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Although it is now proven by scientists that the literal Left and Right brain concept is not true.

Neverthless this is still a useful concept to define the two different styles.

Thus, we still associate the "Right-brain" with intuition, artistic and the arts.

Looking at the block and stack layout.. it is unlike the methodical "Left-brain" type of layout.

Here, most likely the planners are more inclined to be "Right-brainers".

For example block 425A and 425B both blocks share a similar tri-branch-out layout. Otherwise, they have stacks that are totally not even similar facing at all.

This is what is so unique in this development. While 423A takes a little from the facing directions of block 425A and 423C takes to 425B.

Although on first look the Precinct Pavillion or PP seems to be exactly at the middle of Northshore cove development;

After analysing closely.. surprisingly, only one 5 bedder is even close to "looking" at this PP. Even so, you really need to strain the neck to be able to look towards the PP.

The most affected would be stack 171 (even so, at an acute angle view). And the rest are the smaller bedders stacks 109, 111 and also low floors of 113, 115, 137 and 139. Good news is that these stacks are considered quite a large distance away. Unless one has inplanted bionic eyes... thank god.. this is still a few decades away... 

Northshore cove Precinct pavilion.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Bad news is that most likely the planners of the estate most likely are non-drivers.

2. Most condos and even past HDB developments have more than two exits.

2.1 This is a safety feature where if a vehicle happens to breakdown or stuck at that gantry; there is an alternative exit point.

3. In addition, it is safer to have a carpark entry/exit along a straight road such as Northshore Drive instead of the road at a curve along Northshore Crescent.

4. The entry / exit towards (the road) Northshore crescent should not have so many "twists" and turns and criss-crossing towards the Drop-off-point (DOP).

5. "S" curse oops.. I mean "S" curve can slow down vehicles.. but not many are that accurate or you are trying to say.. there are large sized vehicles such as S-class Mercedes Benz or BMW 7 series leasees or their family members visiting this development? Or what about other 7 or 8 seater vehicles? 

5.1 For example at marking in purple A, many drivers often eat-into the other lane when entering or exiting the car-park.

5.2 As a result, most likely, the estate may place bolder blocks. And one can see the poor tires/wheels rubbing against this in the future.

6. Often cars turning into Northshore Crescent may want to go directly towards the DOP. While cars exiting the car park will criss-cross this "junction" at marking in pink "B".

6.1 One can just imagine.. there may be prone to kissing by vehicles/motorcycles etc..

7. HDB, if you are hearing this.. yeah! YOU! the planner..

Yes, You!

This is not a test track for learners to learn how to pass "S" curves. 

It is your responsibility to make it safe!

8. Take for example how Causeway point's car park entrance /exits were redesigned many years ago to be .. SAFE and minimize accidents!

9. Take for example also how Ang Mo Kio Hub's car park were redesigned to make it safe! After so many accidents due to the huge pillars that had created blind spots .. when it was first opened...

P.S. It is not too late to re-design the car-park, lah! Luckily you are not in North Korea.. or you would not be seen or heard after this...shhhhh....

northshore cove and potential accidents.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Please note that this is a rough sketch.

2. I have redesigned the car-park entrance and exit / DOP entrance and exit and the rubbish bin collection for block 423C.

3. In my opinion, this is not perfect. But, at least, would minimize and accidents totally.

4. The flaw of this sketch is that I placed the entrance leading into the basement car park to close to the slip road turning in from Northshore Drive. This is not a good idea as some cars may be rear-ended if it turns suddenly even if it signals left.

5. Thus, I have re-designed this area in the next thread. Just to show that the entrance could be better improved.

6. The good thing about this simple sketch is that the entrance and exit are now no longer sharing the same piece of service road with each other and the DOP. Can still have an open space between the DOP and exit so that cars can still turn towards the DOP to pick up passengers.

7. While cars entering the development to park should normally not drop someone at the DOP.

8. The planners could have also considered the entrance along Northshore Drive as it is a straight road vs a more dangerous entry /exit along a curve i.e. Northshore Crescent (road).

northshore cove car park entrance1.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. This is a variant of my earlier redesign of the entrance towards the underground car-park of Northshore cove.

2. This redesign is to reduce the potential for cars turning into the car-park getting rear-ended at marking in red X. As the earlier entrance is close to the slip road from Northshore drive.

northshore cove car park entrance1a.png


3. One consideration is that the entrance/exit  to this development may be at location marked as "A".

3.1 As this is a straight road and less blind spot(s).

4. Alternatively, the entrance could have been at marking A. And the exit at marking B.

4.1 And even in the future may allow for two entry/exit gantries (if necessary). (As this development has 801 units.. fairly large sized estate. close to the 1,000k resident level developments).

4.2 Unless this is one way to deter car-ownership.. hmmm..

5. In fact, many condos have this arrangement where entry is at one side and exit is at the other. Again, to minimize accidents..


P.S. The above are just wishful thinking.. in that if the original layout had been properly drawn or planned.. I would not have to come-up with such an imaginative redrawing of the service road of Northshore cove development.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and the Water classics; it is certainly a no-brainer if one does not select either of these stacks/units 149 (4 bedders); the rest are 5 bedders:- 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161 and higher floors of stack 163.


