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Worked example of a previous TOP apartment at The Canopy in Yishun

Key Summary of this unit:

1. This unit faces West, sitting East with the double auspicious wealth stars #8's at it's frontage.


2. A water position can be placed in the balcony to boost the wealth luck of this unit.

3. Main Entrance with a passage way at NE sector:

3.1. If a cabinet e.g. shoe cabinet is to be constructed to the left-side of the main door; then it is "Nice-to" use the Feng Shui ruler to measure an auspicious width for the remaining space. (See Option 1 illustration)

4. Master Bedroom: South

4.1 Under Option 1: You will see that MR sleeps closer to the balcony window which is closest to SE sector. Which is MR's better sector i.e. his "longevity" sector. While MRs sleeps further away from this sector i.e. her "death" sector.

4.2 The above is one of the uses of the Eight House concept in defining who sleeps, where.

4.3. Under Option 1: even if the bed-head shares the same wall as the WC; this is acceptable, since, the person's head will not be too close to this WC wall.

5. Study Room: West

5.1. MR best faces East or South study or work directions. While MRS best directions are NE or SW (with NW-West as acceptable).

5.2. Options 1 and 2: shows varioius study/work directions for each of them.

5.3. As Study Room windows are at West; try to avoid sitting and studying/working facing the West (afternoon sun). Thus both Options take into consideration this; by not having the proposed study/work directions directly face West.

6. Flying Star and the number #3 = Quarrels, conflicts & legal entanglements

6.1. Sectors with Mountain star and/or Water star #3: To avoid GREEN colour where possible.

7. Unfortunately, since this is a West facing home; try to avoid this facing direction even if it has good Flying Stars at the frontage. As such homes if unblocked can be hot, hot & hot (heat, heat & heat!)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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