myfs_151337 Posted September 16, 2013 Share Posted September 16, 2013 Hello,I would like some help for the period determination, for a new apartmentmy family just moved into some months ago. The building is in theperiod 5, but just before we moved, the whole apartment was re-painted,the kitchen tiles were replaced and all windows (in the buildingincluding our apartment and one door to the balcony) were replaced, sodoes the house period get changed ?The very important NW part of the house is also missing, and I wouldlike to finish my Flying star analysis, it would be completely differentreadings with the house periods, so please help.The house facing is NW1 (295.2) taken at the main door, we we are on the 2nd floor of the building complex. The corridor is long and straight, we are at the end, perpendicular toit and opposite the main door is the main door of the neighboringapartment. Thanks,Mir Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 16, 2013 Staff Share Posted September 16, 2013 These are some considerations:1. It is common in such an instance to draw-up a few Flying Star chart(s).2. Thus, frankly, you may have to draw-up TWO (2) or more charts. 3. If TWO charts; usually the 1st is based on either the date the apartment was "born" OR had a major (major renovation). The 2nd chart is usually either a major renovation after it was "born" or the "last recent" replacement of THINGS.4. Therefore, contrary to (some) popular belief; an "argument" or soul searching or getting advice from each and every site/ geomancer their views of which period should I use.5. Even responsible geomancers; would have to apply Para 3. above.6. Some have the privilege of knowing the past history of the place and able to see if which chart "seems" right.7. LOOK for TRENDS. Sometimes; even if we do plot several charts; there could be coincidences that a specific sector(s) could be similarly "bad" or have seem characteristics type of flying star numbers. If so, then quite safe to implement cures or enhancements ... etc... Quote On 9/16/2013 3:27:48 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hello,I would like some help for theperiod determination, for anew apartmentmy family just moved into somemonths ago. The building is intheperiod 5, but just before wemoved, the whole apartment wasre-painted,the kitchen tiles werereplaced and all windows (inthe buildingincluding our apartment andone door to the balcony) werereplaced, sodoes the house period getchanged ?The very important NW part ofthe house is also missing, andI wouldlike to finish my Flying staranalysis, it would becompletely differentreadings with the houseperiods, so please help.The house facing is NW1(295.2) taken at the maindoor, we we are on the 2ndfloor of the building complex.The corridor is long andstraight, we are at the end,perpendicular toit and opposite the main dooris the main door of theneighboringapartment.Thanks,Mir Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_151337 Posted September 17, 2013 Share Posted September 17, 2013 Thank you Master Lee, as always the logical and practical answers from you. Will plot both charts and update soon again.Regards,Mir Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_151337 Posted September 25, 2013 Share Posted September 25, 2013 Hello again Master Lee,I am having a big doubt again with my charts for the facing direction of this apartment. I hope you could help me with it.1.My apartment is situated on 2nd floor of a 3 storey building(rectangular building) with several apartments. The location of theapartment is on the back side of the building and left corner. Thefacing of the whole building is NW, thats why I used this for the housealso, as the building is a low density one.2. I had used thefront door which opens to a long corridor as facing. There is hardly anynatural light coming from that area as it is facing the corridor. Themost light comes form the windows on the SE side where the 2 bedrooms arelocated and I leave the doors open so that light comes into the hallwayinside the house. 3. There is a small grassy backyard of about 5meters running along the back of the building and then hedgesseparating the neighborhood homes (all landed property houses). There isalso a power line running on this backyard next to the hedges. I cansee all these from the windows in the bedrooms.3. The livingroom has less light in the mornings compared to the bedrooms, butnonetheless the windows and doors next to the balcony gives naturallight. The balcony also faces another balcony of the neighborhoodbuilding (similar structure), a distance of about 6 meters. 