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1. This has more to do with pure common sense
2. Here, how many of us during our childhood have open bookshelves just in-front of our study table?
3. This is to allow us to place our current semester books and reference materials like a dictionary and even some decorative items to brighten the work-area.
4. Contrast this with closed bookshelves. If so, whenever we need to access some of our "tools", we have to either open the doors or slide them which may be inconvenient as we may have to move something else to access them.
5. Thus, it is perfectly fine or OK to have open bookshelves at our work-interface = good ergonomics.
6. Therefore don't be too fearful of someone else telling us that all books in an open environment are like knives.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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