myfs_159686 Posted October 26, 2014 Share Posted October 26, 2014 Hello,Good day.I have a question.Can the height of the chinese altar be 60cm or 4feet 8inches? Is this a standard height we can find in singapore?Thanks!Felicia Tan Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 27, 2014 Staff Share Posted October 27, 2014 These are some considerations:1. If one buys off-the-shelf altar table; most of such "standard" tables have a height that is around 49 3/4 inches or 126cm. Often, such standard table(s) height is between 125 to 128 cm which is perfectly OK or acceptable.2. But you wrote "60cm"? 60 cm is close to 2 feet. Usually, this 2 feet has to do more with the width of the (altar) table. But, 60 cm is too short for an altar?3. 4 feet 8 inches = 56" or 142.5cm which is inauspicious. If so, the net best range is either 132cm to 134cm or higher at 145cm to 147cm or 5 feet.4. Basically, for an altar table; and if one were to use the Feng Shui ruler; both the top - yang measurement should be red. and the yin or lower measure should also be red. (Both top and bottom range should be in red) as a guideline. Quote On 10/26/2014 9:48:31 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hello,Good day.I have aquestion.Can the height of thechinese altar be 60cm or 4feet8inches? Is this a standardheight we can find insingapore?Thanks!Felicia Tan Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159756 Posted November 17, 2014 Share Posted November 17, 2014 Hi Master Cecil Lee,Currently my home is custom made an altar. I have measure my own using the normal ruler. From the floor to the table is 136cm to put my Kuan Yin God sculpture. But according to my old altar which I bought it from shop is only 126cm and it does matches with your measurement. My question is 136cm is that an inauspicious height? I am actually asking the ID to change for me cause I feel is high. Is about 10cm different and she said is a feng shui measurement. Can you teach me how to measure using feng shui measurement? According to you when top and bottom of the ruler reach red is good??Besides, for the ancestor I have measure is 133.8 using the normal ruler. Mind to ask what is the best measurement for the height from the floor?Master Cecil Lee, the whole altar I measure using normal ruler tape. I just found out that even I measure from the floor but the custom made altar there is a few inches high before the 'dei chi gong' (God of deity??) table. So the measurement 136cm is still inauspicious from the floor? Should I remeasure from the 'dei chi gong' (God of deity) table? Usually the table is consider floor to us as standard unit purchase from shop does not have extra bottom. Quote On 10/27/2014 3:30:46 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. If onebuys off-the-shelf altar table; most ofsuch "standard" tables have a heightthat is around 49 3/4 inches or 126cm.Often, such standard table(s) height isbetween 125 to 128 cm which is perfectlyOK or acceptable.2. But you wrote"60cm"? 60 cm is close to 2 feet.Usually, this 2 feet has to do more withthe width of the (altar) table. But, 60cm is too short for an altar?3. 4 feet 8inches = 56" or 142.5cm which isinauspicious. If so, the net best rangeis either 132cm to 134cm or higher at145cm to 147cm or 5 feet.4. Basically,for an altar table; and if one were touse the Feng Shui ruler; both the top -yang measurement should be red. and theyin or lower measure should also be red.(Both top and bottom range should be inred) as a guideline.On 10/26/20149:48:31 PM, Felicia Tan wrote:Hello,Good day.I have aquestion.Can the height of thechinese altar be 60cm or 4feet8inches? Is this a standardheight we can find insingapore?Thanks!Felicia Tan Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 17, 2014 Staff Share Posted November 17, 2014 These are some considerations:1. Please refer to the two attachments.2. As a rule-of-thumb; an altar "must" or try-to have dimensions that have both the "TOP" and "BOTTOM" (see right side of either illustration) in RED.3. The TOP line is meant for Yang dimensions or for the Living. 3.1. Thus, if one wants to use auspicious Feng Shui dimensions for say a working table or height of a kitchen table; then one can look at the top line and any measurement in RED (auspicious). 