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We are interested in one of the unit. However, From the main door, We kind of saw there is a sharp cones object facing the main door. We would like to check whether is the pics we took really show poison arrow facing main door. If yes what is the remedy.


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Okay thanks!

Earlier.. cannot see clearly the photo clearly.

Actually the purple pointed zone is bad sha qi or poison arrow.

The good news is that these two buildings are quite a distance away as far as the 2D photo shows or suggest.

sha qi bad.jpg

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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9 hours ago, Lawrencelau said:

Thanks Master again for your help.  Even the building is many block away can still be considered as poison arrow ? Is there anyway to fix this poison arrow ? 

Sha Qi and Poison arrows from sharp corners of buildings.

It is preferred to get a better understanding looking at a TOP down or helicopter view of the map.

Take for example this illustration of HDB Punggol Sapphire:-

Blk 266C, 266D and 265D are at a distance to cause a poison arrow from the sharp corners of their buildings.

In this illustration, even the furthest purple arrow is also within the distance to cause a poison arrow. Thus this is the correct distance to cause a poison arrow.

HDB Punggol Sapphire sharp corners.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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We are looking at blk 145 bishan level 8 at the middle left corner. From the map or top down,  we are not sure how to spot the poison arrow. To be honest, we love the unit but for me, I not able to accept the poison arrow pointing to the main door.




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Classic case of poison arrow from roof-line of Neighbours.

it is considered a Sha Qi or poison arrow(s) if the roof-line is aimed towards an opening such as a main door or openings..

The red outlines show the potential poison arrows from roof-lines of the strata terraces. Photo taken from Blk 732, Cascadale condo:-


Same photo but without the red outlines drawn:-


Strata terraces:-




The distance between the strata terraces no. 1 to 37 is in close proximity of the first photo: that of block 732 Casacadale condo in Changi (circled in red):-



Q: How to tell what distance is then considered a threat or potential poison arrow?

A: Frankly there is no one size fits all. 

Take a look at this photo:


Side view of the distance between the strata terraces on the left with block 732 on the right:-

(Approximately 4 to 5 car lengths distance between the two)


If I am standing at my main door and when I look out of it now... how do you feel?  Perhaps a little uneasy? 

If it affects our feelings .. then this can also affect or rather bring down our Human or man luck. Not just Feng Shui which is about earth luck!

For example: for some who are not blessed with Heaven Luck (Ba zi) and our earth luck is average.. But if we do have or surrounded by family : strong love, teamwork etc.. this transcends even poor or average Heaven and/or Earth luck.

Do a search in this forum for "Holy Trinity of Luck".. for those who are not sure about what is Heaven / Earth and Human/man luck..

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thanks alot Master Lee for your details info. It's really helpful in terms of identifying the posion arrows. We are still viewing few more units in bishan block 145/141/177/124. Hope we can find our home. Blk 177/124 is on lower floor 4th and 5th. I am wondering for feng shui, Is anything against living a lower floor ?

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Good Luck!

Lets not focus just on HDB flats.

Singaporeans are so used to the perceived idea of higher the better.

In monetary sense, all of us know that most of the time the price of a unit goes up per storey. In some developments it is like $500 to $1000 difference each floor higher.

Lets not talk about this generalised idea. 

Do you know that "there are more rich people who stay on the ground/2nd storey = landed than -> up there". Here, the bungalows, semi-detached and terraces. All are suppose to be no higher than 3 storeys high + an attic.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 26/06/2017 at 11:44 AM, Cecil Lee said:

More crucial is the unit's main door above the roof-line of the opposite block.

If it is above the red-line then no issue. Given that it difficult to judge from that photo etc...


Looks like these 3 pointy roofs could be the arrows... 


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37 minutes ago, anything said:

Looks like these 3 pointy roofs could be the arrows... 


Must be exactly the same height + from an opening at the opposite home facing it.

Thus even if it is the same stack but higher or lower than the pointed roof... not an issue.


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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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These four sample illustrations show inauspicious poison arrows of neighbouring block in close proximity of a unit.

All four illustraions are considered poison arrows aimed towards the main entrance of that unit.

If in doubt, best to avoid purchaing a unit aimed towards the "vulnerable" main entrance.


1. The corner of the neighbouring block aimed towards the main door at a 45 degree angle.

2. If there is a V shaped point aimed towards the main door.

3. The main door is facing the "barrel of a gun/pistol or rifle.

4. Similar to your photo. Showing the head of the hammer ...aimed towards the main door. See below:-

inauspicious 1 2 and 3.png

inauspicious 3 and 4.png

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 4 weeks later...
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These are some considerations:-

1. Under Symbolism in Feng Shui, the I-Ching says that water above one is inauspicious. And represents "difficulty" or problems". In this sense, it is "linked to good or bad Feng Shui".

2. Pure Common sense.

2.1. If or should the structure of the support above the unit is not up to structural strength.. then... just imagine...

2.2. More likely, if there are issues, it could most likely be cracks at the support columns and if the roof is not properly waterproofed.. water has a way of seeking cracks. And one may start to see water seeping downwards.

3. This is unrelated: But in the past a Shopping complex in Korea had it's cooling towers moved and this lead to the weakening of the support pillars.

>If the water tank is directly above our unit, it is consider as bad feng shui ? If yes what is the remedy ?

What do you think?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee,

Thanks for your prompt response. We check with the owner that so far no leaking and we visit the units a few times but did not see any trace of leaking. 

Assume if the structure is not an issue, from feng shui perspective, can I interpret the above as still a no no to stay ? There is no remedy at all ? 

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