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Parc Botannia @ Fernvale Road by Wee Hur Holdings and Sing Holdings LTD - Is my unit still lucky?

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Part 1A - Resources on Parc Botannia @ Fernvale Road by Wee Hur Holdings and Sing Holdings LTD


On a virgin (Low hill)  land in Jalan Kayu/Seletar & fringe of Sengkang West.  It will have to be completely levelled to make way for this development. 

Fortunately there is a buffer between it and the TPE expressway. Good thing if considering a unit facing Northerly direction or the Seaview..

This plot of land:-


Both established brands in SGP.

Waiting for the site plan and floor plans: before reviewing this project...

TOP 2021. (Expected is 3rd or 4th quarter 2010)

Source and credit: their main website



Part 1B: Reference Resource Bank - Parc Botannia Main Brochure with sitemap ebrochure

ParcBotannia Main Brochure with Site plan only.pdf

  • Thanks 1

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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final.jpgPart 2A - Photos of the site taken on 16 September 2017

This morning 16 September 2017; before my first appointment at the near-by Bellewaters EC, drop-by Parc Botannia..

Looks like the main con: Ben Hur; oops! sorry I mean Wee Hur had started the levelling and bringing in the piles..

The main con proudly displays it's name prominently above the entrance gate and it's company logo at the temporary site office..

They had to build retaining walls on either side of the plot


The land slopes towards the LRT track. 

Looks like it has to be levelled..


The site office:


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Another set of photos of neighbouring High Park Residences [HPR] taken on 28 October 2017.

What to do? So far, progress at Parc Botannia is like what was seen earlier on 16 September 2017.


Next time... yawn... promise no more HPR photos, okay? Nevertheless, the next posting will show the progress at Parc Botannia-:) 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: For education purposes only = Source and Credit of the site-map: Huttons Exclusive Agency of Parc Botannia and many other developments:

This development has Block 10 : with stacks facing either Flying Stars

Block 10 stacks #01, #02, #07, #08, #09 = N3

Block 10 stacks #03, #04, #05, #06 = S3.

As the expected TOP is Q4 2020; it is within the Period 8 Feng Shui chart of 2004 to 2023.

Credit: Huttons

Parc Botannia flying stars3.png

The remainder of the stacks are either Period 8: N2 of S2 facing.

streetdirectory parc botannia.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8: Flying Star Feng Shui of Parc Botannia

N2 and N3 have identical Flying Star characteristis. So is S2 and S3 facing units.


A typical N2 facing chart:-

In general, for such a chart, often the current prosperity wealth stars #8's are wasterd at the "kitchen" or yard area.


Thus, between an N2 or N3; often an S2 or S3 is a better direction. Provided: the kitchen is not at the NW. Particularly the stove.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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3C7E693D-A5B9-4BEB-AB7D-EECAF0BDF881.pngPart 9: Would you believe that in 1966, due to the proximity to the Nearby British Camp at Seletar; 

Parc Botannia would have been today along a road called Lorong  Samak and before Lorong Kechapi.  Today, these roads disappeared or non-existent.

In 1966, there was also a market just 180 metres to the left of this development located at the main road of Jalan Kayu.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 1 year later...

Hi Master Lee. Thank you for the post above. Reference to above post, though the unit may be inauspicious as pointed out, but it may not necessary be the case depending on the family’s members Eight characters? In general most blocks as mentioned in your earlier post are N2 or S2 facing, which means all these blocks falls in inauspicious category? 

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22 minutes ago, Yjing5463 said:

Hi Master Lee. Thank you for the post above. Reference to above post, though the unit may be inauspicious as pointed out, but it may not necessary be the case depending on the family’s members Eight characters? In general most blocks as mentioned in your earlier post are N2 or S2 facing, which means all these blocks falls in inauspicious category? 

There are many considerations:
1. Location, location, location: Account for 70% of the total Feng Shui Luck
2. The unit accounts for 30%.
Thus in total = 100%

3. Need to take into consideration main breadwinner's ba zi etc.. etc...

4. One of the resource would be that some South facing stacks/units may be prone to kitchen at the NW = inauspicous "Fire @ Heaven's Gate".


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1856220713_ParcBotanniaqiflowandhighlowpressurezones.thumb.png.8e0a1618eec4d4b77019862c6c9eaf61.pngPart 11 Case Study: Block 16 Stack 20 and the flow of Qi + during NE monsoon seasons...

Also due to high and low pressure ... wind flow is often North-South  (and NE-Southerly direction) and vice-versa 

In theory, Block 16 Stack 20 overall has the best Shapes and Forms especially with it's unblocked view between the two blocks 10 and 12. 

Sometimes being 'too exposed" is a risk given that this area is at the North-Eastern part of Singapore. And on certain months with the prevailing North-East monsoon, especially with strong winds; this may not be too good for a unit exposed to it.

