua" says that your leg mustface a certain direction and the legsface the bedroom door.. You mean, youare good to go for it?4. Try to makesense out of non-sense Feng Shui if itis so awkard.4.1 For example, even ifyour Gua says to e.g. face East, youmean do or die you must do that?4.2.Worse scenario if a husband is an Eastgroup and wife is a West group. And thisimplies that when one sleeps: the wifelegs sleep with the husband's leg? Ain'tthis ridiculous?5. Please note thatShapes and Forms prevail over your Gua /Kua / House Gua number.6. In the past,around the 1999 - 2000; a doctor wroteinto the forum. He thought that FengShui is like the Gray's Anatomy book.Where a normal man's heart is suppose tobe at a specific location etc...6.1. Hethought that Feng Shui is also a purescience.7. Please don't ever become likesome geomancers. Many times, a newclient had engaged a geomancer. Tellingthem not to use the master toilet. Tocome home and use the back door. Ain'tthis looney tunes? If ever there wasone?8. A bedroom is often limited in theplacement of a bed. As often, one hasnot only to consider the bedroom door;attached master toilet door; windows andlayout of the bedroom. As mentionedearlier, in fact every one when theyenter an empty room would already have afeel where their bed is.9. NICE-to haveand Not a MUST-have. So what if you arean EAST group. But if the bedroom layoutdoes not fit your East group = just toobad. It is not a MUST-have.10. Putting asquare peg into a round hole isinadvertently indirectly "making fun ofthe art of Fung SWAY".On 4/24/20135:22:41 PM, Benjamin Phuah wrote:Dear Master,My house a cluster housewhere end are link to anotherclusterhouse and 2 sty only.It isbecauseaccording to my search tips,front doorfront must spaciousenough for qi toflowin but theactual situation is if 2cars parkinside the house, will itblock theqi?Another question is aboutHouseGua sector, what if the bestsectorfor bed is on East but it willalignwith bedroom door, is it advisablestill locate bed at the East butthiswill cause the qi to flowdirectly tothe bed and the bed willnot beprotected in fengshui mean,how aboutplace a side cabinet orscreen betweenthe door and the bed,but in case, willit block the qi toflow in?On 4/23/20137:35:24 PM,Cecil Lee wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_139652 Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 Dear Master,Yes, it is called Flying Star chart, as referred my favourable sector and direction is worst to fit for my bed, currently the bed is locate at SW sector and facing West which I refer to my Flying Star chart is the worst location, any advice from Master.Currently the Flying Star chart is base on current built up area excluding my plan Extension on side 10ft land, if I extend it later, will this Flying Star chart proportion will change accordingly, if this is the case, then all my current Sectors will become larger compare before Extension, am I right? Quote On 4/24/2013 6:45:59 PM, Anonymous wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 25, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 25, 2013 1. Please note that there are two ways of working out a flying star chart:1.1 9 grids method(Ideal for a very rectangular shape) and/or1.2. drawing a Pie chart. (Very flexible and best for less then irregular layout.)2. If one applies Pie chart, it does not matter if there is an extension.3. A 9 grid can be suitable for a rectangular layout (preferred without extension). But, once there is an extension, then a pie chart is more appropriate.3.1. Or rather, if a pie chart had been used, one don't need to flip and flop from a 9 grid to a pie chart. Or again, cracking one's head to see how to divide the "grids". Why go thru such a hassle?4. Fundamentally, majority of the professionals use the pie chart. And determine the centrepoint. Quote On 4/25/2013 10:01:44 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,Yes, it is called FlyingStar chart, as referred my favourablesector and direction is worst to fit formy bed, currently the bed is locate atSW sector and facing West which I referto my Flying Star chart is the worstlocation, any advice fromMaster.Currently the Flying Star chartis base on current built up areaexcluding my plan Extension on side 10ftland, if I extend it later, will thisFlying Star chart proportion will changeaccordingly, if this is the case, thenall my current Sectors will becomelarger compare before Extension, am Iright?On 4/24/2013 6:45:59 PM, Cecil Leewrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_139652 Posted April 25, 2013 Share Posted April 25, 2013 Dear Master,But the center point shall base on the original layout or consider the extension land?what i mean is how