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Can or Cannot Buy Trilive (formerly Yimei Green) and Principal Garden & Eight House Concept personalised to a main breadwinner

In this illustration; a total of 4 stacks: Three from Trilive : stacks #12, #13 and #16 are compared to Principal Garden's stack #25 using the Eight House Concept to rank by percentage the better stacks/units.  

Resources on Can or Cannot buy:



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The above is just the beginning of this review.

This is an example of a Can or Cannot buy for specific stacks.

Frankly, it is very time consuming.

For this analysis alone: it took me from start to finish close to 6 solid hours of work: gather each layout; make sure that they are not mirrored; match the compass directions ... etc...

And usually after finishing this analysis.. will leave me with a head-ache.. but this aside..


TOTAL CAN OR CANNOT BUY with detalied analysis.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Please refer to attachments:

1.1. Illustration 1: These pavilion roof-lines may be considered a poison arrow if it aims towards any unit's balcony or windows. Even the vertical support structures may be potential poison arrows (if any).

1.2 Illustration 2:  Although the roofline of the roof terrace is no threat to it's surroundings. (Referring to the horizontal RED line). These clumps of bamboo trees are a sterling example of protection from poison arrows if any from such a roof-line threat.


possible poison arrows from rooflines.png

possible poison arrows from rooflines1.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Based on Shapes & Forms some conservative geomancers may ask their clients to avoid purchasing a unit supported directly by stilts.

2. Some geomancers even ask their clients not to purchase any stacks/units directly above these stilts.

2.1 The chief amounts this "fear" is that to some geomancers; because it symbolises possible weak structure; to them this is poor Feng Shui.

3. Perhaps, there is some truth as we never ever see these structures in an earthquake prone city or town.

4. So long as the building codes are up to specifications by the building authorities; under normal circumstances; one can expect an equally large percentage of geomancers saying that this is although a "thorn" but not the greatest critical concern.

4.1 As there are lots more other considerations besides this to assess a location / place. Thus "It Depends" applies.

Trilive-Floor-Plan- Shapes and Forms.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Trilive Blocks 111 and 113 - determining the Flying Stars of the stacks/units.

Based on the streetdirectory; my initial compass readings using a protractor is that although stacks in blocks 111 and 113 have N2 or S2 facing.

It is best to do an on-site reading to confirm these. For example a mere 0.6 degrees to the left and the readings may change to a N1 or S2 facing, respectively. 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Block 115 unlike it's cousin blocks Block 111 and 113 is virtually 100 percent confidence that it's stacks face either N2 or S2.

As N2 readings is determined as +3 degrees off True-north; and correspondingly the S2 readings is also +3 degrees off True-south direction.

It is strongly recommended that after T.O.P. it is always prudent to go on-site to confirm the correct compass readings; not just for this development for all that one has a stake in.


For now it is considered as N2:-

borderline case N2 or N1 facing.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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