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Hi All, Recently I have purchase a resale flat in TampinesSmile and have engage a fengshui "master' to view my flat. I was asked to go to his office to pay up before even visiting my home. Feeling puzzled i went up to his office in *EDITED: REMOVED LOCATION*. Instead of making an appointment of when to see the flat, he said he will be there at 7 30pm doing another appointment so will sun pian go over to my place to see mine without specificxally indicating what time the appointment is. So i have decided to arrive at 8.15 pm but when i arrived, he had left. When I call him, he said he had left and will not be back and having the layout will be enuff. I was quite pissed with his attitude and if i had not paid up, i will reject his services. He then called back and said he would return. Upon returning he started viewing the flat with a face and he didn't go into details like the over beams and stove positioning and whatever. After this i started surfing this interesting web and found some useful tips and suchRazzRazz A few days later i receive my chart and layout plan, it was like i can even do it myself, examples placing my bed and sofa underneath beams,bazi advicing which colour not to wear and suchand he is charging 688 for it? SadCrying or Very sadAnd my flying star chart is in period 8? when i have no major renovations done ?

It this a quack or a real "master"?

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  • 1 year later...

Hope I can provide some advice here.

So called FS masters who arrange to visit your house during evening time are those who only go about earning a living. No substance at all.

FS isabout considering the external environment (part of the process). How could he ahve viewed the external environment in the dark? Without considering this important factor, do not engage his services. Not only you are losing money, you will also be fooled and misled by such people.

Do take my advice seriously. Well... if you have already made your payment and cannot be refunded, listen to what he has to say and ask intelligent questions. One more thing to take note FS masters who do not consider family member's date&time of birth when doing consultation are only amateurs. Do not believe in them as they can't be of much help to you.


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  • 1 year later...


Many practitioners todaylearndestiny and fengshui analyses in order to cash in and get wealthyvia this ancient Chinese mystical field,not primarily to help others.This is diametically opposite to the ideals of the bazi and fengshuipatriarchs of yore,such as Yang Jiuping,Guo Pu,Li Xuzhong,Xu Ziping,Jiang Dahong and Shen Zhureng.Global fengshui factorshave shifted in suchmanner that today,personal and social moralities have to inexorablygive way to materialism and hedonism in one's personal life.To achieve theseends,one needs toseek ways and means to make as muchmoney as possible,and quickly too,including resorting to ancientesoteric knowledge and practices,even if deep down,onea is not absolutely certain ifone hasprofoundly understood them, and ifthey do indeedwork.



Like most ordinarymortals now, most modern practitioners of fate and fengshui analyses are themselves obsessedwith money,they being neither saints nor sages,asmost of the Chinesepatriarchs were.For example,many of the Taiwanese practitioners keep mistresses,their upkeep coming from the moneyhonestly or dishonestly earned by the practitioners in these metaphysical fields.I believe this would be morally wrong in the eyes of,for one,Yang Jiuping.



But there is karma too.Practitioners motivated by greed will create their own karma(affecting themselvesAND their descendants),and those who employ the knowledge and expertise passed down from the sagelypartriarchs to geniunely help fellow human beings in this earthly bardo will create a different karma for themselves and their descendants.Motivation iskey here,as our thoughts toohave karmic consequences.



Real fengshui was passed down to help mitigate themental and physical sufferings of sentient beings on this earthly plane,not to enable one to become obscenely rich through it.Human greed,whether in the presentUS sub-prime mortgage mess or in mystical fields,ultimately destroys.But unlike the former,none can bail you out if you have committed grave karmic transgressions








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