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As HDB Anchorvale Isles is the closest or next door to the new under construction Sengkang General Hospital;
This may be of particular interest or (concern):-
"For those staying close-by to a hospital; it is always
good to have an idea where the Pathology department is.
As this is usually the location where the dead are brought
there to do post-mortems. And the bodies are stored, there"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 8 years later...
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These are some considerations:


1. Mount Alvernia  Hospital (MAH) is a private hospital thus does not have or required to have a mogue or a pathology department to investigate dead bodies brought in by the police for both natural and unnatural death.

2. I don't want to indicate the exact area. (See above) But somewhere around marking X above, there is a room where, if so happen that a patient at the hospital has died.

2.1. The hospital staff would bring the deceased (body) to this waiting area. And when the relative had arranged for the pick-up of the body; witness their loved one is the correct person and the casket company personnel would take over.

3. As you can see this hospital "facility" is closer to Block 808. For Block 802, true that stacks/units facing MAH does look towards the hospital directly.

4. From a Feng Shui point of view, most concern would be where is the pathology department as mentioned under Para 2. The rest of the hospital areas are not that critical.


5. Unfortunately, STIGMA is something which is hard to get rid-off!

6. Even if one were told that it is okay no issue.

7. But if someone has already made-up their mind or kind of half-hearted; thus for example, in a resale of the unit; if you and or your family members share this same concern; others may also equally share it.

8. Also under the Holy Trinity of Chinese Luck System:

8.1. Heaven Luck = born with via Ba Zi [33.33%]
8.2. Earth Luck =  Feng Shui [33.33%]
8.3. Human or Man Luck = feel good or well maybe not that great [33.33%]

9. Thus even if the Feng Shui of such a house is good or at least average. It can even be make worse-off if the buyer frequently feel unease over this. If so, if one's Human or Man Luck is DOWN, it will certainly pull down the entire luck of that person.

10. If in doubt please don't consider. Unless one has other ulterior motives like - "it is most affordable due to this concern". Then, cannot say - up to the individuals to weigh what I had mentioned, above.

11. Although SGH is a privatized hospital, however, through tradition, it has an infamous Block 9 = Mortuary where unnatural deaths e,g suicides etc.. are investigated, here:-


11.1. Fortunately, for SGH there are no near-by homes within the vicinity of this Block 9 Mortuary. 

11.2. In addition, understand that SGH will be relocating this facility to another near-by location within the hospital grounds.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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