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Parc Botannia @ Fernvale Road by Wee Hur Holdings and Sing Holdings LTD - Is my unit still lucky?

Cecil Lee

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Part 14: Case Study: Stack #21 where the kitchen and stove is within the inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate or NW sector.

1. Often, for South facing stacks/units there is a possibility of the kitchen falling within the NW sector.

2. For example, I did a quick look and zoomed into Stack #21 and indeed the stove is within the NW = yellow zone area.

3. Do a search for "Fire @ Heaven's" gate and one can find that this is inauspicious especially for the male breadwinner + also affect overall luck for the family...


stack 21.jpg


Learn why some homes are least affected by Fire at Heaven's Gate...

Please scroll to Part 8: Male Breadwinner and the inauspicious Fire at Heaven's Gate under this link to understand more .....


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On ‎6‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 11:51 AM, Yjing5463 said:

Also west position is Not for a east person . Master Bedroom happen to be at the west position. Place the bed at the positions favourable for east group of people? If north is the best ( which means leg will be facing the sky) that is not advisable right ? Thanks 

Part 15 - You wrote: "Place the bed at the positions favourable for east group of people?"

1. Appreciate try not to adopt the Singapore style of text-book warriors. For example, in SG, we already have too many text-book  generals turned "business persons".

2. For example, If  placing the bed this way.. bed-head facing East:-


3. One will end up literally (if the toilet door is not closed all the time) see one's favourite partner in the bed + also when he/she is doing business in the toilet;  


3.2 Need to consider such things and not just follow the Eight House concept blindly.

4. Furthermore, when civil engineer constructs a highway, they will take the shortest route towards the windows. We can also draw a parallel with this.... (get the picture?) Yes/No? The shortest route? 


4.1 But if in the above bed-head/bed position as shown, below;  In order to go to the other side of the bed nearest to the window or to the window area, one has to take a longer distance:


5. In some Feng Shui books, some geomancers also illustrate someone coming into the room holding a dagger or a Rambo Knife and because of the blind spot ... "starts to stab" those on the bed.

6. Yes, this is for the army personnel: The natural position of bed-head is at the original position. So that one can immediately see who is coming into the room. (Related to Para 5.).

7. Often a toddler will not remain a toddler all their lives. Thus, it would be nice if everyone can squeeze into the same bedroom.

7.1 If the bed is in the above position, harder to place a bed e.g. on the floor for the child as most likely can step on him/her as it is close to the bedroom entrance and bedroom toilet entrance.

7.2. Below: Often in such a bed position, I have seen a family of four have good family bonding by sleeping as shown, below:-


Where the Father, mother and toddler on the be while another child sleeps on the floor as highlighed in yellow.

7.3. Else one of the parents may literally be kicked out of the master bedroom to sleep elsewhere. Sometimes this may even at worst lead to a separation.

8. Aiyah! Please try not to be another text-book warrior! There are too many nowadays... LOL!

9. Feng Shui also is not handicapped by just this concern. There are other available concepts such as:

10. And or applying Ba Zi elements when looking at say the bedroom sector etc..

11. Sounds familiar....

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On ‎6‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 11:09 AM, Yjing5463 said:

Hi Master Lee, need some enlightenment. If main breadwinner happened to be a east grp and his total loss position happened to be at NE where the main door is. Whats the implications? Because it seemed like with flying stars at south (suited for east) but with NE position with total loss. Then is this a good or bad thing? Thanks 

Part 16 - You wrote: "Then is this a good or bad thing?"

1.  To answer such a question needs a proper Triage and not just see only one concern or issue:

Feng Shui Triage Proper trouble-shooting is required.

2. Another concept is Yang Zhai San Yao or the three major considerations:-


3. As I mentioned previously, the concept of maximizing marks involves many areas and disciplines of Feng Shui:-


Above: Purposely pixelated for confidentiality: Shapes and Forms, Flying Stars, Eight House, Ba Zi Feng Shui etc.. are used... 