to determine the center point? Will it consider the built up area orwhole house area which also including the car porch and side land? Quote On 4/25/2013 10:53:48 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. Please note that there are two waysof working out a flying starchart:1.1 9 gridsmethod(Ideal for a veryrectangular shape) and/or1.2. drawing aPie chart. (Very flexible and best forless then irregular layout.)2. If oneapplies Pie chart, it does not matter ifthere is an extension.3. A 9 gridcan be suitable for a rectangular layout(preferred without extension). But, oncethere is an extension, then a pie chartis more appropriate.3.1. Or rather, if apie chart had been used, one don't needto flip and flop from a 9 grid to a piechart. Or again, cracking one's head tosee how to divide the "grids". Why gothru such a hassle?4. Fundamentally,majority of the professionals use thepie chart. And determine thecentrepoint. On 4/25/2013 10:01:44 AM,Benjamin Phuah wrote:DearMaster,Yes, it is called FlyingStarchart, as referred my favourablesector and direction is worst to fitformy bed, currently the bed islocate atSW sector and facing Westwhich I referto my Flying Starchart is the worstlocation, anyadvice fromMaster.Currently theFlying Star chartis base on currentbuilt up areaexcluding my planExtension on side 10ftland, if Iextend it later, will thisFlyingStar chart proportion will changeaccordingly, if this is the case,thenall my current Sectors willbecomelarger compare beforeExtension, am Iright?On 4/24/20136:45:59 PM, Cecil Leewrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 25, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 25, 2013 No offence. Sigh....Most people would ask me: "where is the centrepoint of such a house." Instead of going thru a huge roundabout....Centrepoint Of The House - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.NetAs in your the case the layout plan that you had furnished shows the toilet at the centrepoint. This is considered one "major" leak. And oftern - SimilarCentrepoint Of House - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.NetA dining table need not necessarily be or (must or even nice to have) located at the centrepoint of the home. In many homes: for the - SimilarHow To Find A Centrepoint In An Odd Shape House - Geomancy.NetTopic: How To Find A Centrepoint In An Odd Shape - SimilarFinding Centerpoint/s Of House - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.Net2. For practical purposes in applying a template onto your home layout out plan, please see attachment. The rationale for the centrepoint as - SimilarWhere Is The Centre Pt - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.NetHowever, for some people, the centrepoint or rather the center-of-gravity would normally be along the range in blue between the range of - SimilarHow Large Is The Free Space Appropriate - Feng Shui at Forum ...Although the toilet is quite close to the centrepoint (fortunately) IT IS NOT at the centrepoint. The saying goes "a (fortunate) miss is as good as a - SimilarWhether Did I Plot The Directions Correctly - Feng Shui at Forum ...In my opinion, the centrepoint should Quote be as shown in the attachment.2.Fortunately, the kitchen is not at NW.>(Fire at Heaven's gate) - Similar Quote On 4/25/2013 4:20:03 PM, Anonymous wrote: Dear Master,But the center point shallbase on the original layout or considerthe extension land?what i mean is how todetermine the center point? Will itconsider the built up area orwhole housearea which also including the car porchand side land?On 4/25/2013 10:53:48 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:1. Please note thatthere are two waysof working out aflying starchart:1.1 9 gridsmethod(Ideal for a veryrectangular shape) and/or1.2.drawing aPie chart. (Very flexibleand best forless then irregularlayout.)2. If oneapplies Pie chart,it does not matter ifthere is anextension.3. A 9 gridcan besuitable for a rectangular layout(preferred without extension). But,oncethere is an extension, then apie chartis more appropriate.3.1.Or rather, if apie chart had beenused, one don't needto flip andflop from a 9 grid to a piechart.Or again, cracking one's head toseehow to divide the "grids". Why gothru such a hassle?4. Fundamentally,majority of the professionals usethepie chart. And determine thecentrepoint. On 4/25/2013 10:01:44AM,Benjamin Phuah wrote:DearMaster,Yes, it is called FlyingStarchart, as referred myfavourablesector and directionis worst to fitformy bed,currently the bed islocate atSW sector and facing WestwhichI referto my Flying Starchartis the worstlocation, anyadvice fromMaster.Currently theFlying Star chartis base oncurrentbuilt up areaexcludingmy planExtension on side 