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Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plans


Case Study: "Site Reserved for Place of Worship" and "Site Reserved for School". Are these two situations bad?

HDB West Scape @ Bukit Batok BTO August 2017 launch

1. As the potential Place of Worship is a street away and directly facing Block 432A stacks 1507 and 1509. It is good to place these two 5 bedroom types as "Last Resort" or rather AVOID! ACTUNG!


2. Should I also avoid stacks 1511 and 1513?

2.1. Stack 1511 is along the fringe of the place of worship. While stack 1513 is away from it.

2.2. These two stacks are "better" off than stacks 1507 and 1509. If one can, see if there are any other better stacks/units to choice from. In doubt, don't get then!

3. What about a unit beside a school? I heard that this was bad or inauspicious.

3.1 Avoid a school's clock-face (if any facing a unit).

3.2 Fortunately, no new schools have a clock tower. Only old established schools like Catholic High etc.. has one.

3.3. Noise pollution: If one's unit is facing the school's assembly area and/or playground; Early in the morning at school assembly the Singapore anthem would be played. By this time; most adults would have gone to work and school going children to schoo.

3.4. Some Feng Shui Masters claim that it is not good to be next to or beside a school because to them; often after 4pm onwards or a single session school; by later afternoon or evening.. the school becomes YIN. And to them, YIN environment is not as good for luck.

3.5. If one asks me, this is more like a grand-mother's tale: As there is sufficient YANG qi or residual YANG qi left in the area after dark. This is why in most schools that does not have an old history of occupation by the Japanese / torture etc.. It is often a non-issue.

4. As most schools are of a certain height; do be careful of the roof-line of a school if any slicing or aimed towards one's opening(s) such as the main door / living room windows and other openings eg. bedroom windows.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: Avoiding low floors where one may be able to look into the Precinct Pavilliion (PP)

1. The Precinct Pavillions are highlighted in yellow.

2. Low floors of stacks/units highlighted in yellow may be able to look into the PP(s).

3. Stacks 1521 and 1635 are not facing the PP(s). But in situations where rituals are performed at the wake and/or music is playing ... can be noisy.

4. The planners of this development by placing a PP at block 433 means that at least 9 stacks may be "affected" by it. I did not even include stacks 1539 or 1587. Since it is at the fringe of the PP. See where are you comfortable with in terms of the PP.

5. Why are you so concerned about a PP?

6. There is no control as to when a wake/funeral occurs at the PP. If it happens during one of our festive occassions e.g. CNY. And if one has a full view of it; cannot close the living room windows and draw down the curtains on such an auspicious festive period.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: Stack/unit affected by Fire @ Heaven's Gate may result in becoming 2nd Choice out of two stacks reviewed. Here, in order to do a proper review, a holistic approach involving weightage and factors.

Stack 1513 has the kitchen at NW. Thus, this is larger concern even if this stack scores higher compatibiity with the breadwinner at 68.8%

Can or cannot buy HDB WEST SCAPE.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to HDB West Scape (Westscape) @ Bukit Batok BTO August 2017 launch
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Source and Credit: theindependent.sg



Source and Credit: theindependent.sg

SINGAPORE — A Singaporean resident shared a video of a huge crack along a carpark wall of a supposedly new BTO estate on Tuesday (Jan 31). “This is a brand new BTO, Westscape Bukit Batok carpark wall,” the resident wrote. “We don’t even have all neighbours moved in yet and this is the state of our estate,” the resident added.

The resident then urged, “Please help us share (this with) all Singaporeans. We have had neighbours with water leaking from (the) ceiling during heavy rain… we have terrible plumbing such that water pressure is super weak. And this crack now just makes it so much worse.” The eight-second video followed the crack along the wall.


Source and Credit: theindependent.sg

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Is the Sales Brochure Useful?


Introduction: For brand new just launched developments, there is no physical site to visit the completed buildings and apartments. 

1. The only thing we can do is to visit the show room (which often is close-by to the site) as well as obtain a sales brochure and see the mock-up of the development. As well as try to ask questions from the sales agent (if any).

1.1. We must still try to gather as much information as we can.

2. Summary of Case Studies in this article.

If the information is overwhelming. Pick and choose selective articles...

1A & B: Common Rubbish Bin
2A & B: Interior unit Dry Walls
3: Fire at Heaven's Gate
4: Sha Qi or Poison Arrows from Club-house roof-lines
5: 3 Panel Sliding Doors at the Balcony
6: Drainage at the Balcony
7: Air-con Ledges
8: Mixed Developments + Cooling Towers
9: Termite infestations
10: Coffee-shop below or near to unit
11: Water tank at roof-top
12: Lamp Posts, Pillars, Tree Trunks
13: Spice Garden in an EC/condo
14: EC/condo Clubhouse
15A & B: Pneumatic Waste Collection System
16: Look closely at the development's scale model for clues
17: Buying a Mixed development apartment
18: Survey or study facilities surrounding the development
19: Pump Room below a unit
20: Seven Commandments of Stove Placement
21: Is there a potential poison arrow from the neighbours?
22: Should I be concerned with a near-by temple, church, mosque &/or elder care?
23: Is the compass marking on the Sales Brochure accurate?
24: Sites reserved for Schools?
25: Doors face each other? [Main Door/Bedrooms]
26: Unit numbers with 4, 44 or 444 Okay?

27: Stove or sink or WC at the Centre of the house?

3. It is always an excellent idea to spent some time to scrutinise a prospective sales brochure of our potential buy (purchase).


4. Recently, more and more clients have discovered to their shock (horror) that the least expected was the location of the central rubbish bin outside their unit.

5. A year ago; many had purchased a premium unit within the development .. and later shocked to learn that the central rubbish chute (for their entire floor) is just next to their main door!

6. Thus the morale of the story is to check first before signing on the dotted line.

7. In general, most developments have these:-

8.1. A central rubbish collection centre / rubbish bin collection point

8.2. Power Sub-station. Every development usually has one or more of these depending on the size of the development.

8.3. Design of club-house roof-lines / trellis / gazebo / pavilion. Are the designs a "threat" e.g. with spikes or like a razor's edge? Usually these are aimed towards lower storeys.

8.4. Any poison arrows in the form of a sharp corner of another block of neighbouring stack aimed towards one's balcony (hard to cure) or towards one's windows (if any)

8.5. Location of areas like BBQ pits and any impact e.g. the smell from these pits towards a unit.. especially low storeys such as #01  or #02 first or second storeys

8.6. Any tree trunk aimed towards a lower unit e.g. #01 or #02. Unfortunately it may be too late; especially if the development is under construction.

9. There are lots more considerations...  

9.1. Do remember "Read in-between" the lines..

TRILIVE reading between the lines.png



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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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