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Often, if a mirror is installed directly below an air-conditioner, an air-con can leak water and damage the mirror(s).


The mirrors have coatings that are sprayed to the back to give it that "mirror" reflection. And these mirrors are mounted onto a piece of plywood before mounted on the wall. The plywood can also absorb moisture.

In Singapore, the humidity is often already 60 or more percent.

Alternatively, an air-con can blow cold air onto the surface of the mirror. As a result, the mirror may flake.

Please note that the mirrors shown, here are the extremes. Photos taken from coffee-shop toilets. But, hope you can an idea that the mirror that one might install in a home might have some of these damage.






Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee, May I know if we can have a mirror at the below circled place? It’s where the shoe cabinets are beside the door. So it will be a mirror and inside will be the shoes

Feng Shui no issue. However, may need more hinges to support the mirrors x2 else the door may slowly sag due to the weight of the mirrors.

And also in case you have a dining facing it; don't let the dining table "split" at the middle (if any)

It will be one full piece of mirror instead of 2. But yes will check on the hinges, thanks!!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Q: Want to ask if we want to do this mirror tv console feature, is it ok?

Reply: Side is ok. But hopefully ceiling lights does not provide glare

(I took into consideration: You stay there we don't under the 10 Habit of Feng Shui  https://www.geomancy.net/forums/topic/17416-grow-health-wealth-happiness-with-the-12-habits-of-feng-shui-c-geomancynet/?tab=comments#comment-39428)

Thanks for the pointer....u can go be ID too , lol


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Query: There's a minor rendering in the great room / living room. Where that mirror is, we will use a black mirror. Is that okay?

Reply: It is okay. But there are SOME who felt that it is inauspicious to use "black" as in black mirror.

Again, this has more to do with personal preference or prejuidice.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee, I just want to clarify regarding the bathroom mirror design. If split line x3 like in this picture, no problem right?

Is it better to have half mirror and half shelf, or full mirror (like picture) or doesn’t matter.

Frankly, based on common sense. 

What matters most is when one stands at the sink, there should not be a split line when one looks at their own beautiful or not so beautiful face, that’s all. Pure common………. Sen…….Se

This is not Feng Shui. LOL And FS does not micro manage every single tiny thing.

Common sense does.. LOL



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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