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I will be receiving my keys soon and I have no idea where to place my altar unit.

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Hi Master,
I will be receiving my keys soon and I have no idea where to place my altar unit.
I have provided my layout in the attachment. The current suggested position is labelled, facing the SE position.There's a temple behind my estate withthe front doors facing the same direction, SE.

Please advise is this suitable.
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These are some consideration:
1. In GENERAL (without considering other factors): markings in purple: B, C, D & E are generally considered for the location of an Altar.
2. Although marking "A" facing the main door (not the best) but often some do so; however, it is always not ideal to have the partition "JUT" into the corridor area. For example the GREEN arrow shows that in your proposed position; it is like a sha qi or poison arrow aimed towards the passage-way and towards the master bedroom door. (Not that auspicious).
2.1. I can understand, why you had done so; as there is simply limited or no space to move it away from the YELLOW zone.
3. I can also understand that usually the ELCB (electrical central mains box) is located at marking E. And it can also obstruct the passage into the kitchen. Plus the width may not be enough.
4. B and C MAY be considered. But if so, especially for C, it may again block the passage towards the kitchen and the dining table has to be moved towards the wall at the other side "A" side.
5. If one has family members that are frequently at home e.g. an elder parent or children; then B and C are not as ideal. Especially if one lights up incense daily or quite a lot of smoke is produced. As it is close to the passage-way; smoke from the daily incense would ofter filter into the bedrooms. And from some studies; in the long term may lead to lung cancer.
6. Placing it at B or D may mean that it may be crammed or difficulty placing a sofa. DO take note that it is inauspicious to place the altar at marking "X" or along "X"'s wall side.
7. In my opinion, the ideal position taking into consideration all the rest of the factors is location D. As it is also not affected by Morning or afternoon sun rays.

On 12/18/2013 6:08:50 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Master,I will be
receiving my keys soon and I
have no idea where to place my
altar unit.I have
provided my layout in the
attachment. The current
suggested position is
labelled, facing the SE
position.There's a
temple behind my estate
withthe front doors
facing the same direction,
SE.Please advise is this

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. IDEALLY, an altar should not "face-into" the "living quarters".
2. The altar can, like what you mentioned earlier; face towards the main door.
3. Why? "IT" should not be looking into "human activities" be it bathing or doing some sort of "business" on the bed/ under the bed etc.. etc....
4. This is the "RED Eye" effect. Else, if one places e.g. the Goddess of Mercy; you may have to get her a Rayban sunglass to cover that "red" eye.
5. Just visualisemy earlier purple markings "B" and "C". B and C are like guard posts outside a Minister's landed property home.
5.1. These guard posts don't ever face-into the home. They face OUTWARDS.
5.2. It is just like when you pass the guard-room into your passage-way; the guard(s) will stand at attention!
Got it? Get it?

On 12/19/2013 2:06:08 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Master,Thank you very much
for the valuable
information.How will it be if
I shift the altar facing the
master bedroom? Will it be

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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An altar should not face inwards towards the "living quarters" (be it a toilet or bedroom(s) or even having a "view" of the kitchen.
In the attachment; locations marked in red "X" are a No, no.

On 12/19/2013 2:29:35 PM, Anonymous wrote:
1. IDEALLY, an altar should not
"face-into" the "living quarters".2. The
altar can, like what you mentioned
earlier; face towards the main
door.3. Why? "IT" should not be
looking into "human activities" be it
bathing or doing some sort of "business"
on the bed/ under the bed etc..
etc....4. This is the "RED Eye"
effect. Else, if one places e.g. the
Goddess of Mercy; you may have to get
her a Rayban sunglass to cover that
"red" eye.5. Just
earlier purple markings "B" and "C". B
and C are like guard posts outside a
Minister's landed property home.5.1.
These guard posts don't ever face-into
the home. They face OUTWARDS.5.2.
It is just like when you pass the
guard-room into your passage-way; the
guard(s) will stand at attention!Got it?
Get it?On 12/19/2013 2:06:08 PM, Yong
Wei Lim wrote:
Hi Master,Thank you very much
for the valuable
information.How will it be if
I shift the altar facing the
master bedroom? Will it be

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Also not ideal to place an altar as shown in the attached sketch.