4.In light of this should I change the facing of the apartment ? It seemsvery confusing suddenly. I like to work mostly in the bedroom areas asthe light is warmer and better /or the kitchen. We seem to use theliving room very less. Thanks,Mir Quote On 9/16/2013 10:28:36 AM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. It iscommon in such an instance to draw-up afew Flying Star chart(s).2. Thus,frankly, you may have to draw-up TWO (2)or more charts. 3. If TWO charts;usually the 1st is based on either thedate the apartment was "born" OR had amajor (major renovation).The 2nd chart is usually either a majorrenovation after it was "born" or the"last recent" replacement of THINGS.4.Therefore, contrary to (some) popularbelief; an "argument" or soul searchingor getting advice from each and everysite/ geomancer their views of whichperiod should I use.5. Even responsiblegeomancers; would have to apply Para 3.above.6. Some have the privilege ofknowing the past history of the placeand able to see if which chart "seems"right.7. LOOK for TRENDS. Sometimes;even if we do plot several charts; therecould be coincidences that a specificsector(s) could be similarly "bad" orhave seem characteristics type of flyingstar numbers. If so, then quite safe toimplement cures or enhancements ...etc...On 9/16/2013 3:27:48 AM, Anonymouswrote: >Hello, > >I would likesome help for the >perioddetermination, for a >new apartmentmy family just moved into somemonths ago. The building is inthe >period 5, but just before wemoved, the whole apartment wasre-painted, >the kitchen tileswere >replaced and all windows (inthe building >including ourapartment and >one door to thebalcony) were >replaced, so >doesthe house period get >changed ? >The very important NW part ofthe house is also missing, and >Iwould >like to finish my Flying staranalysis, it would be >completelydifferent >readings with the houseperiods, so please help. >The house facing is NW1 >(295.2)taken at the main >door, we we are onthe 2nd >floor of the buildingcomplex. >The corridor is long andstraight, we are at the end,perpendicular to >it and oppositethe main door >is the main door ofthe >neighboring >apartment. >>Thanks,Mir > Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 25, 2013 Staff Share Posted September 25, 2013 These are some considerations:-1. One must understand the key purpose of determining the "frontage".2. The reason why determining the frontage is for the purpose of applying Flying Star Feng Shui.3. Thus, as you had mentioned; under what you wrote = Para 4. You mentioned that you work mostly in the bedroom. 4. There is no right or wrong in determining the frontage under Flying Star. But if you spent considerable time at the bedroom. And if the bedroom has especially an external opening; you can consider that as the frontage for? the purpose of applying Flying Star Feng Shui.5. The determining of the frontage need not be based on text-book or if someone else say so, type of situation. You are there; on the field; you have a better idea of it. Quote On 9/25/2013 11:39:39 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hello again Master Lee,I amhaving a big doubt again withmy charts for the facingdirection of this apartment. Ihope you could help me withit.1.My apartment is situated on2nd floor of a 3 storeybuilding(rectangular building) withseveral apartments. Thelocation of theapartment is on the back sideof the building and leftcorner. Thefacing of the whole buildingis NW, thats why I used thisfor the housealso, as the building is a lowdensity one.2. I had used thefront door which opens to along corridor as facing. Thereis hardly anynatural light comingfrom that area as it is facingthe corridor. Themost light comes form thewindows on the SE side wherethe 2 bedrooms arelocated and I leave the doorsopen so that light comes intothe hallwayinside the house. 3. There isa small grassy backyard ofabout 5meters running along the backof the building and thenhedgesseparating the neighborhoodhomes (all landed propertyhouses). There isalso a power line running onthis backyard next to thehedges. I cansee all these from the windowsin the bedrooms.3. The livingroom has less light in themornings compared to thebedrooms, butnonetheless the windows anddoors next to the balconygives naturallight. The balcony also facesanother balcony of theneighborhoodbuilding (similar structure),a distance of about 6 meters.4.In light of this should Ichange the facing of theapartment ? It seemsvery confusing suddenly. Ilike to work mostly in thebedroom areas asthe light is warmer and better/or the kitchen. We seem touse theliving room very less. Thanks,MirOn9/16/2013 10:28:36 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:These are some considerations:1. Itiscommon in such an instance todraw-up afew Flying Star chart(s).2. Thus,frankly, you may have to draw-up TWO(2)or more charts. 