3.2. Of course, there is no harm for any human living being furniture in both top and bottom = red.4. The "BOTTOM" line is meant for Yin Feng Shui. Or Feng Shui for the dead. Such as for a tomb or coffin. But of course, Yin also refers to "the other side".5. For an altar table; it is suppose to be IN HARMONY with the living (Yang = TOP) and (Yin = BOTTOM) as shown on a Feng Shui ruler.6. Thus generally, if we buy a "standard - off the shelf" altar, most would generally conform to the TOP and BOTTOM in RED.7. After around 126cm, the next best lower measurement is around 42". But this is not a safe height as a two year old or three year old child may have the height and hands to swipe the entire altar.8. Thus, 126cm is the optimum. The trick here is that although 126cm is the IDEAL or optimum height; 8.1. We all know that some may add a piece of glass on top of this altar. And this may altar the height. No worries as the altar table can easily also accept between 124.1 cm to as high as 128 cm. Thus even if we add a protective glass on the altar; it will also be auspicious - if the glass is not so thick to exceed this measurement.8.2. For some altars, they also have a table top (when standing looking at it) the ancestor table top is to the left of this full altar. And if the altar is say at 126cm; the ancestor table top is slightly lower and thus can be say 125cm and still be auspicious.9. Your question was 136cm auspicious = No, it is inauspicious if we go by the Feng Shui ruler measurement. Please see one of the attachments. Quote On 11/17/2014 5:42:09 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Master Cecil Lee,Currently my home iscustom made an altar. I have measure myown using the normal ruler. From thefloor to the table is 136cm to put myKuan Yin God sculpture. But according tomy old altar which I bought it from shopis only 126cm and it does matches withyour measurement. My question is 136cmis that an inauspicious height? I amactually asking the ID to change for mecause I feel is high. Is about 10cmdifferent and she said is a feng shuimeasurement. Can you teach me how tomeasure using feng shui measurement?According to you when top and bottom ofthe ruler reach red is good??Besides,for the ancestor I have measure is 133.8using the normal ruler. Mind to ask whatis the best measurement for the heightfrom the floor?Master Cecil Lee, thewhole altar I measure using normal rulertape. I just found out that even Imeasure from the floor but the custommade altar there is a few inches highbefore the 'dei chi gong' (God ofdeity??) table. So the measurement 136cmis still inauspicious from the floor?Should I remeasure from the 'dei chigong' (God of deity) table? Usually thetable is consider floor to us asstandard unit purchase from shop doesnot have extra bottom.On 10/27/20143:30:46 PM, Cecil Lee wrote: >Theseare some considerations:1. If onebuys off-the-shelf altar table; mostof >such "standard" tables have aheight >that is around 49 3/4 inchesor 126cm. >Often, such standardtable(s) height is >between 125 to128 cm which is perfectly >OK oracceptable.2. But you wrote >"60cm"?60 cm is close to 2 feet. >Usually,this 2 feet has to do more with >thewidth of the (altar) table. But, 60cm is too short for an altar?3. 4feet 8 >inches = 56" or 142.5cm whichis >inauspicious. If so, the net bestrange >is either 132cm to 134cm orhigher at >145cm to 147cm or 5feet.4. Basically, >for an altartable; and if one were to >use theFeng Shui ruler; both the top - >yangmeasurement should be red. and theyin or lower measure should also bered. >(Both top and bottom rangeshould be in >red) as a guideline.On10/26/2014 >9:48:31 PM, Felicia Tanwrote: >>Hello,Good day.Ihave a >>question.Can the heightof the >>chinese altar be 60cm or4feet >>8inches? Is this astandard >>height we can find insingapore?Thanks!Felicia Tan Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 17, 2014 Staff Share Posted November 17, 2014 Please see photo.The Feng Shui ruler on the left of the photo can easily be purchased in most (many) hardware stores around Singapore. Quote On 11/17/2014 6:41:03 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. Pleaserefer to the two attachments.2. As arule-of-thumb; an altar "must" or try-tohave dimensions that have both the "TOP"and "BOTTOM" (see right side of eitherillustration) in RED.3. The TOP line ismeant for Yang dimensions or for theLiving. 3.1. Thus, if one wants to useauspicious Feng Shui dimensions for saya working table or height of a kitchentable; then one can look at the top lineand any measurement in RED (auspicious).3.2. Of course, there is no harm for anyhuman living being furniture in both topand bottom = red.4. The "BOTTOM" line ismeant for Yin Feng Shui. Or Feng Shuifor the dead. Such as for a tomb orcoffin. But of course, Yin also refersto "the other side".5. For an altartable; it is suppose to be IN HARMONYwith the living (Yang = TOP) and (Yin =BOTTOM) as shown on a Feng Shui ruler.6.Thus generally, if we buy a "standard -off the shelf" altar, most wouldgenerally conform to the TOP and BOTTOMin RED.7. After around 126cm, the nextbest lower measurement is around 