myfs_159322 Posted July 10, 2014 Share Posted July 10, 2014 I am looking at this house, see attachment, the house with the red X. To the right of the house is a corner lot house and it is slightly turned. Do you think that the corner of that house is creating a poison arrow to the house with the X?Also, do you think the curve of the road is also causing a poison arrow to the house with the X since the house is on the outside of the curve.Thanks!! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 15, 2014 Staff Share Posted July 15, 2014 These are some considerations:1. The house with the X does not seem to be threatened by the road.2. Furthermore, the house is pretty "deep" in and the land size is so generous - with a long drive-way in to the home. Quote On 7/10/2014 6:54:15 AM, Anonymous wrote:I am looking at thishouse, see attachment, thehouse with the red X. To theright of the house is a cornerlot house and it is slightlyturned. Do you think that thecorner of that house iscreating a poison arrow to thehouse with the X?Also, do youthink the curve of the road isalso causing a poison arrowto the house with the Xsince the house is on theoutside of the curve.Thanks!! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159322 Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 So it is good to have a long drive-way in to the house?Also, since the lot isn't a square shaped lot, the backyard is wide+/*-r than the front, can trees be planted in the backyard and the sides of the house to make it into a square shaped lot? Will that make the lot more auspicious or is there no hope for this lot? Quote On 7/15/2014 8:06:41 AM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. Thehouse with the X does not seem to bethreatened by the road.2. Furthermore,the house is pretty "deep" in and theland size is so generous - with a longdrive-way in to the home.On 7/10/20146:54:15 AM, Anonymous wrote:I am looking at thishouse, see attachment, thehouse with the red X. To theright of the house is a cornerlot house and it is slightlyturned. Do you think that thecorner of that house iscreating a poison arrow to thehouse with the X?Also, do youthink the curve of the road isalso causing a poison arrowto the house with the Xsince the house is on theoutside of the curve.Thanks!! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2014 Staff Share Posted July 18, 2014 If Feng Shui principles are to be applied; the two main schools have to be used or taken into consideration:1. Shapes and Forms.1.1. As you had mentioned, a long drive-way may be OK. As one of the key elements under this principle is : Protection, protection and protection! Thus, it is nice to avoid the main door or any openings that are "threatened" by e.g. a run-away vehicle.1.2. However, if the home is "deep inside" but there is a lamp post slicing into the main door or a neighbour's pointed roof line aimed towards an opening like the french doors of the patio etc... Thus even if the home is deep in, but has this issues then it is not ideal.1.3. Shapes and Forms is about trying to have a rectangular plot of land. Or making the land as "rectangular" as possible or the outline of the home as rectangular as possible.2. Flying Star Feng Shui2.1. A home need not be deep in to enjoy good Feng Shui. For example, so long as the house is not at a T-junction or a runaway vehicle runs a straight-line and breeches the compound of a home is good enough.2.2. Under Flying Star Feng Shui: the frontage is important. And since Flying Star is based on a total of 15 directions x Year of birth; these two should be considered in planning the interior of the home. Quote On 7/17/2014 5:49:22 AM, Anonymous wrote:So it is good to have a long drive-wayin to the house?Also, since the lotisn't a square shaped lot, the backyardis wide+/*-r than the front, can treesbe planted in the backyard and the sidesof the house to make it into a squareshaped lot? Will that make the lot moreauspicious or is there no hope for thislot?On 7/15/2014 8:06:41 AM, Cecil Leewrote:These are some considerations:1. Thehouse with the X does not seem to bethreatened by the road.2.Furthermore,the house is pretty "deep" in andtheland size is so generous - with alongdrive-way in to the home.On7/10/20146:54:15 AM, Anonymous wrote:I am looking at thishouse, see attachment, thehouse with the red X. To theright of the house is a cornerlot house and it is slightlyturned. Do you think that thecorner of that house iscreating a poison arrow to thehouse with the X?Also, do youthink the curve of the road isalso causing a poison arrowto the house with the Xsince the house is on theoutside of the curve.Thanks!! