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Dear Cecil, Robert,
I have read conflicting information from different feng shui books:
One says that we should sit with our backs towards our good directions (as determined by our kua numbers), because it is good to be "supported".
Another says that we should sit facing our good directions to benefit from the sheng qi.
What is your opinion on this matter?
Warmest regards,

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Dear Keat,
There are two issues in your question:-
1. The Eight House Theory and what is the definition of `facing' a good direction.
2. What is known as the Sitting and Facing direction.
A. The Eight House Theory
The general consensus amongst most Feng Shui practioners is the definition:
- Sleep with the head facing the good direction.
- Sit facing a good direction.
There are few practioners who have an opposite view.
As I mentioned here, each of us should come to our own decisions and follow whichever accordingly.
In my personal opinion, I would `stick' with the above i.e. sleep with the head facing a good direction and sit facing a good direction.
B. The Sitting and Facing Direction
Here, if we use this concept and apply it to your question "One says that we should sit
with our backs towards our good directions "
There is some truth in this.
When one uses a compass (Chinese Luopan) to take readings, and under the Flying Star Theory, i.e. if you are standing outside the front entrance door and facing it, the facing direction is closer to you and the sitting (mountain) direction is the back of the house).
Therefore, sitting refers to the `mountain'. As most of us are aware, a mountain provides one with a solid backing.
One can under this concept say that with our Gua Number, it is auspicious to sit with our back facing a good direction.
On a lighter side, another view is that it is good for people like Saddam Hussien. He should watch his back. For angels, who do not have to worry about their backs, can safely sit facing his/her good directions.
So, if we follow the above argument and if the CEO is a `hated' person, perhaps, he should sit with his back facing a good direction. *JOKE*
For Feng Shui theories that are not based on mathemathical models such as Shapes and Form, we should see the rationale of how a concept has been explained to us and again, we then make our own conclusion. In certain cases, there are no right or wrong answers depending on what theory or concept has been used.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/8/99 5:09:04 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil, Robert,
I have read conflicting
information from different
feng shui books:
One says that we should sit
with our backs towards our
good directions (as determined
by our kua numbers), because
it is good to be "supported".
Another says that we should
sit facing our good directions
to benefit from the sheng qi.
What is your opinion on this
Warmest regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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