Fortunately, the "tail-part" where there is a potential for strong winds is more likely to be at the master bedroom side of Stack 20. But also do be careful of strong windy conditions towards the living room balcony and other bedrooms. 

Thus this can impact of wealth. Too much "exposed" windy conditions can at times lead to health and wealth issues. Fortunately, this can often be partially controlled by closing the windows/balcony sliding door(s).  Hopefully, there is no strong wind vortex coming through the yard area. Especially if it is an open area particularly for stack #20 and #21's yard area.

1529249455_Northeastmonsoon.thumb.png.8400c8e0d22c46afeb701d6bfa0564f3.pngP.S. This site is close to the open sea. Fortunately it is not everyday that there is a strong surge of the NE monsoon... rains/windy conditions. But at times... large pots of plants have been known to fall down around the area of Seletar HIlls / Gerard Drive area... 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 12: Case Study: Aquatic Pets' Pavilion? What type of pets: dogs/cats/rabbits/guinea pigs/parrots/igunas/tortises/turtles/pet rats etc..? How does this work out?

1. Don't get me wrong to single out pets. I love animals.

1.1 However, I really not sure how this works? 


2. Personally, I am concerned about hygiene...especially (dog / cat  and other pets poo.. urine.. / fleas + water element. )

3. This reminds me of two other projects in some other developments:

a. Spice Garden: Several developments old and new have spice gardens. For e.g. Prive in Punggol. I walked pass the spice garden and always envisage that the spices can never be eaten due to the requirement that all developments must be fogged weekly.

b. Glamping at Parc Komo: From what I understand the term Glamping.. it means staying in the "camp" overnight? Can this be abused? Hope not.


4. Case Study: Many years ago, I visited a new client who had stayed at The Bayshore. This development has around 1,000 units. And it seems there are many residents/tenants/owners having pets.

4.1 When I first when up to this new client's unit, found that he has lots of reddish marks all over his body.

4.2 Later found out that his masterbed room Divan / Box bed when the storage area was opened up were crawling with lots of bugs = "ticks".

4.3 Most likely, it was suspected that he could have walked pass the grounds of the development. And most likely one of the "ticks" had hopped onto his clothings. Thus bringing these bugs into his unit. *Yucks*.

4.4 This is why when I hear of anything to do with "pets" I always remembered this "phobia" .... LOL!

5. Personally, whenever I go to (especially) an older development, I often try to avoid walking near to grassy areas. And make sure especially my pants e.g. bamboo material is less likely to have "creatures" attaching to it... and pray that my shirt does not attract these things.. LOL.

Appended on 9 April 2020: With COVID-19, might change this?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee

Hastily, we purchased the project before encountering your web, hoping that it won’t be too bad for us. May I check if we could still get your help to analyse the unit for us? And if yes what’s the rate? You would require eight character of all people staying in the house? Thanks 

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21 minutes ago, Yjing5463 said:

Hi Master Lee

Hastily, we purchased the project before encountering your web, hoping that it won’t be too bad for us. May I check if we could still get your help to analyse the unit for us? And if yes what’s the rate? You would require eight character of all people staying in the house? Thanks 

Frankly, if you had already purchased the unit and intend to keep it; then why "look into the past" or dwell with the past?

Thus no point to look back at the purchase. And I also don't want to waste your money on this. Simply it does not sound logical i.e. to study a past decision.

Perhaps in the future... you might or might not want to.... https://www.geomancy.net/wiki/The_Concept_of_Maximizing_Marks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 13: Case Study: What is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) + Pool Water?


1. This usually occurs in a development  with confined space + the condo has an opening from true cardinal points East (90 degrees) towards West (270 degrees) + a sunny day.

2. Here the evaporation rate is high throughout the whole day from the rising sun till the evening.

3. A sterling example is the development Rivervale Crest Condo developed by the former NTUC:-


4. Fortunately, this development between blocks is quite spaced out. And perhaps only during certain conditions of wind flow.. + if no other neighbours open their windows/balcony sliding panels.. those staying at lower floors as marked by the RED areas may perhaps be influenced by the evaporation of the pool "chemical" water. Please note that pool water contains chemicals like chlorine and even on occasions urea (urine) from god knows who...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 6/12/2019 at 7:55 PM, Cecil Lee said:

SAMPLE CAN CANNOT BUY AT PARC BOTANNIA.pngSample of one of the Can or Cannot Buy at Parc Botannia taking into consideration the main breadwinner ba zi, location, location, location and also house luck from now till 2045... 

Hi Master Lee, need some enlightenment. If main breadwinner happened to be a east grp and his total loss position happened to be at NE where the main door is. Whats the implications? Because it seemed like with flying stars at south (suited for east) but with NE position with total loss. Then is this a good or bad thing? Thanks 

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Also west position is Not for a east person . Master Bedroom happen to be at the west position. Place the bed at the positions favourable for east group of people? If north is the best ( which means leg will be facing the sky) that is not advisable right ? Thanks 

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