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Usually, one of the first considerations other than: location, location and location.
Is to understand what are the breadwinner's best directions:-
This is a sample ...
Dear MR ABC,
1. To help you narrow down, the search (provided that development
has specific facing directions) suitable to you:-

Breadwinner: MR ABC Direction
of Frontage. (Most of the time, it is standing
inside the living room facing towards the windows or
balcony - especially if most of the bedrooms are
along this stretch of the stack).

From now to 2023; your best facing directions are:-
Choice: NE1 (22.5-37.4) , NE2 (37.5-52.4) , NE3
2nd Ranked or Next best choice:
NW1 (292.5-307.4), NW2
(307.5-322.4) , NW3 (322.5-337.4) ,
3rd Ranked: W2 (262.5-277.4) , W3 (277.5-292.4) - but
think twice if unblocked and affected directly by the
afternoon, west sun.

SW1 (202.5-217.4), SW2
(217.5-232.4) , SW3 (232.5-247.4)
- From
now to 2023, another good facing direction. But there
is some afternoon sun if the frontage is unblocked.
W1 (247.5-262.4) - Again, be cautious of direct
afternoon sun

E1 (67.5-82.4) , E2
(82.5-97.4) , E3 (97.5-112.4) ,
SE1 (112.5-127.4) , SE2 (127.5-142.4) , SE3

N1 (337.5-352.4) , N2
(352.5-7.4) , N3 (7.5-22.4) ,
S1 (157.5-172.4) , S2 (172.5-187.4) , S3 (187.5-202.4)

    If you can find a house in Excellent House, you should select
    this first. The order of priority goes to Excellent, Auspicious,
    then the best of the Auspicious but unsuitable house
1.1 The above is based on flats that TOP on or after 2004. If you
are looking at older apartments e.g. 1984 to 2003; then the above
ranking MAY differ slightly. But overall, you are still considered
suitable for "west" group type of homes especially NE or SW
1.2. From now to 2023, besides the above; NE and SW are suppose to
have the best "wealth" qi. But there is a trade-off, here. Such
facing directions need to correct for "health" concerns.
1.3. Location, location and location. Last and foremost, the
external is also very critical. As no point getting a suitable
unit but it faces something 'nasty' such as spikes on a club-house
roof aimed towards the unit or a lamp post if it is a ground floor
2. The above is more important then below. As for below, as I
mentioned previously, unless one builds a home from scratch; it
may not be possible to get 8 out of 8 sectors - perfect!
2.1. However, you should consider Para 1. first. And if there are
more units; then you may use this check-list to see which home has
more "ticks" than the other unit:-

Summary of ABC's (Owner/Breadwinner) Eight House
Chart. Note: below is "Nice-to" and not a "must-have" else, may
not be able to totally find such a perfect - already built-up

Direction Location Status suitable for
North-West Excellent Very Good: Prime
Location, ideal for vitality
Front door, beds and religious
North Irritation Bad: Petty annoyances, disease,
headaches, theft and infidelity.
Toilet or kitchen.
North-East Health Good: Ideal
situation for speedy recovery.
Beds, doors, master bedroom and the
dining table.
West Prosperity Good: The Best
location. Money luck and promotion.
door, room doors, kitchen door,
beds, working desks.
East Spook Bad: Uneasy, theft, robbery and
financial loss.
Storeroom or toilet.
South-West Longevity Good: Ideal for
Beds, bedrooms and dining table.
South Death Bad: Poor health, accidents,
misfortune and loss.
Storeroom or toilet.
South-East Disaster Bad: Quarrels, frustration,
disputes and legal problems.
Storeroom or toilet.

3. Hope you can use the above to further fine-tune your search.
3.1 Usually, some clients use the on-site service when they
really, really like a unit and close to placing a deposit on it.
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee
Principal Consultant and Founder
GEOMANCY.NET: Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
E-mail: support@geomancy.net
Tel : +65 6100-9600 SMS / MMS: +65 9785-3171 Fax: +65 6482-0570
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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