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Main Door Facing to the Telecom/gas room, is this taken as sharp arrow?

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Recently, we just went to site visit one of the new Sales balance flat unit. We spotted one unit but that unit's main door is facing to the gas/telecom room. (See "GasRoom.png"). It is not entirely facing to the telecom/gas room, but half facing. When we try to stand in front of this unit's main door, half of the view are blocked by that room's wall, and another half is unblocked. Picture "FromFrontDoorView.jpg" is showing how it looks like when we stand in front of our favorite unit's main door.  Picture "sideview.jpg" is the side view of our favorite unit. 


Could you advise is this a good to take unit?






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1. Gardens at Bishan condo. Please refer to this illustration markings A:-


Marking B:-


1.1 Both these front entrances also is quite similar to your illustration:


2. Some conservative Feng Shui masters would consider this as inauspicious. And yes like what you had written.

3. Another viewpoint is that some consider stepping out of the main door and "hit" with a wall.

3.1 Same goes when one walks into a unit. Also some geomancers say that you walk in to the home and "smash" into the wall. 

3.2 But from your photo, below, the distance between the two the main door and wall is a reasonably large distance away. Thus, in my opinion, for this reason, is not a major issue, here.


4. In this illustration, fortunately the red arrow or corner of the riser is not aimed towards a main entrance door:-


5. Sha Qi from the straight common corridor :

However, what is more of a CONCERN or an issue is that of the straight path of the common corridor aimed directly towards this unit's main door:-






Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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