For stack 163, higher floors are preferred to ensure the unit clears the trees in the park. Even 159 should consider higher floors since the living room would be overlooking the park.

If you have selected any of the above.. Congratulations! For getting a million dollar view and no afternoon sun!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Especially in these two blocks 425A and 425B; not only are the lifts centrally located; each floor's central rubbish bin is equally at the centre-point of the development.

central rubbish bins.png

Thus the advantage is that this bin is not close to any stacks/units. Of course, the slight draw-back is that it is in full view of those coming in and out of the lifts.

Frankly, this is quite common in many of the past HDB block designs all over Singapore. 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: RAFFLES HOSPITAL CAR PARK: A Right-hand drive car on a tight car-park designed for Left-hand drive direction = Dangerous BLIND SPOT(S) especially when a vehicle negotiates a 90 degree turn.

1. This is off-track.

2. Another car-park needs to be re-looked is that of the present Raffles Hotel.. Oops! Sorry it is Raffles HOSPITAL exiting wing.

3. The entry exit at the ground level is pretty normal until one reaches the 1st upper level...


4. It is evident that the way it was designed is meant for "LEFT-hand" drive cars! 

5. If one wants to be familiar with driving on left-hand drive country minus the driver's seat.. this has to be it!

6. Most likely, the planner of this car park was from US or countries like France, Germany that drives on the left.

7. With our Commonwealth type of RIGHT-hand drive cars, turning 90 degrees to the next level on a "left-hand" drive road means.. blind spots, here, blind spots there.

8. There is always a reason why Left-hand drive roads means LEFT-hand drive cars and not a rojak of LEFT-hand roads with RIGHT-hand drive and vice-versa!

9. When the new wing at Raffles Hospital is readly .. hopefully.. this has been corrected! 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: A well designed car park entry and exit layout at HDB Clementi Northarc (Launched in the same month as Northshore Cove)

1. The HDB Clementi Northarc has a total of 1,179 units. This is around 279 more units.

2. Yet, the Entry / Exit from Clementi Avenue 6 is straighforward and orderly: straight turns; the entrance / exit for this estate is close to the main road. No "S-curves" to test drivers..

3. If one looks carefully, there are many entry and exit points in this development to a similar one storey car park.

4. For example there is an entry / exit beside Block 209A Stack 223.

5. There is also an entry exit close-by to Block 210 stack 273; another entry close to stack 239.

6. Another exit is close-by to stack 205. While stack 219 is facing another entry into this one storey car park.

7. The planner(s) of this CLementi Northarc estate most likely is a LEFT-Brain type of person who is methodical and systematic.

8. This is why the blocks are laid out in a non-creative North-South direction. Even when this plot is not rectangular in-shape.

9. This type of planner(s) should be the ones who take over the planning of HDB Northshore cove's entire car-park flow/design.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: Car Park and service road design of HDB Waterway Sunrise II , Punggol Drive

Another BTO which was also launched in February 2017 was HDB Waterway Sunrise II.

This development has a total of 1014 units. 200 plus units more than HDB Northshore cove.

Please take a look at the way the carpark entrances are organized:-

There are two separate entry/exits and they are close to the entrance. Systematic and seems well organised.

Even the DOP is well designed much like those found in a Shopping Centre: along the main road on Punggol Drive.

Instead of having to deeply into the development and having to compete in a chaotic criss-crossing of I give-way, you yield type of situation found at HDB Northshore cove haphazard service road design.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Please get your Feng Shui Master to give you a better understanding of the change-over of the Feng Shui of your new home. As the change will start around 2 years before 2024. 

Either your new home is lucky from now till 2023 or not as lucky now but better luck from 2024 to 2043.

Which is which for your new home?




Get advice on how to overcome the above!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 9:58 PM, Cecil Lee said:

Case Study: RAFFLES HOSPITAL CAR PARK: A Right-hand drive car on a tight car-park designed for Left-hand drive direction = Dangerous BLIND SPOT(S) especially when a vehicle negotiates a 90 degree turn.

1. This is off-track.

2. Another car-park needs to be re-looked is that of the present Raffles Hotel.. Oops! Sorry it is Raffles HOSPITAL exiting wing.

3. The entry exit at the ground level is pretty normal until one reaches the 1st upper level...


4. It is evident that the way it was designed is meant for "LEFT-hand" drive cars! 

5. If one wants to be familiar with driving on left-hand drive country minus the driver's seat.. this has to be it!

6. Most likely, the planner of this car park was from US or countries like France, Germany that drives on the left.

7. With our Commonwealth type of RIGHT-hand drive cars, turning 90 degrees to the next level on a "left-hand" drive road means.. blind spots, here, blind spots there.

8. There is always a reason why Left-hand drive roads means LEFT-hand drive cars and not a rojak of LEFT-hand roads with RIGHT-hand drive and vice-versa!

9. When the new wing at Raffles Hospital is readly .. hopefully.. this has been corrected! 

Good News!

With the opening of the 2nd wing last year, somehow Raffles Hospital has partially changed some of the traffic directions...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to HDB Northshore Cove BTO launched in February 2017
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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