42".But this is not a safe height as a twoyear old or three year old child mayhave the height and hands to swipe theentire altar.8. Thus, 126cm is theoptimum. The trick here is that although126cm is the IDEAL or optimum height;8.1. We all know that some may add apiece of glass on top of this altar. Andthis may altar the height. No worries asthe altar table can easily also acceptbetween 124.1 cm to as high as 128 cm.Thus even if we add a protective glasson the altar; it will also be auspicious- if the glass is not so thick to exceedthis measurement.8.2. For some altars,they also have a table top (whenstanding looking at it) the ancestortable top is to the left of this fullaltar. And if the altar is say at 126cm;the ancestor table top is slightly lowerand thus can be say 125cm and still beauspicious.9. Your question was 136cmauspicious = No, it is inauspicious ifwe go by the Feng Shui rulermeasurement. Please see one of theattachments.On 11/17/2014 5:42:09 PM,Michelle Lim wrote:Hi Master Cecil Lee,Currently myhome iscustom made an altar. I have measuremyown using the normal ruler. From thefloor to the table is 136cm to putmyKuan Yin God sculpture. Butaccording tomy old altar which I bought it fromshopis only 126cm and it does matcheswithyour measurement. My question is136cmis that an inauspicious height? I amactually asking the ID to change formecause I feel is high. Is about 10cmdifferent and she said is a fengshuimeasurement. Can you teach me how tomeasure using feng shui measurement?According to you when top and bottomofthe ruler reach red isgood??Besides,for the ancestor I have measure is133.8using the normal ruler. Mind to askwhatis the best measurement for theheightfrom the floor?Master Cecil Lee, thewhole altar I measure using normalrulertape. I just found out that even Imeasure from the floor but thecustommade altar there is a few incheshighbefore the 'dei chi gong' (Godofdeity??) table. So the measurement136cmis still inauspicious from thefloor?Should I remeasure from the 'dei chigong' (God of deity) table? Usuallythetable is consider floor to us asstandard unit purchase from shopdoesnot have extra bottom.On 10/27/20143:30:46 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:Theseare some considerations:1. If onebuys off-the-shelf altar table;mostof >such "standard" tables have aheight >that is around 49 3/4inchesor 126cm. >Often, such standardtable(s) height is >between 125to128 cm which is perfectly >OK oracceptable.2. But you wrote"60cm"?60 cm is close to 2 feet.Usually,this 2 feet has to do more withthewidth of the (altar) table. But, 60cm is too short for an altar?3.4feet 8 >inches = 56" or 142.5cmwhichis >inauspicious. If so, the netbestrange >is either 132cm to 134cmorhigher at >145cm to 147cm or 5feet.4. Basically, >for an altartable; and if one were to >usetheFeng Shui ruler; both the top -yangmeasurement should be red. and theyin or lower measure should alsobered. >(Both top and bottom rangeshould be in >red) as aguideline.On10/26/2014 >9:48:31 PM, FeliciaTanwrote: >>Hello,Goodday.Ihave a >>question.Can theheightof the >>chinese altar be 60cmor4feet >>8inches? Is this astandard >>height we can findinsingapore?Thanks!Felicia Tan Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159756 Posted December 10, 2014 Share Posted December 10, 2014 Hi Master Cecil Lee,I want to confirm with you regarding the altar measurement. I am redo a custom made altar. As attached is the picture of the wrong doing feng shui measurement for the altar. I am confuse where to measure a correct way to give it to the new carpentry. So far Iunderstand that in general I must meet the feng shui ruler yang in red in colour wording and yin in colour wording too.Is it measure from the end panel to end panel or table end to table end as attached the picture? Which is correct if is a same design altar?Can the design create in pillar as showed attached?Thanks. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 10, 2014 Staff Share Posted December 10, 2014 You wrote: "Can the design create in pillar as showed attached?"These are some considerations:1. The best to understand this is to look get a clue from the past.2. In the past, the generation of HDB flat especially those built around the 1960s to before 1980's; all such flats have a main entrance door where:2.1. The main door has auspicious measurements that falls in the red. Since this is the main door; and for Yang Feng Shui; there is a range of measures on the Top between 80.5 cm to 91 cm that is considered auspicious.2.2. All these HDB flat's main entrance door takes advantage of the above; by having both the main door within the auspicious dimension and also it was remarkable that both sides of