3. If TWO charts;usually the 1st is based on eitherthedate the apartment was "born" OR hadamajor (majorrenovation).The 2nd chart is usually either amajorrenovation after it was "born" orthe"last recent" replacement ofTHINGS.4.Therefore, contrary to (some)popularbelief; an "argument" or soulsearchingor getting advice from each andeverysite/ geomancer their views of whichperiod should I use.5. Evenresponsiblegeomancers; would have to apply Para3.above.6. Some have the privilege ofknowing the past history of theplaceand able to see if which chart"seems"right.7. LOOK for TRENDS. Sometimes;even if we do plot several charts;therecould be coincidences that aspecificsector(s) could be similarly "bad"orhave seem characteristics type offlyingstar numbers. If so, then quite safetoimplement cures or enhancements ...etc...On 9/16/2013 3:27:48 AM,Anonymouswrote:Hello,I wouldlikesome help for theperioddetermination, for anewapartmentmy family just moved into somemonths ago. The building is intheperiod 5, but justbefore wemoved, the whole apartment wasre-painted,the kitchentileswerereplaced and all windows(inthe buildingincluding ourapartment andone door to thebalcony) werereplaced, sodoesthe house period getchanged ?The very important NW part ofthe house is also missing, andIwouldlike to finish my Flyingstaranalysis, it would becompletelydifferentreadings with thehouseperiods, so please help.The house facing is NW1(295.2)taken at the maindoor, we weare onthe 2ndfloor of the buildingcomplex.The corridor is longandstraight, we are at the end,perpendicular toit andoppositethe main dooris the main dooroftheneighboringapartment.Thanks,Mir Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_151337 Posted September 25, 2013 Share Posted September 25, 2013 Dear Master Lee,Thanks for your practical words. Can you please clarify me on this point you wrote;4. There is no right or wrong in determiningthe frontage under Flying Star. But if you spent considerable time atthe bedroom. And if the bedroom has especially an external opening; youcan consider that as the frontage for? the purpose of applying FlyingStar Feng Shui.When you say opening, does it mean like a door ? Or the windows can suffice ? There are only windows in both bedrooms. The only doors that open to the exterior are the main entry and the door to the balcony. And yes, I am trying to learn and follow Flying Stars Feng Shui before I do any decoration changes or cures perhaps. Having moved so many houses in the past decade, I hardly feel settled anywhere.Regards,Mir Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 25, 2013 Staff Share Posted September 25, 2013 If one wants to apply Flying Star; and looking at a frontage; usually, it is best to add higher weightage to EXTERNAL openings, first. (And doors as secondary to the external opening. However, if external openings are always slam-shut; then this is a different cup of tea Quote On 9/25/2013 10:06:25 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee,Thanks for yourpractical words. Can you please clarifyme on this point you wrote;4. There isno right or wrong in determiningthe frontage under Flying Star. But ifyou spent considerable time atthe bedroom. And if the bedroom hasespecially an external opening; youcan consider that as the frontage for?the purpose of applying FlyingStar Feng Shui.When you say opening,does it mean like a door ? Or thewindows can suffice ? There are onlywindows in both bedrooms. The only doorsthat open to the exterior are the mainentry and the door to the balcony. Andyes, I am trying to learn and followFlying Stars Feng Shui before I do anydecoration changes or cures perhaps.Having moved so many houses in the pastdecade, I hardly feel settledanywhere.Regards,Mir Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 24, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 24, 2024 " This Approach is based on Common Sense. " - Master Cecil Lee, ++++++++++++++ CLICK HERE: ++++++++++++++ Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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