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Hi Cecil,
Have gone through some floor plans, some questions to ask:
Is it consider a leak if:
The center point of the house is near or almost at the wall of the toilet?
And the center portion of the plan is, more than one third but less than half, filled up by the toilet?
Which of the 2 plans is better if:
Plan A have
Two bedrooms are located partially, not whole, at the good area and 1 of the bedroom located wholly at bad area.
Plan B have
One bedroom is located wholly at bad area, one at good and one at partially good.
Do the above mentioned plan sound good? or not good? Need your advise.
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Dear Peck Wun,
Please see below:-

On 10/25/2003 10:39:39 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Have gone through some floor
plans, some questions to ask:
Is it consider a leak if:
The center point of the house
is near or almost at the wall
of the toilet?
And the center portion of the
plan is, more than one third
but less than half, filled up
by the toilet?

It depends.
Feng Shui is all about trying to squeeze as much luck as possible for a home. On some areas, this is highly impossible. But overall, it is about trying to squeeze as much luck of the home as possible.
Let me illustrate:-
Based on what I have experienced:
Take for example: the Rivervale Crest condominium.
This condo, TOP last year. And when I first discussed the layout plan with a few clients who had purchased it, one or two years prior to their taking the keys; they have a toilet at the centrepoint of their home.
Nevertheless, fortunately, the condo unit they are staying is more of rectangular shaped design.
I feel that proper analysis e.g. Flying Star vs Eight House vs Shapes and Forms can squeeze out or neutralise this issue.
The only issue that one has to bear with is (in the past forum message - drawback of too much moisture coming into the rooms from the "stagnant" pool of water. Here humans must fit into the home; not the other way around.
The other situation:-
1. Toilet at the centrepoint or near centrepoint plus the apartment is an odd shape. For example, the layout plan from top down looks much like a "triangle".
2. Here, the key failure is not so much of the toilet at the centrepoint (considered as ONE leak) but a systemic failure on the part of the entire shapes and forms.
3. The major systemic failure in this "triangle" shaped hope is it's triangle shape.
4. Like a pack of cards; this triangle shape is already inauspicious. Coupled by a leak (don't care whether it is close to, at the centrepoint) will bring down the total luck of the home.
5. Therefore, what I mentioned here is that in order for a failure to occur, there are often 2 or more leaks.

Which of the 2 plans is better
Plan A have
Two bedrooms are located
partially, not whole, at the
good area and 1 of the bedroom
located wholly at bad area.
Plan B have
One bedroom is located wholly
at bad area, one at good and
one at partially good.
Do the above mentioned plan
sound good? or not good? Need
your advise.

Again it depends.
For example if the bad sector is "really very very bad" e.g. #5 (misfortune) with #2 (sickness) and #4 or #3 (bad wood); then, it is better to wish for only one sector "facing" this problem.
But if there are sectors where although there are bad #5 but because there are also #6 etc... then, the Flying Star chart neutralises this sector or makes it mild or weak.
Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule about it.
Thus from the Flying star point of view, lets hope for mild bad stars stradding both sectors. Of course, we hope that there are good stars that straddle both sectors.
In conclusion, there is no single right or wrong answer to your question. In fact, another major consideration not mentioned is the Shapes and Forms of the room.
For example, for newly married couples, it is always preferable that their bedroom is not odd shaped. And, in addition, try to avoid pointed corners in the form of a cabinet aimed at the bed.
Warmest Regards,
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