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Dear Cecil and Robert,
Please help me on this case between compass and flying stars.
My situation is my bathroom and toilet is at North-West, and it belongs to location of Health as under your reports (8 House Chart). But my son is with Death from this location.
Plus, I don't have condition to change the current room nor another house at this moment.
As far as I know, if the toilet or bathroom is at NW, it's inauspicious if increasing the metal.
But your report for flying stars, yours requests to enhance of metal because of star 5 and 2 for 20 years.
What can I do on this case?
Thank you so much for your support
Anh NG
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These are some considerations:
1. Compass vs Flying Stars
1.1. Actually it should instead be: Compass School of Feng Shui: Eight House (4 Good/Bad) + Flying Stars.
1.2. The Three-Step-Approach
You wrote: My situation is my bathroom and toilet is at North-West, and it belongs to location of Health as under your reports (8 House Chart). But my son is with Death from this location.
1.2.1 One must have a proper appreciation of the 8 House concept.
1.2.2. Here, I am afraid, you are missing the point.
1.2.2 The gist of the matter is that if one does not spent time at that sector; how is it going to impact on that individual?
1.2.3 Thus, if your son is not sleeping in the bathroom which is his "DEATH" sector; how is it going to affect him?
2. You also wrote: As far as I know, if the toilet or bathroom is at NW, it's inauspicious if increasing the metal. But your report for flying stars, yours requests to enhance of metal because of star 5 and 2 for 20 years.
2.1. Here again, Flying stars is flying stars. General concept that NW = metal or North = water or South = Fire are two distinct ideas.
2.2. If one is studying Kindergarten Feng Shui; then perhaps; the teacher would generalise North = Water, South = Fire etc...
2.3. But at higher studies e.g. Diploma level or University level; the teacher would teach "Higher" Feng Shui. In this case Flying Star Feng Shui.
3. You have to get your facts correct. You are comparing (Kindergarten studies where N = water, S = fire) and then say how to match it with the study and application of Flying Star Feng Shui.
4. Again in a DIY environment: The Three-Step-Approachif it is not properly understood, it is fruitless.

On 5/6/2013 8:17:14 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil and Robert,Please
help me on this case between
compass and flying stars.My
situation is my bathroom and
toilet is at North-West, and
it belongs to location of
Health as under your reports
(8 House Chart). But my son is
with Death from this
location.Plus, I don't have
condition to change the
current room nor another house
at this moment.As far as I
know, if the toilet or
bathroom is at NW, it's
inauspicious if increasing the
metal.But your report for
flying stars, yours requests
to enhance of metal because of
star 5 and 2 for 20 years.What
can I do on this case?Thank
you so much for your
supportAnh NG

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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