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Hi cecil,
Thanks for all the help. I just want to clarify something.. They say its not good to transfer on the 3rd lunar month. Is it because of qing ming? If it is.. The qing ming on 2015 falls on the 2nd lunar month. Does that make a difference?
When checking the auspicious dates. I found that april 11 is auspicious day for us to transfer. Is it okay to transfer? April 5 is the qing ming
Thank you very much.
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These are some considerations:

1. No offence: Qing Ming is a "Chinese" thing. Thus, traditionally; it only applies to the Chinese. Thus, if one is not a Chinese, this should be a non-issue.

2. The essence of "Qing Ming" is "to pay respects to one's ancestors".?

2.1. And in the past; or donkey years ago; the dead are buried unlike today where many can't afford to bury one's dead. And even in Singapore, if we do bury the dead; often, within 5-10 or 15 years later; the grave may have to be exhumed as directed by our government who may be eyeing that plot of land.

2.2. Thus, usually one week before and one week after; IF one has an ancestor buried somewhere or their urns housed somewhere; traditionally, one is supposed to visit one's ancestor(s) during this two weeks leeway - instead of running away to "do one's business" such as moving house.?

2.3. Here; the consideration is/was who is more important? Your ancestor or your moving house? To the ancestor; of course! You should visit your elder's first.

3. Wait! What if I don't have any ancestors?

3.1. Then, why so afraid of moving in during QIng Ming. You have no one to visit, first?

4. What happens if I do plan to visit my ancestor(s) earlier. For example, if Qing Ming this year is on 5th April and if the person has already visited the ancestor ON or BEFORE 5th April; then why not; one can move-in anything after that visit.?

4.1. Here, the ancestor would not have any excuses (if any) to say that one has not yet paid them a visit. One has done it, already. What more does the ancestor want? Pay them a visit again? Maybe next, year! This year, seen it, done it.?

5. In summary; if one does not have any ancestor to visit during Qing Ming or has done so; PRIOR to move-in; can / may / could move-in during the Qing Ming month.

6. From your account name; your account does not seem Chinese. If so, you are certainly not confined to (not sounding racial) a Chinese thing i.e. this does not even apply to you at all.

On 3/13/2015 6:56:30 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi cecil,
Thanks for all the help. I
just want to clarify
something.. They say its not
good to transfer on the 3rd
lunar month. Is it because of
qing ming? If it is.. The qing
ming on 2015 falls on the 2nd
lunar month. Does that make a
When checking the auspicious
dates. I found that april 11
is auspicious day for us to
transfer. Is it okay to
transfer? April 5 is the qing
Thank you very much.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thanks for the fast reply. By the way, I'm born in the Philippines. My parents are pure chinese and my wife is a filipina.
According to the 30days auspicious dates for 2 people. It is auspicious for us to transfer on April 12,2015. If we pay visit to our ancestors on April 5, then we can transfer on April 12?
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Sorry, correction on the auspicious date. Its April 11,2015 not April 12,2015.

On 3/14/2015 6:29:44 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Thanks for the fast reply. By
the way, I'm born in the
Philippines. My parents are
pure chinese and my wife is a
According to the 30days
auspicious dates for 2 people.
It is auspicious for us to
transfer on April 12,2015. If
we pay visit to our ancestors
on April 5, then we can
transfer on April 12?
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  • Staff

Yes. And the rationale was given in detail in my last msg. If not do re-read it.

On 3/14/2015 6:41:32 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Sorry, correction on the
auspicious date. Its April
11,2015 not April 12,2015.
On 3/14/2015 6:29:44 AM, Ian Morales
Thanks for the fast reply. By
the way, I'm born in the
Philippines. My parents are
pure chinese and my wife is a
According to the 30days
auspicious dates for 2 people.
It is auspicious for us to
transfer on April 12,2015. If
we pay visit to our ancestors
on April 5, then we can
transfer on April 12?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you very much.






on 3/14/2015 6:51:57 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Yes. And the rationale was
given in detail in my last
msg. If not do re-read it.
On 3/14/2015 6:41:32 AM, Ian Morales
Sorry, correction on the
auspicious date. Its April
11,2015 not April 12,2015.
On 3/14/2015 6:29:44 AM, Ian Morales
Thanks for the fast reply. By
the way, I'm born in the
Philippines. My parents are
pure chinese and my wife is a
According to the 30days
auspicious dates for 2 people.
It is auspicious for us to
transfer on April 12,2015. If
we pay visit to our ancestors
on April 5, then we can
transfer on April 12?


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