On 12/19/2013 2:59:25 PM, Anonymous wrote:
An altar should not face inwards towards
the "living quarters" (be it a toilet or
bedroom(s) or even having a "view" of
the kitchen.In the attachment; locations
marked in red "X" are a No, no.On
12/19/2013 2:29:35 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
1. IDEALLY, an altar should not
"face-into" the "living quarters".2.
altar can, like what you mentioned
earlier; face towards the main
door.3. Why? "IT" should not
looking into "human activities" be
bathing or doing some sort of
on the bed/ under the bed etc..
etc....4. This is the "RED
effect. Else, if one places e.g. the
Goddess of Mercy; you may have to
her a Rayban sunglass to cover that
"red" eye.5. Just
earlier purple markings "B" and "C".
and C are like guard posts outside a
Minister's landed property home.5.1.
These guard posts don't ever
the home. They face
It is just like when you pass the
guard-room into your passage-way;
guard(s) will stand at attention!Got
Get it?On 12/19/2013 2:06:08 PM,
Wei Lim wrote:
Hi Master,Thank you very much
for the valuable
information.How will it be if
I shift the altar facing the
master bedroom? Will it be

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Please see attachment;
2. For this layout; the best or preferred location of the Altar is at marking "A".
3. If the Altar is at location "B"; then the bed-head in Bedroom 3 must not share the same wall as the Altar.
3.1Furthermore, under location "B"; if joss stickers are lighted up daily; then the joss-smoke would often flow into all three bedrooms. Not ideal if some family members are often at home. As inhaling such smoke in the long term may not be health.
3.2 In some other units; the altar may be located at marking "D". But since every six months; the rays of the afternoon sun may shine towards location "D". Thus considered "disrespectful" to have the altar, here.
3.3 Location "G" is considered as a "last resort". If possible, still place the altar for this home at marking "A".
4. While location "F" is a no-no for an altar. As it will be sharing the same wall as the toilet. Thus considered inauspicious.
== Extract of e-mail conversation with client. To show the important of an altar @ home. Here, the emphasis is that one should work your renovation plans around an altar. But not work the altar to the renovation plans. ==
Thanks Cecil for your advice.
Just to check, other than the best position next to the main entrance to locate the altar, are you able to advise where are other OK locations to locate the altar?
Thank you for your help!
Best Regards
Thanks Cecil for your advice.
We will have the altar remain at the same place (per your diagram) and work the layout (most likely build some shelvings) around the altar.
Thanks once again for your help!!
Best Regards
Dear W.T. & Y. H. (for privacy issues, using only initials for the names)
1. Please see attachment.
2. No offence. But you SHOULD work your layout AROUND your altar. And
not "conveniently" place the altar to match your interior layout plan.
3. As mentioned, in my earlier e-mail; the interior you can play aroundno issue. But NOT the altar.
4. If you are going to "play" around with your altar; my suggestion is;Don't have it (an altar).

On 1/4/2015 9:44:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Also not ideal to place an altar as
shown in the attached sketch.On
12/19/2013 2:59:25 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
An altar should not face inwards
the "living quarters" (be it a
toilet or
bedroom(s) or even having a "view"
the kitchen.In the attachment;
marked in red "X" are a No, no.On
12/19/2013 2:29:35 PM, Cecil Lee
1. IDEALLY, an altar should not
"face-into" the "living
altar can, like what you
earlier; face towards the main
door.3. Why? "IT" should
looking into "human activities"
bathing or doing some sort of
on the bed/ under the bed etc..
etc....4. This is the "RED
effect. Else, if one places e.g.
Goddess of Mercy; you may have
her a Rayban sunglass to cover
"red" eye.5. Just
earlier purple markings "B" and
and C are like guard posts
outside a
Minister's landed property
These guard posts don't ever
the home. They face
It is just like when you pass
guard-room into your
guard(s) will stand at
Get it?On 12/19/2013 2:06:08 PM,
Wei Lim wrote:
Hi Master,Thank you very
for the valuable
information.How will it be
I shift the altar facing the
master bedroom? Will it be



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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