myfs_157338 Posted May 15, 2013 Share Posted May 15, 2013 Hi Sir,We think your website is hugely informative and exciting with all the information for Feng Shui beginners like us. We love reading all your wonderful and sometimes hilarious write-ups.We would like to get your input on the facing and sitting direction of an apartment. As attached, 'Pic1' the building marked 'X' is the building and car park and lobby entrances are located. Because of this daily there will be heavy human and vehicle traffic happening here. However as you can see it is facing another building of similar height and size in close proximity. On the other hand, the other side of the building as seen in 'Pic2', where all the units balcony are facing unobstructed view of the surrounding, roads, housing areas with a hilly landscape in the distance in front of the apartment (not seen on the pic). 'Pic3' is the picture of the apartment building taken from the hill resort in the distance.As such which is the accurate facing and sitting direction of this apartment building?Thank you and hope you will find this an interest topic to discuss Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 15, 2013 Staff Share Posted May 15, 2013 1. Thanks for your feedback.2. These are some considerations:2.1. Facing Directions: Macro and Micro Level2.2. Nowadays, a building is not like the past, a small slab or block of flats much like those on one of our old $1 note showing the 1 room type flats.2.3. If so, it is so easy to find the facing direction of the whole building.3. What is your purpose of finding the FACING DIRECTION?3.1. If I am a developer and I want to engage a geomancer to look at the OVERALL Feng Shui of my building and if possible, check to see if the "water position" and mountain position is correct?" or which is better facing for the GENERAL welfare of the entire building.3.2. If you are a stake holder and looking at a specific stack; then your objectives MAY be different from 3.1.4. Thus, if you are a stake holder of a unit or trying to obtain a unit in a specific stack; then your facing direction of you UNIT is again (Generally) standing inside the living room looking outwards. Or usually the location where there are the most windows.4.1. Why so? It has to do with the Flying Star Theory or Concept.4.2. Flying Star (Compass School) Feng Shui is about seeing where the most YANG qi comes into a building and/or even a unit within a stack. Of course, sometimes, the building's facing and stack/unit's facing are the same. 4.3. In many other instances the stack/unit's facing may be different.5. If you want to check a specific unit's Feng Shui for both enhancements and neutralise bad qi; ultimately the facing direction should best reflect upon that unit. So that one has the highest chance of putting the correct measures in place to boost the Feng Shui or check whether one can or cannot buy.6. For a developer, it is as mentioned earlier; if my frontage faces another building is this good or not?6.1. A good example is your photo. That where you mark an X. And there is another huge building opposite it. 6.2. If a geomancer had determined that because of the "stars" (The flying stars) it is good to have UP mountain; down water; then (a surpise to many!) The geomancer may even on the contrary advise this position to be the facing direction. Why?6.3. If say the geomancer found that there is a Mountain star #8 at the facing direction; there is in the photo still some bright hall effect between the two buildings. And the neighbouring building can be activated as a "MOUNTAIN STAR!". While perhaps, the back of the building has clear space because he/she can activate the Water Star #8, there!7. If a geomancer calculated that it would be better to have double #8's from now to 2023; and if another facing direction has clear space; then, he might consider this to be the facing direction.8. Therefore, simply facing directions can mean different things to different persons or their objectives may differ slightly. Thus usually developers want a good Macro level "good" facing direction. While a unit owner or subsidiary tenant may want a good facing for himself.9. In all buildings; usually units stack up like a bell curve. There are some stacks that are polished gems or unpolished gem; there are the average stacks and there are some which falls under failure or F grade apartments.10. For a home owner, of course, one would like the building to have good facing; but more importantly, "I want mine to have excellent facing directions". So what is your objective? A developer or a unit owner? Quote On 5/15/2013 8:12:14 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Sir,We think your websiteis hugely informative andexciting with all theinformation for Feng Shuibeginners like us. We lovereading all your wonderful andsometimes hilariouswrite-ups.We would like to getyour input on the facing andsitting direction of anapartment. As attached, 'Pic1'the building marked 'X' is thebuilding and car park andlobby entrances are located.Because of this daily therewill be heavy human andvehicle traffic happeninghere. However as you can seeit is facing another buildingof similar height and size inclose proximity. On the otherhand, the other side of thebuilding as seen in 'Pic2',where all the units balconyare facing unobstructed viewof the surrounding, roads,housing areas with a hillylandscape in the distance infront of the apartment (notseen on the pic). 