3.1 The Concept of Maximizing Marks Hopefully from a FAIL to a PASS or better!

4. There are so many other concepts to consider: Fix-the-Leak, First! Easily three or more major problems.

5. It is not like trying to throw a question and see if it sticks on the wall of the forum. 

5.1 Thus appreciate if you avoid posting such piecemeal one-liner questions and pressing for answers.

6. There is such a thing as Holistic Feng Shui that needs to consider many concepts + individual birthdates, family member's birthdates + binding element concept etc...


Above: For confidentiality: actual names are masked out.

7. For the Feng Shui practitioner, one must even be expected to really consider this: “Even if we don’t stay THERE, we have a responsibility to make sure that it is optimal or the best... for the client”.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you Master Lee for your reply. Sorry if I sounded like I am pressing for an answer. Am just trying to figure out somethings after going through the articles and forums . Nevertheless am thankful you provided assistance to those who need help and take time to answer to us all here. Will continue to look out to your post 

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17 - Case Study: Have you just "WON" a lottery after key collection?

final.jpg.36e64364f09d4b9eefe559552380f02e.thumb.jpg.b692b2650a6deb1cf8d3091808702af1.jpg1. Nowadays I noticed many new clients on the day of key collection were either surprised to learn that their block common bin is away from their unit or "their expression change" after seeing the common bin either beside their unit main door or directly facing their unit".

1.1. Be wise (if possible). Demand from your Agent to get the block plan! For example, a sample is shown under the forum thread on "Hillion" condo. If no? Go find another Agent who appreciates your potential commission $K.


2. In addition, if one encounters a Feng Shui Master (FSM) who lives and breathes as a "Conservative". To understand who is a Conservative? Read this:-

2.1 There are often two ways one can encounter such a Conservative FSM:

[1.] One hires one to do the Feng Shui of their home.
[2.] When it is time to sell; and the potential buyer [PB] brings one to advice the buyer: To buy or not to buy!  In so, kiss this PB goodbye! LOL

3. Similarly units especially with a WC close to the main door is another nightmare when one encounters a Conservative FSM....1869816702_COMMENTSTYPE3BRP3-HPARCBOTANNIA.thumb.png.2eb2117c014e1f33c6ab384a2eca05e2.png

Morale of the story? Ask your potential FSM: "Do you take your readings from the main door or from the living room towards the balcony"-:)

Good or bad.. leave you to decide...cause ultimately, You are the BOSS-:) And the rule is: The BOSS is always RIGHT!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 18 - Case Study: Is there any issue with the main entrance door opening towards a wall?


(Recent T.O.P. developments that have similar but not exact layouts are: High Park Residences & The Clementi Canopy. Thus this is not just a one-off at Parc Botannia). 

These are some considerations:

1. Flow of Qi

1.1. Most likely by coincidence or on purpose, the planner/architect [PA] has heard too many stories that the main door should not open directly towards an opening i.e. such as the balcony sliding panel. 

1.2. The planner/architect has also learned around that because of this, a partition has to be placed between the main entrance door and the balcony opening (sliding panel).

1.3. Thus, the PA has decided to issue such a layout plan be it planned or unplanned concern (if any).

2. Symbolism in Feng Shui

2.1. Some Feng Shui Masters [FSM] will share that opening the main door to face a solid wall is akin to having "wealth" stopping "dead-in-it's-track" by this wall! Again Welcome to the world of the Conservative FSM!

2.2. Remember, the earlier article (if one has read) of the difference between the Conservatives vs the Modernists? Where the Conservatives Feng Shui world revolves around especially the main entrance door. And the taboo of "an obstruction" of free flow into the home because of this solid wall.

2.3. Let's home that one can talk sense to the Conservative FSM via Para 3....

3. Common Sense 

3.1. There are always some who will associate anything with Feng Shui.

3.2. Common sense says to avoid a reflective material such as a mirror or a glossy laminate or a poster covered by a reflective transparent glass or plexiglass.

3.3. The reason is simple.... sometimes hopefully not often... there can be a situation when one opens the main door and suddenly sees and get scared by an image or shadow of one's self!..