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159322 Posted July 21, 2014 Share Posted July 21, 2014 Flying Star changes every year or every month, so, it very difficult to have your house layout correctly to have good feng shui? The more I read into it, it seems like it is very difficult to have a house that is auspicious for everyone. If it is good for the husband, it might be bad for the wife, or other people living in the house. So it makes it soo confusing. Some people said that the date you were born effect your destiny or fate, so if you live in a house that is auspicious or inauspicious, that is because you were destined to live in that house with good feng shui or bad feng shui. WHat are your thoughts on that? Quote On 7/18/2014 7:33:27 AM, Anonymous wrote:If Feng Shui principles are to beapplied; the two main schools have to beused or taken into consideration:1.Shapes and Forms.1.1. As you hadmentioned, a long drive-way may be OK.As one of the key elements under thisprinciple is : Protection, protectionand protection! Thus, it is nice toavoid the main door or any openings thatare "threatened" by e.g. a run-awayvehicle.1.2. However, if the home is"deep inside" but there is a lamp postslicing into the main door or aneighbour's pointed roof line aimedtowards an opening like the french doorsof the patio etc... Thus even if thehome is deep in, but has this issuesthen it is not ideal.1.3. Shapes andForms is about trying to have arectangular plot of land. Or making theland as "rectangular" as possible or theoutline of the home as rectangular aspossible.2. Flying Star Feng Shui2.1. Ahome need not be deep in to enjoy goodFeng Shui. For example, so long as thehouse is not at a T-junction or arunaway vehicle runs a straight-line andbreeches the compound of a home is goodenough.2.2. Under Flying Star Feng Shui:the frontage is important. And sinceFlying Star is based on a total of 15directions x Year of birth; these twoshould be considered in planning theinterior of the home.On 7/17/20145:49:22 AM, Rose Taylor wrote:So it is good to have a longdrive-wayin to the house?Also, since the lotisn't a square shaped lot, thebackyardis wide+/*-r than the front, cantreesbe planted in the backyard and thesidesof the house to make it into asquareshaped lot? Will that make the lotmoreauspicious or is there no hope forthislot?On 7/15/2014 8:06:41 AM, CecilLeewrote:These are some considerations:1.Thehouse with the X does not seemto bethreatened by the road.2.Furthermore,the house is pretty "deep" inandtheland size is so generous - withalongdrive-way in to the home.On7/10/20146:54:15 AM, Anonymous wrote:I am looking at thishouse, see attachment, thehouse with the red X. To theright of the house is acornerlot house and it is slightlyturned. Do you think thatthecorner of that house iscreating a poison arrow tothehouse with the X?Also, doyouthink the curve of the roadisalso causing a poison arrowto the house with theXsince the house is on theoutside of thecurve.Thanks!! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 21, 2014 Staff Share Posted July 21, 2014 These are some considerations:-1. Do a search for "Holy Trinity of Luck". And you will find that there are three kinds of luck. Thus the home is but 1/3 of the total luck.2. Under this link, there are so many principles and concepts involved:A Practical Approach to Feng Shui, Today And Flying Star is but only one concept.How many people, eat and sleep on Flying Star alone? And perhaps the obsession with Year, month day Flying Star?Don't one have other better things to do?3. Practical approach to applying Feng Shui:- TWELVE (12) Key Success Factors in D.I.Y. Feng ShuiAnd one idea is Your Home: An unpolished gem or a rotten apple?3.1. For example, some homes are like an "unpolished gem" and takes little for it to shine. For such homes; because of it's above average Shapes and Forms; don't need to be so "into" Flying Stars. Quote On 7/21/2014 12:45:13 AM, Anonymous wrote:Flying Star changes every year or everymonth, so, it very difficult tohave your house layout correctly to havegood feng shui? The more I read into it,it seems like it is