myfs_132584 Posted January 28, 2015 Share Posted January 28, 2015 Dear Master Lee,I have read the 20-year & yearly flying star report(please click here) on your website.I don't understand some things:1. why is it recommended to activate Water Star on North sector, although on this sector the water star is the inauspicious star 7?2. why is it recommended to activate Mountain Star on North-East sector, although (again) the mountain star is (again) the inauspicious star 7 on the sector?3. why is it recommended to activate both Mountain AND Water Star on South sector?4. how to determine which flying star is mountain star and which is water star? (why are the mountain star and water star flying star number 6 and 7?). Is it related to Period of House Birth or what?Please enlighten me. Thank you very much in advance. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 28, 2015 Staff Share Posted January 28, 2015 These are some considerations:1. The Lowest common denominator or L.C.M.1.1. Here, one must have a good grounding of the Five Elements Concept.1.2. For example: Earth supports or fuels Metal1.3. While : Water "draws out" Metal.2. Without a solid or good grounding of the Five Elements; one will forever be at a lost.3. For example: #7 ?3.1. #7 under the Five elements concept is considered as a "weak Metal" element.3.2. Under the PRODUCTIVE cycle of the Five Elements concept:Earth > Metal > Water > Wood > Fire.3.3. In your earlier 1st and/or 2nd question: since #7 is a metal element.3.4. Under the Five elements concept Metal can be reduced by water.4. So, my question to you is : What's wrong with using Water to reduce the Metal element? Look at it this way.. why you did not use the Earth element? instead of Water?5. For other questions, I suggest that one make an effort to learn the Five Elements be it number assocations: e.g. #6 = strong metal; #5 = strong earth etc... and also both the Productive and Destructive cycle.6. If the above, still sounds greek; after reading thru; then, better go back to the drawing board and try to have a solid grounding ..... of? The Five Elements concept.7. Clue: Sometimes: to fight fire; you need erh... water? or strange as it may seem another element that can "hurt" or destroy in this case #7. Quote On 1/28/2015 3:18:42 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee,I have readthe 20-year & yearlyflying starreport(please clickhere) on your website.I don'tunderstand some things:1. whyis it recommended to activateWater Star on North sector,although on this sector thewater star is the inauspiciousstar 7?2. why is itrecommended to activateMountain Star on North-Eastsector, although (again) themountain star is (again) theinauspicious star 7 on thesector?3. why is itrecommended to activate bothMountain AND Water Star onSouth sector?4. how todetermine which flying star ismountain star and which iswater star? (why are themountain star and water starflying star number 6 and 7?).Is it related to Period ofHouse Birth or what?Pleaseenlighten me. Thank you verymuch in advance. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_132584 Posted January 28, 2015 Share Posted January 28, 2015 Dear Master Lee,my answer to your question:because Water exhausts Metal and Earth supports/produces/strengthen Metal. If one wants to reduce the energy of inauspicious star #7 (weak metal) it is recommended to use Water.Fire can also destroy Metal, but at the same time Fire produces Earth, which can support Metal. So it is not good way.Is it correct, Master Lee? Quote On 1/28/2015 2:08:22 PM, Anonymous wrote: 4.So, my question to you is : What's wrongwith using Water to reduce the Metalelement? Look at it this way.. why youdid not use the Earth element? insteadof Water? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 28, 2015 Staff Share Posted January 28, 2015 1. Yes, finally, you got the point as to why Water can be used to against "Metal" element.1.1 And often, especially in a home environment; an added bonus of using water be it yin water or yang water is that it is often much more "safer" to use than "fire element".2. As the most yang fire element has to do with activating a light. And often, it can be more dangerous if we say use a light vs water. As water may/can be considered as the lesser of the two evils.3. Futhermore, some geomancers are still a firm believer of the sector. And given that North belongs to the water element; some geomancers give weight to using Water to harmonize this sector instead of fire. If so, using "water" would help to satisfy such users.4. In addition, "water" element is also safer in another context: For example, based on the annual flying stars or the monthly flying stars or even the daily or hourly stars: at times the dreaded #5 may fly into the sector. And wouldn't using the fire element further fuel the #5 = misfortune or sickness. But the water element can either drown the #5 or #2. The #5 is considered the worst star - as compared to other lesser evils like #3 or #4 etc...5. Under the Five elements concept if one dwell closely; actually there is a further element that may help to reduce #7. Provided either the Water or Mountain Star does not have a #3 or #4 (bad wood(s)). Thus, there are more than meets the eye.6. Another further consideration is that if the location is an open space e.g. a balcony; and if one really uses a water position; nothing else can be placed or "built" above it = allowing for clear space = creating a "bright hall" or bright area. Contrast to using a plant or even a fire object which often may be placed on a pedestal or cabinet etc... thus hindering