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1.IsBlock 508B stack #66 considered as a block at a "T-junction".

2. Yes, technically, this Block 508B is at a "T-junction".

3. But one should ask a further question: Is the T-junction a concern for stack #66?

4. Based on Common sense and "crime scene" enactment.

4.1. Try to imagine the country one is in. Right or left-hand drive?

4.2. Next, draw an indication of which side a road a vehicle would normally move along say Yishun Street 81 towards the junction between Yishun St 81 and Yishun Ave 4?

4.3. Please see attachment.

4.4. The red line(s) and arrow shows an imaginary situation if a vehicle plows through Yishun St 81 and straight towards Block 508B stack 66.

4.5. Try to figure out the distance and any obstacles between this say "runaway amok" vehicle vs the void deck pillars that support stack 66.

4.6. In this case, it is highly unlikely that a runaway saloon car has the ability to plough through all the obstacles to get to the foot of stack 66. Phew! What a relief!

4.7. Perhaps, the only vehicles that could do so may be a 3 tonner truck or a large speeding bus or a runaway MRT train from somewhere? (For the last : are you dead serious?)

5. We also know that vehicles with wheels often cannot "fly" past more than 2 storeys high unless it runs into an elevated ramp.

6. Thus, the good news is that the "T" junction would not affect stack #66. Especially since it's side wall without any windows are facing this "T-junction". Here, the residents could/may possible have a higher chance being knocked down by a car at a pedestrian crossing then the above! Fears are thus unfounded.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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