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1. Many would often read that I mentioned about "Quantum Leap ".
2. It is not exactly the physics where one can say e.g. go warp speed into cyberspace...
3. In my personal observation, I would have to use terms like `the likelyhood' of success in the increase of LUCK.
4. In the fields of Chinese astrology, Feng Shui and destiny:-
From my personal experience, one may get a Quantum Leap in LUCK in any one of the following or a combination of them:-
4.1 Through the many years of having `read' the Pillars of Destiny of many people, both rich, middle class and the poor (here it is more on the basis of Wealth; Health and Luck);
4.2 I frequently notice (not sure if there is too much a coincidence; those who are extremely `LUCKY' usually have very good e.g. auspicious LUCK Pillars throughout their life. These people even have excellent LUCK pillars close to 70 years old.
4.3 The above are considered with Excellent Pillars of Destiny. Of course, like the Feng Shui of the house forms a small group of LUCKY minorities.
5. The above group of people, will usually enjoy good wealth or blessed with it through such good heaven luck.
6. For them (this group of people), even if their house has average FS; my belief is that, they still can be blessed with good LUCK.
In fact, contrary to what I have found; this group of people, are I consider the LUCKIEST people as they and in many instances, have houses that are considered to have GOOD to EXCELLENT Feng Shui.
7. EXCELLENT Feng Shui houses.
Here, even if one does not have good Pillars of Destiny (Heaven LUCK), such EXCELLENT houses with excellent Feng Shui can give a Quantum Leap in LUCK to people with AVERAGE to GOOD LUCK PILLARS (Pillars of Destiny).
8. Many of us do not fall into the above category.
9. This is why, I mentioned the concept: that for the average person, with average homes, no matter what you try to do or sad to say:
10. For those who try to squeeze every drop of LUCK out of their house may become a broken person.
11. Spending more money on objects here is like achieving poor marginal utility or like spending $10 to get income of $10.01 cents. Is this worth it?
12. This is why, many who encountered Feng Shui of the `THIRD KIND' i.e.one spends so much but get little in return of Feng Shui.
13. Thus, this is how, some of us can get disappointed with Feng Shui.
14. For those who want to employ a FS practitioner to analyse your home, usually, many of us most likely belong to the average LUCK group and this is what I call: you may not get a Quantum Leap in FS. Or riches does not fall out of the sky.. if a home may be Feng Shuied even by the best of FS practitioners.
So is it really worth the while to employ a FS practitioner? You may have to look at this closely... if u are intending to employ one.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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