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Good noon sir,

please help me choose a 2 bedroom unit and 1bedroom unit on the attached pictures with good fengshui.  The building's entrance is facing south and 4th, 13th,14th floors are omitted from the building floors. 

My first choice is on the 6th floor, but can choose other floors if there are no good units on the 6th floor..


Thank you very much and more power..



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2 hours ago, myfs_159879 said:

Where can i pay? And how much would it cost?



1. The resource for Can or cannot buy is under the following url:-

or simply type http://www.geomancy.sg

2.  The recommended type of Can or cannot buy report is as attached.

3. The fee for this service is SGP$288/-. (Normal / Non-urgent service). Time-frame is 4 working days or earlier upon receiving of all relevant information.

3.1. Determine who is the main breadwinner. Usually the male of the house even if both partners earn nearly the same salary.

3.2. Provide all family member's Name / Gender / Date and Time of birth (default western)

3.3. Be specific of what you want to review e.g. stack 01, 02 or 03 etc..

4. Payment is via 

a.  Paypal.geomancy.net

b. Or alternatively via eBanking / ATM transfer. For bank transfer please sms or WhatsApp Cecil Lee at HP: 97853171

Thank you.

Email: support@geomancy.net
Once sent an e-mail; please sms or WhatsApp to HP: 97853171 to monitor it. As sometimes, it may end up as a junk or spam mail. 



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Please see attachment.

1.1 Red arrow points to stack #2

1.2 Yellow arrow points to stack #12

2.1 The above are considered as stacks in a block.

3. Compass School Feng Shui = East or West Group person relies only on a. Year of birth and b. Gender.

4. However if it is combined with Ba zi Feng Shui then on occasions one's element can change.

5. Thus time of birth is considered as "Nice-to" have. Frankly if really don't have then leave it.







Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Can or cannot buy is to determine which stacks are better or ranked in that order.

2. Thus the review will show ranking:-

a. 1st Choice = stack #03
b. 2nd Choice = stack #02
c. 3rd Choice = stack #05.

3. After which one may use this to find out which unit-level is better:-

(Overall, this has lesser weightage than a better stack).

Hope that helps.

Free report:-

Unit number.png

Unit number1.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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