3.4. Thus because of Para 3.3. it can be one reason not to place reflective materials facing the main door. Some put 2 and 2 together and say this is a Feng Shui problem or issue! LOL...

4. Correct me if I am wrong... as I seem to see that the PA of this development makes sure that none of their unit has a main door directly facing the balcony sliding panel! It's for real.. *Not Fake* news...

Even the Type 3BR P3-H shows this...


5. This is bad news for the Interior Designer [ID]

Heard this? Interior Designer says: " Alamark! Flooring, cabinets, kitchen fittings all done! Some more cannot earn ... some $$$ from making Partitions near to main door! Curse the PA! LOL "

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 19 - Case Study: Should I be concerned with the Club-house Roof-line?

1. In this artist's sketch, I can see that the club-house roof-line COULD be aimed towards the opening of Stack #02-33 and via the site plan also stack #02-34. (The showroom model would be able to tell)also of the other part of the club-house may or may not also be a potential poison arrow aimed towards stack #02-35:-


2. There is also a possibility that the club-house roof-line may or may not be aimed towards stack #02-12.


ParcBotannia Clubhouse roof line.png

3. What you mean by a poison arrow? Is it certain?

3.1. It depends on the roof design. If the roof outline is like a "horizontal blade" then this can be a potential poison arrow. 

3.2. Some of the more obvious roof-lines can be found at The Tropica in Tampines or Carbelle at West Coast. If one has the time, do search for the sample photos under the above threads.

3.3. The only certainty is to be in the unit to assess whether it is a threat or not.


3.3.1  Or if there are trees that have lots of leaves to act as a in-between with the roof-line.

3.3.2 Again, this is a double edge sword especially palm trees with it's thick singular trunk. And if this tree trunk slices towards an opening such as a balcony.. then harder to cure.

3.3.3 This also goes for ground floor units and also depends on how high these trees grow. Sometimes, such trees can reach the three or four levels high especially mature estates e.g. Waterplace condo at Tanjong Rhu.

3.3.4 It will be easier to cure if the potential poison arrow is aimed towards one of the bedroom windows. The concept: "If it cannot be seen or blur view, then it no longer becomes a threat". Thus in a bedroom, simply drawing the DAY curtain 24/7 does the trick.

820632559_noneedtopressthepanicbutton.png.0ed78959c991dad54c4a97e71ecbfd2b.png4. Thus, try not to press the panic button... only a physical review is the best method to answer such a question. 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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In 1996, Geomany.net hosted it's first forum on a third-party site. 

Since 5 December, 1998 we hosted our own.. and till today... messages as old as 1998 can still be read.. Geomancy.net can be verified as the Oldest Feng Shui Forum in the WWW....



Advice: Before hiring a FSM.. ask this question: "Do I have to buy commercial Feng Shui products from you?"


All of us can play a part... " When the Buying STOPS! The Selling CAN!" 

"Greed begets Greed" 

Authentic Feng Shui is based on both an Art and Science of Feng Shui and not useless products KENA CONNED in the name of Fung Sway! Very Sway Ah for the buyer! But Very Heng for the seller.. who makes tons of $$$$.. 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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622551009_ParcBotanniaexternalcleanlines.thumb.png.53efa0f784349c6108c78bd948b8323c.pngPart 20 - Case Study: Common space with "clean lines" and a safe environment

Nowadays I also do look closely at sample illustrations.

For example, it is good to see that the walkways are flat and even. And hopefully no dangerous protrusions.

Given that it is the responsibility of the developer to make it as passive-safe as possible for the residents:-

Contrast this with The Visionaire EC (by CNQC Qingian Reality) which in my opinion, I had given this development the worst landscaping award in the Year 2018 + another award for "The Worst Landscaping in a decade!"... 

I believe Parc Botannia is nothing like this ..... at all... 

Look at it this way [TOUCHWOOD]. If there is a mishap in the development due to poor landscaping work... there will some who will blame it on? Bad Feng Shui.. LOL... This is Feng Shui.. that is Feng Shui... 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On ‎6‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 2:16 PM, Cecil Lee said:

You wrote: "Place the bed at the positions favourable for east group of people?"

