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I purchased "The Western Guide to Feng Shui,
Room by Room" by Terah Kathryn Collins back
in August. Since that time, my finances have
gone all out of whack! I made changes that
were to benefit my financial well being, but
instead, by the end of each month, I have
maybe $5 left in my bank account. A lot of
the money has gone towards car repairs...it's
been in the shop three times in the last
month, and the repairs have reached the
$1,000 mark.
Also, just purchasing the supplies to make
the changes...crystals, fountains, linens,
paint, etc. have taken it's toll on my
wallet. A friend suggested that it takes time
for the energy to change for the better,
however I would expect status quo, not a
total reversal of fortune!
What did I do wrong?
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Dear Rick,
1. Overall, what we are trying to achieve is to increase our LUCK.
2. Feng Shui is about trying to increase our Earth Luck.
3. Feng Shui of the interior is just one aspect or a percentage of the total Earth Luck.
4. Thus, for example, the site and building or home may in certain cases account for say 30 to even 50 percent of the total Earth Luck.
5. In my opinion, the common fallacy of paying homage to a corner e.g. dressing up a corner is but say e.g. 1/8 of the total 8 or 9 sectors that is usually analysed.
In more detailed analysis this can go further to 24 sectors etc...
6. Thus, it is like taking an exam.
6.1 If you are asked to answer 4 questions (which is 25 marks x 4 = 100%); if one failed to answer the last question, one may even fail the exam.
7. Another parallel is that we may not even answer the question!
7.1 For example, if the question asks:
What is the advantages and disadvantages of Feng Shui cures?
And some of us when reading the question focus soley on Feng Shui CURES..
Thus may give an answer such as... The TYPES of Feng Shui cures are ; Wind chimes, crystals, water fountain etc...
Here, one can easily get out of point.
If we look at the question carefully, it asked about the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of Feng Shui cures.
NOT, what TYPES of Feng Shui cures there are.
8. Drawing a parallel, placing wind chimes, fountains without relation to proper FS analysis is I feel similar to this.
9. Another aspect is the parallel drawn with Anti-biotics. Nowadays, we hear that some anti-biotics can no longer work because they had been administered too much and has lost its effectiveness.
The same parallel can be drawn with FS. Placing wind chimes all over the place can become an overkill.
10. Thus my advise is... proper FS, when applied do not mean spending money on objects in the hope of creating wealth. Nor paying homage to corners or sectors can expect to yield results.
11. Too much of such things may create an imbalance.
12. My personal advise is to go back to ZERO base Feng Shui where one should not use all these objects and restore your home to the original condition. Or consult proper advise.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/3/01 3:04:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I purchased "The Western Guide
to Feng Shui,
Room by Room" by Terah Kathryn
Collins back
in August. Since that time, my
finances have
gone all out of whack! I made
changes that
were to benefit my financial
well being, but
instead, by the end of each
month, I have
maybe $5 left in my bank
account. A lot of
the money has gone towards car
been in the shop three times
in the last
month, and the repairs have
reached the
$1,000 mark.
Also, just purchasing the
supplies to make
the changes...crystals,
fountains, linens,
paint, etc. have taken it's
toll on my
wallet. A friend suggested
that it takes time
for the energy to change for
the better,
however I would expect status
quo, not a
total reversal of fortune!
What did I do wrong?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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