Keith Posted November 29, 2016 Share Posted November 29, 2016 Dear Sir, In a Property Review you did in 2015 on HDB Tampines GreenLace. under para 3 in the following:- -------- 3. NE1 facing stacks = 42 &44 with SW1 facing stacks = 24. 3.1 NE1. Has the auspicious water wealth #8 star at the frontage. Thus, units with water position at the frontage (balcony side) can enjoy good Feng Shui. If so, the sum-of-ten can be activated for : Health, wealth and family luck. If the unit is not facing a water position, then best to place a water position at the balcony area to activate the luck. On the downside; the other sectors in such a home has bad stars that best to be disarmed or neutralised. -------- (1) Do you mean stacks 42 & 44 have bad stars that best to be disarmed or neutralised? There doesn't seem to have any other NE1 Stacks mentioned other than 42 & 44 mentioned in your review. (2) Are these 2 stacks good for West Group People? (3) Is Tampines GreenLace having Good or Bad Fengshui in general? (4) Is this plot of land well located (free from any harmful surrounding influence)? (5) Is the layout considered ideal? Ok? (6) It is located just opposite a school campus. I saw some posts from you that if the house is near hospital, medical facility such as Tampines Greenweave, it is no good. How about near School and Fire Station (close by though not exactly just next to it)? Kindly advise. Thanks in advance. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 1, 2016 1. Please note that the review is on 5 bedroom type. And not other bedroom types. Thus 42 & 44 happens to be facing NE1. 2. Under Flying Stars: NE1 happens to have auspicious water wealth #8 under Period 8. Thus this is its main advantage. As it's corresponding #8 mountain star is at the rear. Thus These two are its saving grace until year 2022... 2023 when it gradually change period. 3. As mentioned, other then these Two "wonder" stars till 2022..2023.. 2024. Other sectors have bad stars. For eg. The centre palace has the nasty #5 misfortune and sickness with #2 sickness stars. 4. The roof line of United world college can be a poison arrow. 5. Overall, this whole development is like most developments. And as it's three sides are facing the road, it pales in comparison to some other developments. 6. Common sense says that many don't want to be too close or earful to a fire station. If the fire engines turn on their siren etc... who is there to tell the not so. 7. Schools : if one is not directly facing a school... what is the concern? It's roof-line? Assembly area etc. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 Dear Master Lee, Thank you so much for the clarification. I have read a number of Singapore Property Reviews by you. I noticed that a number of reviews of NE1 and some SW1 stacks in your review mentioned about the bad stars just like the one on Tampines Green Lace. Can I assume that NE1 facing is in general a direction to be avoided? Are there also NE2 and NE3? If yes, do all NE facing have the same problem with the bad stars you mentioned above? Beside this, you mentioned that the two wonder stars will gradually move in time (pretty soon considering that 2023, 2024 is just 7 to 8 years from now). Does the same happen to the bad stars too? Does this mean we should change house or renovate the house to constantly align with the movement of the stars? Or perhaps, have the house reviewed by Fengshui Master regularly to implement corrective / enhancement measures? Lastly, what are the significance / impact of House Number and Eight House Principle as compared to Flying Stars? Kindly advise. Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 4, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 4, 2016 Part 1: These are some considerations: 1. In a recent reply; I mentioned the following:- 1.1. The forms (Shapes and Forms) prevail over the stars (Flying Stars). 1.2. Here, Shapes and Forms = Location, location and location. A home with great location will ofen have good Feng Shui with or without the need for Flying Stars = help. 2. Thus, in that reply I mentioned that:- 2.1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui can even be considered as 70 percent out of 100 marks 2.2 While Compass School Feng Shui: Has two schools: Flying Stars which accounts for only 25 per cent and the remaining 5 percent goes to Eight House concept. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 4, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 4, 2016 Part 2: 1. Not too long ago, another user asked me what I look for if applying Flying Star Feng Shui. 2. I replied, that my priorities when applying Flying Star Feng Shui is a home that has the "double auspicious" stars at the FRONTAGE. 3. Thus between 1984 to 2003: when I bought a home; the first criterior is Location, Location and Location. 3.1. Next under Flying Stars is a home that AT that time has double #7's. 3.2. And from now to 2023: all the homes that I bought are again have great Location, location and location. And a bonus if it has double auspicous #8's during this period. 