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Hi Master Cecil, 

Happy Lunar New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!

I have a few questions which I hope you can help:

  1. I have read from your previous postings and replies that altar dimensions from floor to table top should be between 124.1cm and 128cm, the ideal being 126cm. May I ask if this dimension includes the 'base height' of certain Guan Yin Statuettes? Some statuettes come attached with a base (e.g. a lotus flower base) of about 10cm where Guan Yin sits on, hence, if we add the dimensions of the base, it will be 136cm (if floor to table top is 126cm). On the fengshui ruler, it would not be considered auspicious, is that a concern?
  2. Secondly, are there fixed/ auspicious dimensions for the width and depth of the altar that we must take note of?
  3. Thirdly, does it matter if the altar is enclosed (with table top to ceiling structures built covering left and right sides of deity) or open (just a table top with no backsplash or wooden/glass walls on either side of deity? Must the internal backsplash be red/pink?
  4. Fourthly, ancestral tablet should be on the left of the deity, so does that mean the ancestral tablet can sit on 125cm height from floor to tabletop, while deity sits on 126cm and it will be fine? Can the height difference be as little as 1cm or it must be substantial?
  5. Finally, is there a need to have a 'divider' between the deity and ancestral tablet?

Wishing you a prosperous new year ahead.

Thank you.

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Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Part 1: Feng Shui Ruler

1. Please see below:



2. A Feng Shui ruler has an upper measurement = Yang Feng Shui. On it’s own this may be used; and already has been used at:

2.1 All first generation HDB main doors spot a Feng Shui dimension that has all “red” for their main door and even if one include the main door frame: these were auspicious.

2.2 I had posted such examples previously in this forum.

2.3 Again, these first generation HDB’s also have the passageway between the living room to kitchen / service yard at 34 or 35” inches.


3. Please refer to the photo above. Look at the number 2 = YinThe lower measurement is meant for measurement of coffins, graves or burial sites etc..



4. However, as a deity spans between  the living and the dead; therefore all commercially purchased altars are suppose to have Feng Shui ruler measurements that must or should be “in the red” for both Yang and Yin.

4.1 Thus based on this Feng Shui ruler the acceptable range is between  124.2 to 128cm. Thus there is a range of auspicious measurement.

Below: 126cm is the optimal:D948E4BD-BAEF-4CF6-9F87-3C34A0CEA9BB.thumb.jpeg.38f726369b744b1e3bf59836937fdf88.jpeg4.2 One of the reasons why I mentioned that it one were to get a tailored built in cabinet: 126cm seems reasonable (plus the best significance) so that in the event that the contractor got it wrong; there is some variance or allowance for such an error.

4.3 In addition; try to include the table TOP glass if any at 126cm. However no issue if one wants to add a piece of table TOP glass may do so. And often even with the glass will not exceed 128cm.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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4 hours ago, stefaniex said:
  1. I have read from your previous postings and replies that altar dimensions from floor to table top should be between 124.1cm and 128cm, the ideal being 126cm. May I ask if this dimension includes the 'base height' of certain Guan Yin Statuettes? Some statuettes come attached with a base (e.g. a lotus flower base) of about 10cm where Guan Yin sits on, hence, if we add the dimensions of the base, it will be 136cm (if floor to table top is 126cm). On the fengshui ruler, it would not be considered auspicious, is that a concern?

>>The table top does not include the figurines. Purely the table top with or without a piece of glass on it.

  1. Secondly, are there fixed/ auspicious dimensions for the width and depth of the altar that we must take note of?

>>In several or many past forum postings; I have already provided auspicious dimension. Please do a search.

  1. Thirdly, does it matter if the altar is enclosed (with table top to ceiling structures built covering left and right sides of deity) or open (just a table top with no backsplash or wooden/glass walls on either side of deity? Must the internal backsplash be red/pink?

>>Commercial altars comes in both enclosed as well as table top with no backsplash. Common sense says that if both types are sold today.... make a guess whether either can be used or not.

>>Many of the enclosed altars are often found at open areas especially at SME factories, industrial complexes, business, bus terminals and in Hong Kong popular in police stations. And in Singapore, if one look closely majority of such altars found also at Markets/Food Centres / Coffee shops are often enclosed ones. This is also to prevent the joss fumes escaping much more.. and at the same time: minimize all the cooking oily smoke.

>>In homes: in the past there are more open type altars. In my opinon more to do with in-line with the interior decor.

>>As often an enclosed altar may stick out like a sore-thumb especially in the living room. And most of the items in a living room are often lower height thus visually not appealing as it may stick-out liek a sore-thumb.

>>The main advantage of the enclosed altar is that part of the joss fume stains are not transferred to the ceiling of the home. As often, after a few years, and without repainting of the walls and ceiling; one can see visible signs of cream coloured or even greyish walls and ceilings directly above the altar.

>>But I felt that things have changed from 2012 onwards. As nowadays most homes are getting smaller and smaller.

>>And many home owners nowadays engage an interior decorator or contractor to tailor-made an altar.

