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Have you ever wondered why often one is so impressed with a magician's illusion?
In fact, many Geomancers will often resort to `chance' to get fame for themselves.
The `trick' here is based on a few simple statistics:
1. Most common human problems.
2. the 50-50 chance!
The idea here is to go for situations that may occur within that year. The most safest bet are:
2.1 War in such and such a country
2.2 Earthquake
2.3 A certain virus.
If we look at it carefully, there is a high probability that any of the first three situations can occur! Since there are 24 hours x 7 days x 364-5 days a year.
In Singapore, it is said that the best brains run the country. Even politicians like our Senior Minister or Prime Minister does not give such predictions. For example, it would seem unprofessional for the Prime Minister to predict that a dreaded virus will come to Singapore.
The interesting thing is that, often, to play safe, a Geomancer, will try to give several predictions. And often, those that did not occur, suddenly disappears. But if there is a 50-50 chance that it does occur, Wow, we will be reading the prediction.
Often, also, if we notice carefully, the predictions are hazy or general. But if an event took place e.g. a War in Iraq, wow, the Geomancer is accurate!
In fact, the Chinese system has the I-Ching. There are various methods of using it to ask questions. And even these questions have to be properly worded. Anyone, be it a geomancer or a lay person can ask such a question, also.
Tne morale of the story is that no human being can act like a God or be a messenger of a god.
Usually, all these have a hidden agenda -- to boost up their Fame and Image. One way of looking at it is that Geomancers that offer predictions are more like magicians.. that provide an illusion. An illusion to boost up their fame. Which translates to more `sales'.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Edward Li Juming of Hongkong said the Hang Seng Index in 2008 will hit higher and higher points.He also said this year will see dreadful epidermics like Sars.He did notmention a word about the China blizzards at the beginning of 2008,or the Sichuan earthquake.He alsoproclaimed,like a demigod,that the love affair between Tony Leung and Carina Lau was not true,and that they would never marry.He also failed to predict the US financial crisis..........

All these were not insignificant events of 2008.Yet as a professional geomancer,and touted as an accurate auger,he did not manage to see these happening.

Many other practitioners don't even dare to predict anything because they know in their hearts of hearts that they do not know what the future holds.Those who doforecast are always necessarilyvague in order to protect their rice bowls.Their astrological forecasts(of animal signs)in the newspapers are even more useless,they being mere tools to raise their profiles and project false images that they are true masters.

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