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I am trying to buy a new house and tried your house number report. The free house number report was "81 Interpretation

    [7] & [5] - Depends on Star 5 and Base Star.
Please advise if i can get a more detailed report and how much does it cost?
I am currently overseas.

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  • Staff

These are some considerations:
1. This only applies to high-rise e.g. an apartment unit. Does not apply to landed-properties.
2. There is no paid report for this. As this report is not widely-used as say the common Flying Star Feng Shui (direction) report.
3. Overall, in general; If this is an apartment: from now to 2023; #7 is "theft or robbery (of wealth) which simply means = missed opportunities" while #5 = misfortune/sickness.
4. Thus overall; the frontage of this apartment (if it is an apartment) is considered generally as "missed opportunities and sickness"
Hope that helps

On 1/16/2014 7:40:13 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi,I am trying to buy a new
house and tried your house
number report. The free house
number report was "81
Interpretation[7] & [5] -
Depends on Star 5 and Base
Star.Please advise if i can
get a more detailed report and
how much does it cost?I am
currently overseas.Regards,HZ

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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