myfs_160345 Posted April 27, 2015 Share Posted April 27, 2015 Hi, recently i bought a queen size bed and realised that i shouldnt place my bed head sharing the same wall as the guan yin altar. The guan yin altar is about 3-4 cm away from the wall while i pulled my bed back such that its about 2-3cm away from the wall as well. Are there other solutions to this problem? I cannot move my bed as my room is too small or the altar for that matter ( my parents wont allow that) Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 28, 2015 Staff Share Posted April 28, 2015 These are some considerations:1. Both sides of the wall:1.1. In the master bedroom, move the bed slightly out from the wall. 1.2. On the altar side, don't place the figurine(s) e.g. Guan Yin too close to the back of the wall.2.When either partner sleeps. Do you have "bad dreams?". If no, then generally, given that there is no choice; still can live with it. But if either one of the partners have recurrent "bad" dreams; then this is a tell-tale sign that all is not right. 2.1 But if either partner can easily sleep and sleep like a "pig" then all is fine or OK. Quote On 4/27/2015 9:58:55 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi, recently i bought a queensize bed and realised that ishouldnt place my bed headsharing the same wall as theguan yin altar. The guan yinaltar is about 3-4 cm awayfrom the wall while i pulledmy bed back such that itsabout 2-3cm away from the wallas well. Are there othersolutions to this problem? Icannot move my bed as my roomis too small or the altar forthat matter ( my parents wontallow that) Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_160345 Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 Hi, thank you for your reply shi fu. I am single but attached. will take note of your points thank you so much! Quote On 4/28/2015 8:18:47 AM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. Bothsides of the wall:1.1. In the masterbedroom, move the bed slightly out fromthe wall. 1.2. On the altar side, don'tplace the figurine(s) e.g. Guan Yin tooclose to the back of the wall.2.Wheneither partner sleeps. Do you have "baddreams?". If no, then generally, giventhat there is no choice; still can livewith it. But if either one of thepartners have recurrent "bad" dreams;then this is a tell-tale sign that allis not right. 2.1 But if either partnercan easily sleep and sleep like a "pig"then all is fine or OK.On4/27/2015 9:58:55 PM, yong phoonwrote:Hi, recently i bought aqueensize bed and realised thatishouldnt place my bedheadsharing the same wall astheguan yin altar. The guanyinaltar is about 3-4 cmawayfrom the wall while ipulledmy bed back such thatitsabout 2-3cm away from thewallas well. Are thereothersolutions to this problem?Icannot move my bed as my roomistoo small or the altar forthatmatter ( my parents wontallowthat) Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 23, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 23, 2024 Get Expert Help from Master Cecil Lee for your Altar Placement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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