4. In this sample chart of a Period 8 NE2/NE3; for now to 2023, the auspicious #mountain star is #8. While the auspicious #water is or can often be wasted at the rear of the unit such as the kitchen /yard / yard wc etc.. 5. From 2024 onwards, the #8 becomes part prospeirty; the #5 takes over as the dominant star: a health concern. 5.1. Flying Star chart is not one size fits all. 5.2. For example, in this chart: the nasty #5 and #2's are at the centrepoint. And if the layout has an open space then it is not advantages to have this layout. For example in some developments, the centrepoint is a bomb shelter or a toilet. If so, the later suits this type of layout plan. 6. Since Period 9 is just around the corner; although officially it is 2024 onwards till 2043. 6.1 Often one can feel it's effecs say from 2022... 2023.. onwards. What to look out? 6.2. Here, the since 2024 to 2043 is under Period 9: #8 becomes past prosperity. 6.3. And #9 becomes the dominant or CURRENT PROSPERITY stars during THAT period. 6.4. Good luck if the Water star #9 is locked up in the EAST and assuming that this is a toilet. Or the mountain star #9 under that period which is located at South could also be the kitchen or even the service yard. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 4, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 4, 2016 Part 3: Lets look at a sample illustration. And assuming the frontage is NE2/NE3. And try to imagine and superimpose the earlier 9 grid chart over it: Here frontage is standing inside the living room lookint out of the living room windows is say NE2: 1. Under Period 9; it is a double edged sword in that theEast sector is a missing corner. But there is an opening at the master bedroom (at East) to allow good qi to flow in: provided the owner opens the windows as highlighted in green. 2. Under Period 9: the mountain star #9 is wasted at the South side. Which is often the washing machine/ service yard area. 3. The good thing is that the centrepoint has the toilets. Which helps to lock the nasty #5 = misfortune/sickness with #2 sickness at the central palace. 3.1. Thus, contrary to popular belief: not always bad to have a toilet at the middle of the home = It depends! 3.2. Is this a good fit for a Period 8; NE2 facing unit? No choice if there are no comparisons. 3.3. What happens if one is house hunting and found a home with a layout as shown under Para 4, below? CLUE: Para 4's layout seems to be a better fit under future Period 9 chart. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 4, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 4, 2016 Part 4: Again, assuming that this layout is also a Period 8 NE2 chart. And assuming the frontage is NE2/NE3. And try to imagine and superimpose the earlier 9 grid chart over it (this chart). 1. This layout plan has a Household shelter (bomb shelter) at the centre palace. Which is good. As it helps to lock the #5 and #2. Furthermore it is a bonus that it is not the toilet. 2. If one considers Period 9 : then the living room will in the future have the water star #9 at this location. Where one spends time at. 3. The other benefit of this layout plan vs above Part 3's layout is that it has the benefit of the main entrance /kitchen at the South sector. 4. The above two examples show that Flying Stars be it Period 7, 8, 9 etc.. with e.g. NE2/ NE3 etc.. is not just "ONE SZE FITS ALL" senario. 4.1 The mantra "IT DEPENDS" applies! 4.2 Thus, logically, this layout seems more beneficial IF one is considering this home long term. But if one will most certainly change home on or after 2022 onwards.. then, do ignore this analysis. 5. In this illustration: the frontage should often be standing inside the living room looking out of the living room window(s). As the main door depends on how the architect would like the unit to be "joined" to the common corridor. A sample illustration is where the main door could even be at location marked in red "A". Thus the main door could even be at a different direction. E.g. when opening the main door can see directly towards the living room window(s). Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 4, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 4, 2016 In my opinion or to be fair: Countries such as Singapore that choose to import labour and max the land or crowd more and more people into the country: even if one is a multi-millionaire; majority would still be housed in an apartment. Therefore: the term "Location, location and location" is harder to reach especially for many who just started out with an equally high priced 99 year old leased property. Given this senario; one's hope is to try to squeeze out as much luck from the 30% left of the total marks. And hopefully, the other 70 percent: not sterling but at least not a rotten location. Thus in many past forum messages, there are homes that:- 1. Are unpolished gem. And for these homes, just a simple and straight forward enhancement can do wonders. 