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Hello Mr. Lee,
Thanks a lot for your interpretation.
Appreciate it.
Candy J
-----Original Message-----
From: free-advice Listmanager
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 8:36 AM
Subject: Dreamt of riding on a grey elephant on the road heading no
From: Cecil Lee

In my opinion, it has nothing to do with Feng Shui. But falls under
Elephants are revered in several cultures especially in
India and Thailand.
In Thailand, white elephants (if found and
authenticated); the owners were richly rewarded and will come under the
Royal patronage. There were some cases where grey elephants were found,
later to be "white".
Anyway, elephants are revered for their
strength and intelligence. And also are social animals.
Thus, it
is a good omen for your brother given also that elephants (in general) =
longevity, strong and smart. A good hallmark for his coming newborn

On 10/14/2013 7:52:13 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Mr. Lee, > > > >Good morning. > > >
My brother told me that he >dreamt of riding on a grey
elephant on the >road heading nowhere...not >long after his
dream, his wife >is pregnant... >and recently scanned that his
wife is carrying a baby >boy..his wife is >into 5 months
pregnancy. > > > >My brother asked me whether he >dreamt
of riding on a grey >elephant on >the road heading nowhere, is
it a good sign? > > > >Do you know this can be
connected to Feng Shui? Any >meaning on this >dream? > >
>Thanks. > > >Regards, > > > >Candy >
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