1. Appreciate try not to adopt the Singapore style of text-book warriors. For example, in SG, we already have too many text-book  generals turned "business persons".

2. For example, If  placing the bed this way.. bed-head facing East:-


3. One will end up literally (if the toilet door is not closed all the time) see one's favourite partner in the bed + also when he/she is doing business in the toilet;  


3.2 Need to consider such things and not just follow the Eight House concept blindly.

4. Furthermore, when civil engineer constructs a highway, they will take the shortest route towards the windows. We can also draw a parallel with this.... (get the picture?) Yes/No? The shortest route? 


4.1 But if in the above bed-head/bed position as shown, below;  In order to go to the other side of the bed nearest to the window or to the window area, one has to take a longer distance:


5. In some Feng Shui books, some geomancers also illustrate someone coming into the room holding a dagger or a Rambo Knife and because of the blind spot ... "starts to stab" those on the bed.

6. Yes, this is for the army personnel: The natural position of bed-head is at the original position. So that one can immediately see who is coming into the room. (Related to Para 5.).

7. Often a toddler will not remain a toddler all their lives. Thus, it would be nice if everyone can squeeze into the same bedroom.

7.1 If the bed is in the above position, harder to place a bed e.g. on the floor for the child as most likely can step on him/her as it is close to the bedroom entrance and bedroom toilet entrance.

7.2. Below: Often in such a bed position, I have seen a family of four have good family bonding by sleeping as shown, below:-


Where the Father, mother and toddler on the be while another child sleeps on the floor as highlighed in yellow.

7.3. Else one of the parents may literally be kicked out of the master bedroom to sleep elsewhere. Sometimes this may even at worst lead to a separation.

8. Aiyah! Please try not to be another text-book warrior! There are too many nowadays... LOL!

9. Feng Shui also is not handicapped by just this concern. There are other available concepts such as:

10. And or applying Ba Zi elements when looking at say the bedroom sector etc..

11. Sounds familiar....

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” LOL

This link helps in better understanding of what are additional key success factors and what to look out for when applying the Eight House Concept:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Cecil

What is your overall score sheet on this project ?

I read through your forums and on some projects you gave an overall score sheet however I didn’t see the score sheet for projects like Parc botannia and would appreciate if you can take time to enlighten interested parties here . That’s because you also mentioned in one of the post that location location location accounts for 70% of the overall luck. The score sheet shown in some projects were in number of stars for location, location, location and also on the site plan and block layouts. Are 5 stars the full marks? 

Thank you 

Edited by Okt47
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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 2:57 PM, Okt47 said:

Hi Cecil

What is your overall score sheet on this project ?

I read through your forums and on some projects you gave an overall score sheet however I didn’t see the score sheet for projects like Parc botannia and would appreciate if you can take time to enlighten interested parties here . That’s because you also mentioned in one of the post that location location location accounts for 70% of the overall luck. The score sheet shown in some projects were in number of stars for location, location, location and also on the site plan and block layouts. Are 5 stars the full marks? 

Thank you 


Parc Botannia.png

Favourable Shapes and Forms with regards to layout of the four towers.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Visited site on 8.12.2019.

Oh Dear! Showroom beside High Park Residences exterior facade still says 80 percent sold...

July 2019 also says 80 percent sold. 

So when will it be 100 percent sold like High Park Residences or 100 Palms...  hmmm...EE0F2F5D-C8EC-40DD-B55D-69D36856E22B.jpeg83EF09B4-008B-4F33-9D46-F5F9181EC986.jpeg


Developer: "Heng Ah! Just look at Daintree Residences and The Florence! Till todate, The Florence only sold a miserly 40% since launched more than a year ago!"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Grab customer: “Accidentally inputs destination as Botannia”

Taxi arrives...

Grab customer: “Enters taxi”

Taxi Driver: “Are you MR Lim? To Botannia?”

Grab customer: “Playing with his phone.. not attentive... Yes! Quick...Go...Lah! “

(Above: Botannia at West Coast!)

Grab customer; “Hey! This is not PARC Botannia!”

Another day, another mix up, again! LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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