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hmm. ok, first of all, what's a Kua? How do I calculate mine -> Oct. 23, 1984. i'm guessing that it has to do with the elements or something. Well, I live in Tokyo and am just a student who would like to re-decorate her room so that it would be advantageous for her and she can get good grades and improve her tennis =). I'd really appreciate any help for someone whose very clueless but would like to learn.

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  • Staff

Dear Anon,
Usually, the advise is to "go slow" with Feng Shui. It has also to do with what is the level of Feng Shui one is prepared to go into?
The quickest way (but cost money) is to go for a Full Feng Shui audit by a competent FS practitioner.
Else, if one wants to `learn' (learning is not good enough) but rather applying Feng Shui, one has to spent time and effort like any other disciplines.
Like I mentioned, there are lots of resources available both e.g. in this website. Starting point: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/theory.htm or get yourself books on Feng Shui.
For calculation under the Eight House, I recommend you spent sometime to browse through http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm or use the computerised version at www.geomancy-online.com to generate your personal Eight House Theory.
For more resources, do a SEARCH in this forum. The Free Advice (General Topics) already has 2213 messages (half of them are replies and responses).
Warmest Regards,

On 12/30/99 1:11:34 AM, Anonymous wrote:
hmm. ok, first of all, what's
a Kua? How do I calculate mine
-> Oct. 23, 1984. i'm guessing
that it has to do with the
elements or something. Well, I
live in Tokyo and am just a
student who would like to
re-decorate her room so that
it would be advantageous for
her and she can get good
grades and improve her tennis
=). I'd really appreciate any
help for someone whose very
clueless but would like to

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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