10ftland, if Iextend it later, willthisFlyingStar chartproportion will changeaccordingly, if this is thecase,thenall my currentSectors willbecomelargercompare beforeExtension, am Iright?On 4/24/20136:45:59 PM,Cecil Leewrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_139652 Posted April 26, 2013 Share Posted April 26, 2013 Dear Master,Can you help me to determine the center point with my attached floor plan,what if side land extended, will the center point change?Thank you. Quote On 4/25/2013 4:23:47 PM, Anonymous wrote:No offence. Sigh....Mostpeople would ask me: "where isthe centrepoint of such ahouse." Instead of goingthru a huge roundabout....Centrepoint Of The House -Feng Shui atForum.Geomancy.NetAs in your the case the layoutplan that you had furnishedshows the toilet at thecentrepoint. This isconsidered one "major" leak.And -SimilarCentrepoint Of House - FengShui at Forum.Geomancy.NetA dining table need notnecessarily be or (must oreven nice to have) located atthe centrepoint of the home.In many homes: for -SimilarHow To Find A Centrepoint InAn Odd Shape House -Geomancy.NetTopic: How To Find ACentrepoint In An Odd SimilarFinding Centerpoint/s Of House- Feng Shui atForum.Geomancy.Net2. For practical purposes inapplying a template onto yourhome layout out plan, pleasesee attachment. The rationalefor the centrepoint -SimilarWhere Is The Centre Pt - FengShui at Forum.Geomancy.NetHowever, for some people, thecentrepoint or rather thecenter-of-gravity wouldnormally be along the range inblue between the range -SimilarHow Large Is The Free SpaceAppropriate - Feng Shui atForum ...Although the toilet is quiteclose to the centrepoint(fortunately) IT IS NOT at thecentrepoint. The saying goes"a (fortunate) miss is as goodas -SimilarWhether Did I Plot TheDirections Correctly - FengShui at Forum ...In my opinion, the centrepoint shouldbe as shown in the attachment.2.Fortunately, the kitchen is not atNW.(Fire at Heaven'sgate) - SimilarOn4/25/2013 4:20:03 PM, Benjamin Phuahwrote:Dear Master,But the centerpoint shallbase on the originallayout or considerthe extensionland?what i mean is how todeterminethe center point? Will itconsiderthe built up area orwhole houseareawhich also including the car porchand side land?On 4/25/2013 10:53:48AM,Cecil Lee wrote:1. Pleasenote thatthere are two waysofworking out aflying starchart:1.1 9 gridsmethod(Ideal for a veryrectangular shape) and/or1.2.drawing aPie chart. (Veryflexibleand best forless thenirregularlayout.)2. If oneapplies Pie chart,it does notmatter ifthere is anextension.3. A 9 gridcanbesuitable for a rectangular layout(preferred without extension).But,oncethere is an extension,then apie chartis moreappropriate.3.1.Or rather, if apie chart had beenused, onedon't needto flip andflop froma 9 grid to a piechart.Oragain, cracking one's head toseehow to divide the "grids". Why gothru such a hassle?4.Fundamentally,majority of theprofessionals usethepie chart.And determine thecentrepoint.On 4/25/2013 10:01:44AM,Benjamin Phuah wrote:DearMaster,Yes, it is called FlyingStarchart, as referred myfavourablesector anddirectionis worst to fitformy bed,currently the bed islocate atSW sector andfacing WestwhichI refertomy Flying Starchartis theworstlocation, anyadvicefromMaster.Currently theFlying Star chartis base oncurrentbuilt up areaexcludingmy planExtensionon side 10ftland, if Iextend it later, willthisFlyingStar chartproportionwill changeaccordingly, ifthis is thecase,thenallmy currentSectors willbecomelargercompare beforeExtension, am Iright?On4/24/20136:45:59 PM,Cecil Leewrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 26, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 26, 2013 1. Usual centrepoint is at marking in red "B".2. SOME geomancers, use the method as shown in the attachment and figure out the centrepoint is at "A".3. Finding the centrepoint is about finding the centre of gravity of the home.4. The LAST method is to photo-copy a copy of the layout plan, cut out the outline and paste it on a card-board and try to balance a pin to find the centre-of-gravity.5. HOWEVER, not much information provided as to what is the terrace about? If the terrace is an open space then technically should not consider the terrace.6. In addition, there is another method: "eye-ball" method where one visualise the protrusion and try to guage the total area of the protrusion is roughly equally to the missing area to get the centre-of-gravity. If so, it is between marking A and B. (If you want to find out more.. then use the search feature to understand it and apply to the layout plan).I hope this is the last on this thread. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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