the flow of qi or "bright hall".7. That is why 8 out 10 times; even if the frontage may not be suitable for a water position; but if someone were to place a water position e.g. a water fall or pond etc... again nothing else can be built about this = clear space. And 8 out of 10 times; based on shapes and forms Feng Shui; this is a better or safer bet than e.g. planting a mango tree - for a landed property. And in 8 years time; the tree would cast a dark shadow, below. Frankly, I can think of more reasons, but I stop, here.8. More: If there are no bad wood; sometimes introducing the wood element may also help to improve a MS or WS #7. As metal is suppose to destroy wood and thus become exhausted. Quote On 1/28/2015 8:43:14 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee,my answer to yourquestion:because Water exhausts Metaland Earth supports/produces/strengthenMetal. If one wants to reduce the energyof inauspicious star #7 (weak metal) itis recommended to use Water.Fire canalso destroy Metal, but at the same timeFire produces Earth, which can supportMetal. So it is not good way.Is itcorrect, Master Lee?On 1/28/2015 2:08:22PM, Cecil Lee wrote: 4.So, my question to you is : What'swrongwith using Water to reduce the Metalelement? Look at it this way.. whyyoudid not use the Earth element?insteadof Water? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 28, 2015 Staff Share Posted January 28, 2015 For some, it is easier to see which elements are "associated" with metal either under the productive and/or destructive cycle.Please see attachment:1. Productive cycle. Here, water "draws out" metal.2. Under the destructive cycle? One can clearly see two elements: Fire and Wood.2.1. Fire helps to "melt" metal or shape it.2.2. Just imagine one has a carving knife. And a block of wood. After sometime; the metal instrument may get blunt or a block of raw material = wood costs say $6. But after it was carved into a beautiful piece of art-work; it can fetch more... Quote On 1/28/2015 9:14:23 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. Yes, finally, you got the point as towhy Water can be used to against "Metal"element.1.1 And often, especially in ahome environment; an added bonus ofusing water be it yin water or yangwater is that it is often much more"safer" to use than "fire element".2. Asthe most yang fire element has to dowith activating a light. And often, itcan be more dangerous if we say use alight vs water. As water may/can beconsidered as the lesser of the twoevils.3. Futhermore, some geomancers arestill a firm believer of the sector. Andgiven that North belongs to the waterelement; some geomancers give weight tousing Water to harmonize this sectorinstead of fire. If so, using "water"would help to satisfy such users.4. Inaddition, "water" element is also saferin another context: For example, basedon the annual flying stars or themonthly flying stars or even the dailyor hourly stars: at times the dreaded #5may fly into the sector. And wouldn'tusing the fire element further fuel the#5 = misfortune or sickness. But thewater element can either drown the #5 or#2. The #5 is considered the worst star- as compared to other lesser evils like#3 or #4 etc...5. Under the Fiveelements concept if one dwell closely;actually there is a further element thatmay help to reduce #7. Provided eitherthe Water or Mountain Star does not havea #3 or #4 (bad wood(s)). Thus, thereare more than meets the eye.6. Anotherfurther consideration is that if thelocation is an open space e.g. abalcony; and if one really uses a waterposition; nothing else can be placed or"built" above it = allowing for clearspace = creating a "bright hall" orbright area. Contrast to using a plantor even a fire object which often may beplaced on a pedestal or cabinet etc...thus hindering the flow of qi or "brighthall".7. That is why 8 out 10 times;even if the frontage may not be suitablefor a water position; but if someonewere to place a water position e.g. awater fall or pond etc... again nothingelse can be built about this = clearspace. And 8 out of 10 times; based onshapes and forms Feng Shui; this is abetter or safer bet than e.g. planting amango tree - for a landed property. Andin 8 years time; the tree would cast adark shadow, below. Frankly, I can thinkof more reasons, but I stop,here.8. More: If there are no badwood; sometimes introducing the woodelement may also help to improve a MS orWS #7. As metal is suppose to destroywood and thus become exhausted.On1/28/2015 8:43:14 PM, Zhongqin Yangwrote:Dear Master Lee,my answer to yourquestion:because Water exhaustsMetaland Earthsupports/produces/strengthenMetal. If one wants to reduce theenergyof inauspicious star #7 (weak metal)itis recommended to use Water.Fire canalso destroy Metal, but at the sametimeFire produces Earth, which cansupportMetal. So it is not good way.Is itcorrect, Master Lee?On 1/28/20152:08:22PM, Cecil Lee wrote: 4.So, my question to you is :What'swrongwith using Water to reduce theMetalelement? Look at it this way..whyyoudid not use the Earth element?insteadof Water? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 28, 2015 Staff Share Posted January 28, 2015 The attached graphic illustration shows why to "cure" metal; Water may be the "lesser" of the two evils (if any) vs or instead of using Fire element.As one has to remember that the worst star is of the earth element = #5 = misfortune / sickness = strong earth.Introducing #9 fire element may inadvertently fuel #5. If one considers : the Annual, monthly, the hourly flying stars.In general, a "fire" cure is often more popular to be used on (generally) a sector with #3 bad wood element. Of course, the WS and MS should be considered. And if so, even if a #5 flies into that sector with #3; somehow; it is not as worse off as a sector without #3. As under the destructive cycle; wood does "play a-part" e.g. a tree with roots getting into the earth (say #5) and drawing it out...Therefore; it is best to introduce a "cure" or "enhancement" (especially) a cure that has less effects on a sector be it for the 20 year flying stars or annual or monthly or daily stars. And not be myopic or have a tunnel vision in just curing for "the present". The future need to be considered, also. Quote On 1/28/2015 9:33:56 PM, Anonymous wrote:For some, it is easier to see whichelements are "associated" with metaleither under the productive and/ordestructive cycle.Please seeattachment:1. Productive cycle. Here,water "draws out" metal.2. Under thedestructive cycle? One can clearly seetwo elements: Fire and Wood.2.1. Firehelps to "melt" metal or shape it.2.2.Just imagine one has a carving knife.And a block of wood. After sometime; themetal instrument may get blunt or ablock of raw material = wood costs say$6. But after it was carved into abeautiful piece of art-work; it canfetch more...On 1/28/2015 9:14:23PM, Cecil Lee wrote:1. Yes, finally, you got the pointas towhy Water can be used to against"Metal"element.1.1 And often, especially inahome environment; an added bonus ofusing water be it yin water or yangwater is that it is often much more"safer" to use than "fireelement".2. Asthe most yang fire element has to dowith activating a light. And often,itcan be more dangerous if we say usealight vs water. As water may/can beconsidered as the lesser of the twoevils.3. Futhermore, some geomancersarestill a firm believer of the sector.Andgiven that North belongs to thewaterelement; some geomancers give weighttousing Water to harmonize this sectorinstead of fire. If so, using"water"would help to satisfy such users.4.Inaddition, "water" element is alsosaferin another context: For example,basedon the annual flying stars or themonthly flying stars or even thedailyor hourly stars: at times thedreaded #5may fly into the sector. Andwouldn'tusing the fire element further fuelthe#5 = misfortune or sickness. But thewater element can either drown the#5 or#2. The #5 is considered the worststar- as compared to other lesser evilslike#3 or #4 etc...5. Under the Fiveelements concept if one dwellclosely;actually there is a further elementthatmay help to reduce #7. Providedeitherthe Water or Mountain Star does nothavea #3 or #4 (bad wood(s)). Thus,thereare more than meets the eye.6.Anotherfurther consideration is that if thelocation is an open space e.g. abalcony; and if one really uses awaterposition; nothing else can be placedor"built" above it = allowing forclearspace = creating a "bright hall" orbright area. Contrast to using aplantor even a fire object which oftenmay beplaced on a pedestal or cabinetetc...thus hindering the flow of qi or"brighthall".7. That is why 8 out 10 times;even if the frontage may not besuitablefor a water position; but if someonewere to place a water position e.g.awater fall or pond etc... againnothingelse can be built about this = clearspace. And 8 out of 10 times; basedonshapes and forms Feng Shui; this isabetter or safer bet than e.g.planting amango tree - for a landed property.Andin 8 years time; the tree would castadark shadow, below. Frankly, I canthinkof more reasons, but I stop,here.8. More: If there are nobadwood; sometimes introducing the woodelement may also help to improve aMS orWS #7. As metal is suppose todestroywood and thus become exhausted.On1/28/2015 8:43:14 PM, Zhongqin Yangwrote:Dear Master Lee,my answer toyourquestion:because Water exhaustsMetaland Earthsupports/produces/strengthenMetal. If one wants to reducetheenergyof inauspicious star #7 (weakmetal)itis recommended to use Water.Firecanalso destroy Metal, but at thesametimeFire produces Earth, which cansupportMetal. So it is not good way.Isitcorrect, Master Lee?On 1/28/20152:08:22PM, Cecil Lee wrote: 4.So, my question to you is :What'swrongwith using Water to reducetheMetalelement? Look at it thisway..whyyoudid not use the Earthelement?insteadof Water? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_132584 Posted January 28, 2015 Share Posted January 28, 2015 Master Lee, thank you very much for the great explanation included the pic. *bow* Quote On 1/28/2015 10:14:23 PM, Anonymous wrote:The attached graphic illustration showswhy to "cure" metal; Water may be the"lesser" of the two evils (if any) vs orinstead of using Fire element.As one hasto remember that the worst star is ofthe earth element = #5 = misfortune /sickness = strongearth.Introducing #9 fire elementmay inadvertently fuel #5. If oneconsiders : the Annual, monthly, thehourly flying stars.In general, a "fire"cure is often more popular to be used on(generally) a sector with #3 bad woodelement. Of course, the WS and MS shouldbe considered. And if so, even if a #5flies into that sector with #3; somehow;it is not as worse off as a sectorwithout #3. As under the destructivecycle; wood does "play a-part" e.g. atree with roots getting into the earth(say #5) and drawing itout...Therefore; it is best tointroduce a "cure" or "enhancement"(especially) a cure that has lesseffects on a sector be it for the 20year flying stars or annual or monthlyor daily stars. And not be myopic orhave a tunnel vision in just curing for"the present". The future need to beconsidered, also Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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