very difficult tohave a house that is auspicious foreveryone. If it is good for the husband,it might be bad for the wife, or otherpeople living in the house. So it makesit soo confusing. Some people said thatthe date you were born effect yourdestiny or fate, so if you live in ahouse that is auspicious orinauspicious, that is because you weredestined to live in that house with goodfeng shui or bad feng shui. WHat areyour thoughts on that?On 7/18/20147:33:27 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:If Feng Shui principles are to beapplied; the two main schools haveto beused or taken into consideration:1.Shapes and Forms.1.1. As you hadmentioned, a long drive-way may beOK.As one of the key elements underthisprinciple is : Protection,protectionand protection! Thus, it is nice toavoid the main door or any openingsthatare "threatened" by e.g. a run-awayvehicle.1.2. However, if the home is"deep inside" but there is a lamppostslicing into the main door or aneighbour's pointed roof line aimedtowards an opening like the frenchdoorsof the patio etc... Thus even if thehome is deep in, but has this issuesthen it is not ideal.1.3. Shapes andForms is about trying to have arectangular plot of land. Or makingtheland as "rectangular" as possible ortheoutline of the home as rectangularaspossible.2. Flying Star FengShui2.1. Ahome need not be deep in to enjoygoodFeng Shui. For example, so long asthehouse is not at a T-junction or arunaway vehicle runs a straight-lineandbreeches the compound of a home isgoodenough.2.2. Under Flying Star FengShui:the frontage is important. And sinceFlying Star is based on a total of15directions x Year of birth; thesetwoshould be considered in planning theinterior of the home.On 7/17/20145:49:22 AM, Rose Taylor wrote:So it is good to have a longdrive-wayin to the house?Also, since thelotisn't a square shaped lot, thebackyardis wide+/*-r than the front, cantreesbe planted in the backyard andthesidesof the house to make it into asquareshaped lot? Will that make thelotmoreauspicious or is there no hopeforthislot?On 7/15/2014 8:06:41 AM,CecilLeewrote:These are someconsiderations:1.Thehouse with the X does notseemto bethreatened by the road.2.Furthermore,the house is pretty "deep"inandtheland size is so generous -withalongdrive-way in to the home.On7/10/20146:54:15 AM, Anonymous wrote:I am looking atthishouse, see attachment,thehouse with the red X. Totheright of the house is acornerlot house and it isslightlyturned. Do you thinkthatthecorner of that house iscreating a poison arrowtothehouse with the X?Also,doyouthink the curve of theroadisalso causing a poisonarrowto the house withtheXsince the house is ontheoutside of thecurve.Thanks!! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 21, 2014 Staff Share Posted July 21, 2014 Feng Shui does not revolve only on Flying Stars.Shapes and Forms often is higher in the food chain.Resources on why one should not only "eat and sleep" on Flying Stars ... alone:-Pearl And Parent String - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.NetI have always mentioned this >guideline: "one cannot only eat and >sleep on Flying Star Feng Shui".2.1 >Thus, the adage is "While we All Those Die-hard Flying Star Fans.. CAUTION! - Feng Shui at ...Thus, don't just eat and sleep on Flying Star Feng Shui! 5. Just imagine; even if one has a perfect score under Flying Star Feng Shui i.e. - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.NetIf you are so into this Flying Star "stuff" then you could draw a Flying Star ... Even if one wants to "eat and sleep" with Flying Star should be Fountain - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.Net>Shui ALONE". This is one of >the most common mistakes or >key failure. > >7. We must not only EAT and >SLEEP on Flying Star Feng > Feng Shui - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.Net2. More importantly, go search for "Shapes and Forms". 3. In my opinion, if you only know, eat and sleep upon Flying Star Feng Shui; then it's The Numbers Are Interpreted, Pls? - Feng Shui at Forum ...Remember that flying star is only one concept. One must not just eat and sleep on flying star, and ignore other concepts like the shapes Sick Building At A Y Junction - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy.NetThere are some Feng Shui Practioners who only eat and sleep on the Flying Star. They can get the charts done `perfectly' but what is the use Advice Vs. Chinese Horoscope And Element A - Feng Shui ...