2. There are the other homes that are within the "bell curve". Here, do a search in this forum... for this term 3. Unfortunately, there are homes that like even before staying in is already similar to a 10 year old 1,000 cc car. Suppose to be scapped by SGP standards... Thus no matter how much one tries to fix the "leaks" here; there is no miracle cures. 4. Contrast this to the 1960's to 1970's where many teachers could afford to purchase a terrace house for SGP$15,000/-. And then, semi-detached homes and bungalows can afford to have many fruit-trees. And even able to cope with the popular mango tree. Very popular that time as their properties are fairly large to be able to swallow this tree = notorioius for it's overgrowth and dense folliage. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 5, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 5, 2016 Extract from the forum thread of Sims Urban Oasis:- These are some considerations:- Out of say a total of 100 marks:- 1. 70 percent goes to "Location, location and location". Thus one of the most critical is the last resort of stacks facing the expressway. 1.1. As expressways are like water courses and vehicles going more than 70 km to 90 km ain't exactly slow. Thus this is like a fast water course. Inauspicious under the Water classics. 1.2. White pollution = noise pollution from vehicles along the busy expressway all day round with exception of lesser traffic around the wee hours of any day or Sundays. 1.3. Thus stacks facing the highway will have much poorer marks or the dice loaded against it; the moment one buys such stacks. 2. As mentioned above: Location, location and location = Shapes and Forms accounts for nearly 70 percent of the total marks. 3. The last 30 percent of the marks goes to Compass School Feng Shui. 3.1. There are two concepts under the Compass School: Eight House (e.g. such as bed head facing West) and Flying Star Feng Shui. 3.2. Here, Flying Star Feng Shui accounts for the bulk of the luck as much as 25 percent. And the remainder 5 percent goes to such things as "your bed head facing west". 4. In summary as a rough guide:- Shapes and Forms Feng Shui (Location, location and location) = 70 % Flying Star Feng Shui = 25 % Eight House Feng Shui = 5% ---------------------------------------------- Total Max score = 100 % ========================== Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 12, 2017 Staff Share Posted January 12, 2017 As the open canal runs parallel to this bungalow (with real water flow) it is subjected to the water classics. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 26, 2023 Staff Share Posted July 26, 2023 Feng Shui suffers a bad reputation, today. Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui. But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui. Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one: Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why. Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES! On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 20, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 20, 2024 25th Anniversary in 2019 How can we help you today? GET EXPERT HELP: IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Comprehensive Home Package [A.]: On-site or [B.]: Off-site for HDB / Condo / EC & Landed Properties for New/Re-Sale House or facing financial/ marriage/ relationship/ health issues Do you offer a 1 visit On-site audit? How much? " As much as we see, has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. " Success starts with good Feng Shui Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products. Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / House Hunting? We will help you select the most auspicious unit! Learn More The Experts in House Hunting Please visit 30 Days Auspicious Date for ONE or TWO Person(s) - FengShui.Geomancy.Net +++ Related: Non-Religious Chinese Customs For New Re-Sale Home Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 20, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 20, 2024 Type in the unit number to find out OPTION 1 Please go to this link to check a unit number: [Need to create a free account to access it] or OPTION 2 Go to URL: On the blue navigation on the left, click under Free Reports | House Number. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 20, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 20, 2024 D.I.Y. House Hunting Kit: Success starts with good Feng Shui Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products. Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / House Hunting? We will help you select the most auspicious unit! Learn More The Experts in House Hunting ALL ELSE KEEP CALM AND LET CECIL HANDLE IT Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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