>>Thus for many, they find that the current commercial altars may be too bulky. As the smallest be it enclosed or open altars comes standard at 2" by 2" (60cm by 60cm).

>>For example: a customised altar may instead be customised to as small as 40cm by 60cm or even 40cm by 40cm. (Provided one god and a small figurine).

>>Internal backsplash need not be or rather not compulsory to be red/pink. Traditional rose-wood (redish) colour was popular. Nowadays, all sorts of colours are used: even white, ash-wood, walnut, teak-wood, cherry wood, pine/birch wood tone or even leather-feel.

>>More important, avoid hanging the altar onto a shelf or placed onto a glass or marble/granite top. For fear that this may crack or break and the entire altar comes crashng down.

  1. Fourthly, ancestral tablet should be on the left of the deity, so does that mean the ancestral tablet can sit on 125cm height from floor to tabletop, while deity sits on 126cm and it will be fine? Can the height difference be as little as 1cm or it must be substantial?

>>More importantly visually the ancestral tablet should be seen as lower. But in my opinion, 1cm may be a question mark, here.

>>As 1cm is just to undistinguishable unless one purposely add an additional piece of glass only at the deity (god) table top.

>>Thus preferably, the height should be more obvious than just 1cm. Usually 3cm or more is preferred.

  1. Finally, is there a need to have a 'divider' between the deity and ancestral tablet?

>>Again, commercial altar cabinets do not have (or rarely comes with such a divider.)

>>However, nowadays with customisation some have started to add a divider between the deity and ancestor tablet. So long as the correct dimensions are used etc.. then no issue. But with two altars..there is a higher chance of misinterpreting the measurements wrongly.

>>Many of such commercial altars that allow one to place an ancestar tablet and a god is often 35" or 42" or like above 126cm in width.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: When to use an enclosed altar ((with table top to ceiling structures built covering left and right sides of deity)?

1. Please refer to this illustration:-

2. Below: The owner decided to place an altar at the located highlighted in YELLOW with a red outline:


3. Here, this is an open staircase for family members to go up and down the other levels of the home:


Below: Please get me a safety helmet (white for supervisor, please.. and not yellow. If yellow helmet I want to serve you a letter of resignation...) 


4. Common sense says that it is strongly recommended to use an enclosed altar. So that "smelly" feet going up and down the stairs has no impact on the altar. This is just an exaggeration.

Below: Saved! No more smelly feet and wearing safety helmet!5a928a735d8ab_altarandstaircase1.thumb.png.c931f7d7405f2280d79da63ab43bc79a.png

5. Another more important consideration is to prevent any item that may be carried up or down the stairs to drop down onto the altar. Is'nt this really a very bad omen?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 1 month later...
Guest Sebki

Dear Cecil,

Would require your expert advice.

I like to check if the altar table is going to have 3 step to place the Buddha and god.

Does it need to follow the Feng shui ruler to have the Ying/Yang in the red zone?



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  • 11 months later...
Guest Two tier altar table

Good day Master, kindly advise if is fine to have a two tier altar table? Top tier is to sit our Buddha and the second tier is to put our praying items like incense holder and cup etc.  Is there any measurement to follow? As this is a make to measure altar table for our new home. Thank you! 

Best regards

Carina Ng 



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1. For both questions above, ideally the altar sitting position is "Nice-to" be based on Feng Shui ruler dimensions. 

1.1. In fact, there are so many threads in this forum on auspicious Feng Shui Ruler (FSR) dimensions. And or one can buy a Feng Shui ruler or many carpenters know how to use the FSR.

1.2. The 2nd level for incense holder and cup again "Nice-to be based on the Feng Shui ruler. Usually, the safest is just one simple level to place everything. The later is the norm.

2. In fact, if one were to scroll up this thread.. I believe, I have gave some information on the FSR.

3. For the Hindus, some of their Pooja (Puja) or altar also are tiered .. 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Master Lee, sorry to disturb. May I know if there is a preferred color for the altar?

70C4AA86-B0E4-408D-9FFE-C75297E3BAB6.thumb.jpeg.e7e8d4a252568b62c39384579501c6ec.jpegFrankly, no. In the past from rosewood to any wood tone.

Again in the past, white was not favoured. Because it can turn yellowish easily. And some felt that white is a taboo colour. 

But last 20 years.. many use white to match their decor. (Nowadays even white laminates or Formica is a hardy and stain resistant colour. Thus longer lasting than lacquered furnishings).

Thus if there is any colour to avoid is either White or BLACK as in piano black.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee pinned and locked this topic
  • 3 years later...
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Hi, can i check if the altar can do this kind of curve on top?IMG_8390.thumb.jpeg.cbe28cc82eecfc7ce7bb800eb8588e3e.jpeg

A normal rectangular shape, no one will ever comment on it.

If got “itchy” friends or relatives who cry fowl, may be a cause for concern.

Thus don’t later say: you said okay what!

If got thin skin and cannot tolerate ugly comments then, please don’t later confront me, can already



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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