>cannot just eat and sleep on >just Flying Star and ignore >everything else. >Hope that helps. >Warmest RegardsRobert > Can One Find Out If The Feng Shui Is Working - Feng Shui at ...Mostly likely Flying Star 2 and/or 5 is present e.g. in the bedroom or the ... Unfortunately, they only eat and sleep Flying Star until quite On Which House Sector - Feng Shui at Forum.Geomancy ...Therefore, we cannot only simply eat and sleep on Flying star Feng Shui alone. But it depends on the wider picture - external environment Quote On 7/21/2014 10:41:11 AM, Anonymous wrote:These are someconsiderations:-1. Do a searchfor "Holy Trinity of Luck".And you will find that thereare three kinds of luck. Thusthe home is but 1/3 of thetotal luck.2. Under this link,there are so many principlesand concepts involved:A Practical Approach to FengShui, Today And Flying Star isbut only one concept.How many people, eat and sleepon Flying Star alone? Andperhaps the obsession withYear, month day Flying Star?Don't one have other betterthings to do?3. Practical approach toapplying Feng Shui:- TWELVE(12) Key Success Factors inD.I.Y. Feng ShuiAnd one ideais Your Home: An unpolishedgem or a rotten apple?3.1. Forexample, some homes are likean "unpolished gem" and takeslittle for it to shine. Forsuch homes; because of it'sabove average Shapes andForms; don't need to be so"into" Flying Stars.On 7/21/2014 12:45:13 AM, Rose Taylorwrote:Flying Star changes every year oreverymonth, so, it very difficulttohave your house layout correctly tohavegood feng shui? The more I read intoit,it seems like it is very difficulttohave a house that is auspicious foreveryone. If it is good for thehusband,it might be bad for the wife, orotherpeople living in the house. So itmakesit soo confusing. Some people saidthatthe date you were born effect yourdestiny or fate, so if you live in ahouse that is auspicious orinauspicious, that is because youweredestined to live in that house withgoodfeng shui or bad feng shui. WHat areyour thoughts on that?On 7/18/20147:33:27 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:If Feng Shui principles are tobeapplied; the two main schoolshaveto beused or taken intoconsideration:1.Shapes and Forms.1.1. As you hadmentioned, a long drive-way maybeOK.As one of the key elements underthisprinciple is : Protection,protectionand protection! Thus, it is nicetoavoid the main door or anyopeningsthatare "threatened" by e.g. arun-awayvehicle.1.2. However, if thehome is"deep inside" but there is alamppostslicing into the main door or aneighbour's pointed roof lineaimedtowards an opening like thefrenchdoorsof the patio etc... Thus even ifthehome is deep in, but has thisissuesthen it is not ideal.1.3. ShapesandForms is about trying to have arectangular plot of land. Ormakingtheland as "rectangular" aspossible ortheoutline of the home asrectangularaspossible.2. Flying Star FengShui2.1. Ahome need not be deep in toenjoygoodFeng Shui. For example, so longasthehouse is not at a T-junction orarunaway vehicle runs astraight-lineandbreeches the compound of a homeisgoodenough.2.2. Under Flying StarFengShui:the frontage is important. AndsinceFlying Star is based on a totalof15directions x Year of birth;thesetwoshould be considered in planningtheinterior of the home.On7/17/20145:49:22 AM, Rose Taylor wrote:So it is good to have a longdrive-wayin to the house?Also, sincethelotisn't a square shaped lot,thebackyardis wide+/*-r than the front,cantreesbe planted in the backyardandthesidesof the house to make it intoasquareshaped lot? Will that makethelotmoreauspicious or is there nohopeforthislot?On 7/15/2014 8:06:41 AM,CecilLeewrote:These are someconsiderations:1.Thehouse with the X doesnotseemto bethreatened by theroad.2.Furthermore,the house is pretty"deep"inandtheland size is so generous-withalongdrive-way in to thehome.On7/10/20146:54:15 AM, Anonymouswrote:I am lookingatthishouse, seeattachment,thehouse with the redX. Totheright of the houseis acornerlot house and it isslightlyturned. Do you thinkthatthecorner of that houseiscreating a poisonarrowtothehouse with theX?Also,doyouthink the curve oftheroadisalso causing apoisonarrowto the housewiththeXsince the house isontheoutside of thecurve.Thanks!! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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