'Pic3' isthe picture of the apartmentbuilding taken from the hillresort in the distance.As suchwhich is the accurate facingand sitting direction of thisapartment building?Thank youand hope you will find this aninterest topic to discuss Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 15, 2013 Staff Share Posted May 15, 2013 1. As mentioned earlier; a developer's view of the facing direction and thus getting Feng Shui advice to build the FRONTAGE of a building may SOMETIME differ or diverge fromthat of an individual's.2. In the attachment, don't be surprised that even a small narrow opening between two buildings. Often, so long as there is an opening (not necessary) large or clear space may fit certain Flying Star conditions.3. For example, if building marked in red "X's" facing direction is there, and if there is the auspicious Mountain Star #8 at location X; this would fit the description of : facing a Mountain.4. Correspondingly, if directlybehind X is an opening and there happens to be the water star #8; there, don't be surprise thaton a geomancer's recommendations; the frontagecould be at "X".5. However,if marking "X" was found to have double auspicious Mountain and Water stars #8, here then having a frontage facing another building is not advantages for the building.6. As mentioned, everything written about is about: The developer and his BUILDING. 7. For a stack/unit stakeholder (owner); it is NICE that the building OVERALL has good Feng Shui. But more importantly, YOUR stack/unit must be able to capture and retain good qi = GOOD FENG SHUI.8. Your unit's facing direction is equally if not more important for YOUR well-being, ALSO!9. Your aim is MORE towards MICRO Flying Star. As you can't control your MACRO Flying star or it has already been determined when the building's built.10. A good sterling example are the office buildings in the "old" CBD area. Many of such buildings frontage are separated by just a road. And looks quite familiar to your photo. 10.1. In theory, many of such buildings e.g. Robinson Point, Robinson 77, Afro Asia Building etc have building frontages along the narrow Robinson Road facing another building. Perhaps, all these actual frontage should not be mixed with Flying Star frontage. But these are still most likely the building's frontage as these buildings are of similar height and back-to back with another building facing Shenton Way. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 15, 2013 Staff Share Posted May 15, 2013 Find out what is one's objective? A developer's Feng Shui objective may be the overall luck of the entire building. A home owner's objective is both a good building qi and good interior Feng Shui.For a child? Who cares! So long as he/she can sit in front of a lovely TV set the whole day long!So what is your objective? Quote On 5/15/2013 9:54:29 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. As mentioned earlier; adeveloper's view of the facingdirection and thus gettingFeng Shui advice to build theFRONTAGE of a building maySOMETIME differ or divergefromthat of anindividual's.2. In theattachment, don't be surprisedthat even a small narrowopening between two buildings.Often, so long as there is anopening (not necessary) largeor clear space may fit certainFlying Star conditions.3. Forexample, if building marked inred "X's" facing direction isthere, and if there is theauspicious Mountain Star #8 atlocation X; this would fit thedescription of : facinga Mountain.4. Correspondingly,if directlybehind X isan opening and there happensto be the water star #8;there, don't be surprisethaton a geomancer'srecommendations; thefrontagecould be at"X".5. However,ifmarking "X" was found to havedouble auspicious Mountain andWater stars #8, here thenhaving a frontage facinganother building is notadvantages for the building.6.As mentioned, everythingwritten about is about: Thedeveloper and his BUILDING. 7.For a stack/unit stakeholder(owner); it is NICE that thebuilding OVERALL has good FengShui. But more importantly,YOUR stack/unit must be ableto capture and retain good qi= GOOD FENG SHUI.8. Yourunit's facing direction isequally if not more importantfor YOUR well-being, ALSO!9.Your aim is MORE towards MICROFlying Star. As you can'tcontrol your MACRO Flying staror it has already beendetermined when the building'sbuilt.10. A good sterlingexample are the officebuildings in the "old" CBDarea. Many of such buildingsfrontage are separated by justa road. And looks quitefamiliar to your photo. 10.1.In theory, many of suchbuildings e.g. Robinson Point,Robinson 77, Afro AsiaBuilding etc have buildingfrontages along the narrowRobinson Road facing anotherbuilding. Perhaps, all theseactual frontage should not bemixed with Flying Starfrontage. But these are stillmost likely the building'sfrontage as these buildingsare of similar height andback-to back with anotherbuilding facing Shenton Way. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 31, 2013 Staff Share Posted May 31, 2013 Usually, in most developments: there are stacks/units that are very good to average to poor.Thus, like most classes where they are not specifically streamed:the students wouldfall within a bell curve e.g. Top students to average and below average students. Quote On 5/15/2013 10:08:27 AM, Anonymous wrote:Find out what is one's objective? Adeveloper's Feng Shui objective may bethe overall luck of the entire building.A home owner's objective is both a goodbuilding qi and good interior FengShui.For a child? Who cares! So long ashe/she can sit in front of a lovely TVset the whole day long!So what is yourobjective?On 5/15/2013 9:54:29 AM, CecilLee wrote:1. As mentioned earlier;adeveloper's view of the facingdirection and thus gettingFengShui advice to build theFRONTAGE ofa building maySOMETIME differ ordivergefromthat of anindividual's.2. In theattachment, don't be surprisedthat even a small narrowopeningbetween two buildings.Often, solong as there is anopening (notnecessary) largeor clear space mayfit certainFlying Starconditions.3. Forexample, ifbuilding marked inred "X's" facingdirection isthere, and if there istheauspicious Mountain Star #8 atlocation X; this would fit thedescription of : facingaMountain.4. Correspondingly,ifdirectlybehind X isan openingand there happensto be the waterstar #8;there, don't be surprisethaton a geomancer'srecommendations; thefrontagecould be at"X".5.However,ifmarking "X" wasfound to havedouble auspiciousMountain andWater stars #8, herethenhaving a frontage facinganother building is notadvantages for the building.6.As mentioned, everythingwrittenabout is about: Thedeveloper andhis BUILDING. 7.For a stack/unitstakeholder(owner); it is NICE thatthebuilding OVERALL has good FengShui. But more importantly,YOURstack/unit must be ableto captureand retain good qi= GOOD FENGSHUI.8. Yourunit's facing directionisequally if not more importantfor YOUR well-being, ALSO!9.Your aim is MORE towards MICROFlying Star. As you can'tcontrol your MACRO Flying staror it has already beendetermined when the building'sbuilt.10. A good sterlingexample are the officebuildingsin the "old" CBDarea. Many of suchbuildingsfrontage are separated byjusta road. And looks quitefamiliar to your photo. 10.1.Intheory, many of suchbuildings e.g.Robinson Point,Robinson 77, AfroAsiaBuilding etc have buildingfrontages along the narrowRobinson Road facing anotherbuilding. Perhaps, all theseactual frontage should not bemixed with Flying Starfrontage.But these are stillmost likely thebuilding'sfrontage as thesebuildingsare of similar height andback-to back with anotherbuilding facing Shenton Way. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 31, 2013 Staff Share Posted May 31, 2013 My apartment SUCKS! Quote On 5/31/2013 6:56:15 PM, Anonymous wrote:Usually, in most developments: there arestacks/units that are very good toaverage to poor.Thus, like most classeswhere they are not specificallystreamed:the studentswouldfall within a bell curve e.g.Top students to average and belowaverage students.On 5/15/2013 10:08:27AM, Cecil Lee wrote:Find out whatis one's objective? Adeveloper'sFeng Shui objective may betheoverall luck of the entire building.A home owner's objective is both agoodbuilding qi and good interiorFengShui.For a child? Who cares! Solong ashe/she can sit in front of alovely TVset the whole day long!Sowhat is yourobjective?On 5/15/20139:54:29 AM, CecilLee wrote:1.As mentioned earlier;adeveloper's view of the facingdirection and thus gettingFengShui advice to build theFRONTAGE ofa building maySOMETIME differ ordivergefromthat of anindividual's.2. In theattachment, don't be surprisedthat even a small narrowopeningbetween two buildings.Often, solong as there is anopening (notnecessary) largeor clear space mayfit certainFlying Starconditions.3. Forexample, ifbuilding marked inred "X's" facingdirection isthere, and if there istheauspicious Mountain Star #8 atlocation X; this would fit thedescription of : facingaMountain.4. Correspondingly,ifdirectlybehind X isan openingand there happensto be the waterstar #8;there, don't be surprisethaton a geomancer'srecommendations; thefrontagecould be at"X".5.However,ifmarking "X" wasfound to havedouble auspiciousMountain andWater stars #8, herethenhaving a frontage facinganother building is notadvantages for the building.6.As mentioned, everythingwrittenabout is about: Thedeveloper andhis BUILDING. 7.For a stack/unitstakeholder(owner); it is NICE thatthebuilding OVERALL has good FengShui. But more importantly,YOURstack/unit must be ableto captureand retain good qi= GOOD FENGSHUI.8. Yourunit's facing directionisequally if not more importantfor YOUR well-being, ALSO!9.Your aim is MORE towards MICROFlying Star. As you can'tcontrol your MACRO Flying staror it has already beendetermined when the building'sbuilt.10. A good sterlingexample are the officebuildingsin the "old" CBDarea. Many of suchbuildingsfrontage are separated byjusta road. And looks quitefamiliar to your photo. 10.1.Intheory, many of suchbuildings e.g.Robinson Point,Robinson 77, AfroAsiaBuilding etc have buildingfrontages along the narrowRobinson Road facing anotherbuilding. Perhaps, all theseactual frontage should not bemixed with Flying Starfrontage.But these are stillmost likely thebuilding'sfrontage as thesebuildingsare of similar height andback-to back with anotherbuilding facing Shenton Way. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 31, 2013 Staff Share Posted May 31, 2013 Help! My home belongs to the category "Go to commit suicide, NOW!" Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 23, 2013 Staff Share Posted July 23, 2013 Is the Feng Shui of the entire earth good?Or should one narrow down from The External environment, The Site, The Block (or Home) and finally:The unit. Quote On 5/31/2013 8:24:42 PM, Anonymous wrote:Help! My home belongs to thecategory "Go to commitsuicide, NOW!" Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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