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Dear sir,

I have a factory which was feng shui from a feng shui consultant many years back.

There has been no as such improvement in work and year by year debts are growing rapidly.

Currently I am taking over work from my father.

One thing I noticed is during rainy season our business starts flourishing and suddenly get halted when rains stop. I have noticed this many times and thus out of my curiosity I am writing this to you.

is there any specific place where we can apply water element or any other feature to replicate rain.

rain water pours from our main gates in north , north west sector

I have attached my factory map and chart done by feng shui consultant.

 factory faces N2 at 6 degree

period 5

IMG_20160825_163927351.jpgSir please provide suggestion your valuable tips would be very helpful.IMG_20160825_163912945.jpg



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1. To begin with, it is not considered professional for competitors in the same industry to make comments about each other's work.

2. Moreover, I am uncertain about the accuracy of the attached charts. For instance, the chart indicates that it is a Period 5 chart, while today we are in a Period 8 chart: 2004 to 2023. A Period 7 chart covers 1984 to 2003, and a Period 6 chart spans 1964 to 1983. The implications of using a Period 5 chart to plot your factory are unclear.

2.1. In addition to the Flying Star chart, other factors such as the surrounding drainage flow around the factory should be considered.

2.2. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, such as the location of the building and the external environment, are also important considerations. For example, a neighboring property with a "fire" element could pose a threat to the business.

3. Furthermore, I have provided interpretations of the significance of certain numbers, such as #5 in business representing misfortune or "sickness."

3.1. In addition to the above, I am having difficulty interpreting the blurred images, especially the second attachment.

rough comments.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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