the main door's frame or in your case the "pillars" also within this auspicious dimensions.3. Thus, if one can "have the pie and eat it all" as mentioned in the above is good or great!4. If you can find a range of measurement that the interior space is auspicious; plus the frame outer measurement is also in the red for both the top and bottom measurements - since this is an altar would be wonderful.5. Please note that the above (para 4) is NICE-to and not a MUST-do. But at least the internal space or table top should be in red for both top/bottom measurements.6. For example, many ready made altar tables comes with a from floor to table top of around 49 3/4 inches or around 126 cm (plus or minus). And even if one were to add a piece of glass to protect the top; the glass can be of a reasonable thickness. So long as it is no thicker than 128cm. Which is pretty reasonable tolerance or variance. Of course, if one intend to recycle a bullet proof glass from a bank's teller glass panel then it may be too thick. Otherwise, most glass is not that thick and even with the glass falls within the tolerance.7. The idea of having a wide range e.g. if the table top is suppose to be up to 126cm. Even if a mistake has been made by say the contractor; the table can go as low as > 124cm. (see attachment). Thus, such contingencies are built in - if or should any mistake (if any) has been made). Quote On 12/10/2014 12:31:50 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Master Cecil Lee,I want toconfirm with you regarding thealtar measurement. I am redo acustom made altar. As attachedis the picture of the wrongdoing feng shui measurementfor the altar. I am confusewhere to measure a correct wayto give it to the newcarpentry. So farIunderstand that ingeneral I must meet the fengshui ruler yang in red incolour wording and yin incolour wording too.Is itmeasure from the end panel toend panel or table end totable end as attached thepicture? Which is correct ifis a same design altar?Can thedesign create in pillar asshowed attached?Thanks. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159756 Posted December 11, 2014 Share Posted December 11, 2014 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 12, 2014 Staff Share Posted December 12, 2014 These are some considerations:1. In your first posting, I understand that you are already aware that the altar "MUST" have both "reds" in the Feng Shui ruler. If so, then this is good.2. Please see attached:-2.1. All the FOUR ranges in RED; must have both in RED.2.1.1. Including the ancestor tablet table top which is slightly lower : this should also fall under both = in red.2.2. The rest of the other two ranges in Yellow is considered NICE to be in both RED. but if really can't then not as important as Para 1. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159756 Posted December 12, 2014 Share Posted December 12, 2014 Thank you Master Cecil Lee.What about Earth God? Should the Earth God have measurement for height and width too?Here attached showed the side viewof my current made altar which is wrong doing. Previous was only front. But according to the side as attached do I still need to follow the measurement by you for the previous attachment name altar dimensions.jpg??Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159756 Posted December 12, 2014 Share Posted December 12, 2014 Thank you Master Cecil Lee.What about Earth God? Should the Earth God have measurement for height and width too?Here attached showed the side view of my current ade altar which is wrong doing. Previous was only front. But according to the side as attached do I still need to follow the measurement by you for the previous attachment name altar dimensions.jpg??Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_159756 Posted December 12, 2014 Share Posted December 12, 2014 Oops I think I have confused you with the sentence "Here attached showed the side view of my current made altar which is wrong doing. Previous was only front view. But according to the side as attached do I still need to follow the measurement by you for the previous attachment name altar dimensions.jpg??". I mean at the side view there are two small cabinet box attached with the altar. And there are also three pillars at the left and right side for the design of this altar. Is that auspicious having the three pillar at the both side left and rightand alsoon top of the Kuan Yin God three pillar too? Quote On 12/12/2014 10:40:28 AM, Anonymous wrote: Thank you Master Cecil Lee.What about Earth God? Should the Earth God have measurement for height and width too?Here attached showed the side view of my current ade altar which is wrong doing. Previous was only front. But according to the side as attached do I still need to follow the measurement by you for the previous attachment name altar dimensions.jpg??Thanks Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 13, 2017 Staff Share Posted November 13, 2017 A useful iphone digital Feng Shui Ruler... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 19, 2018 Staff Share Posted May 19, 2018 A compact Altar with auspicious dimensions. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest lim w y Posted July 2, 2018 Share Posted July 2, 2018 hi, width of altar 80cm, height from floor to platform where gods sit at 150cm, height of altar opening at 70cm, depth of altar cabinet at 30cm, is that ok? due to space constraint... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 2, 2018 Staff Share Posted July 2, 2018 On 7/2/2018 at 5:17 AM, Guest lim w y said: hi, width of altar 80cm, height from floor to platform where gods sit at 150cm, height of altar opening at 70cm, depth of altar cabinet at 30cm, is that ok? due to space constraint... Expand 80cm is inauspicious. Thus other than the standard measurement of 60cm; Perhaps may consider either 67cm or 68cm instead. Height of altar opening is usually in multiples of 43cm. Thus can be 43 x 2 or 43 x 3 etc... Minimium depth of altar cabinet should instead be 40cm not 30cm. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest lim w y Posted July 2, 2018 Share Posted July 2, 2018 hi, thank you for the information. i will look into the width to be at 68cm, however the height of the platform where the gods sit at 133cm, is it auspicious? thank you! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 3, 2018 Staff Share Posted July 3, 2018 On 7/2/2018 at 2:28 PM, Guest lim w y said: hi, thank you for the information. i will look into the width to be at 68cm, however the height of the platform where the gods sit at 133cm, is it auspicious? thank you! Expand 133cm is okay or that 134cm better. Frankly, the most optimum height is 126cm! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 3, 2018 Staff Share Posted July 3, 2018 Another altar taboo is the number of Gods. On an altar, the God(s) must be odd numbers. For example : 1 God, 3 God... hmmm 5 God may be a little too much. Please note that the above excludes the Ancestor tablet. As tablets of ancestors are non-Gods. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest lim w y Posted August 1, 2018 Share Posted August 1, 2018 Hi again, thank you very much for the info. Is it okay for the carpenters to continue working after the gods have moved into the new house altar? The altar, TV console and shoe cabinet (in the living room where the altar is located) is fully completed and ready. As there is a auspicious date given to us, but the contractor is not able to complete the renovations before the date for gods to be brought over. Date for gods to be brought over - 3rd August 2018 What is left to be done - Installation of Kitchen cabinets (kitchen is separated from living room by glass door & wall), room doors, main door, Installation of ceiling fan & other sanitaryware, final touch up of paints, final clean-up of the flooring & house in general by contractors, and replacement of main gate. After which would be the moving of the belongings and furniture. Thank you again! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 1, 2018 Staff Share Posted August 1, 2018 1. So Long as the work is not next to your god(s) 2. If you are considered moved-in; go read the areas to avoid “further renovations”... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Altar table Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 Hi I will like to ask if I include a glass at the altar table , must it be red or transparent . The background of my table is light green , I want to include transparent glass . Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 13, 2018 Staff Share Posted September 13, 2018 Generally, both colours are acceptable. The colour black is however less accepted by many with an altar. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Jess Low Posted December 2, 2018 Share Posted December 2, 2018 Hello Master I intend to custom made my alter for my ancestor n 三宝公。my contractor Given the measurements is height - L900mm H50 inches can ? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 2, 2018 Staff Share Posted December 2, 2018 H50 inches is acceptable. But optimal Height should instead be 49 3/4 inches or 126cm However Length 900mm should instead be either be between the range of 88cm to 88.5cm. Please note that there is a Page 2... do check it out Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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