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Hello.  We are considering buying a north tzu facing home with a facing palace conditional interaction of 2/7.  (Built in 6th cycle) But since it’s facing north, it’s not in a waxing, strong, or malevolent phase. Does that mean there is no conditional interaction for this home? Please help.  I’m basing my research on Eva Wong’s Master course in Feng Shui. Thank you. 

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3 hours ago, Jvale19 said:

Hello.  We are considering buying a north tzu facing home with a facing palace conditional interaction of 2/7.  (Built in 6th cycle) But since it’s facing north, it’s not in a waxing, strong, or malevolent phase. Does that mean there is no conditional interaction for this home? Please help.  I’m basing my research on Eva Wong’s Master course in Feng Shui. Thank you. 

1. Frankly, it is best that you follow-up with the relevant person.

2.  There are on hand many tools to improve Feng Shui luck available such as ...

2. Fix-the-leaks, first etc. etc...

Good Feng Shui & Key Success Factor

3.  "The Shapes (Shapes and Forms) prevail over the Stars (Flying Stars)"

4. First and foremost, hope you understand Shapes and Forms has to be the top consideration, first. Your question reminds me of this...

4.1 Holisitic approach to Feng Shui: https://www.geomancy.net/wiki/Feng_Shui_Triage

5. Furthermore, I understand that she belongs to the Yap Cheng Hai (YCH) School + Toaist influences which might (in my opinion) not coincide directly with the YCH Fei Xing main teachings - correct me if I am wrong..

5.1 And locally, I received many feedbacks that many of her local Singapore past students: now themselves practitioners never take into consideration Ba Zi (or Four Pillars) of individuals, family.

5.2 I suspect is that majority of his students were not taught or if so, may have avoided using this addition Classical system to add to their arsenal of tools. Whatever, this none of my business. Thus this is just expressing my personal OPINION.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you for the response and advice.  If I would like to look into additional Feng Shui information, do you have any suggested reading lists, publications, etc.  Eva Wing is all I have studied. I would appreciate advice for where I can read about other approaches. Thank you. 

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In my Opinion, there are two major considerations:

1. Language barrier:  many of the preliminary resources are in my native language: Mandarin 

2. Country & regional influences:

2.1 Like you mentioned you only studied her work. And more or less into palaces or if I’m England they studied a variant known as 9 star ki.

2.2 The 9 Star ki originates from China. But transformed by the Japanese into 9 star ki. 

2.3 I have studied this system. And say that it is very hard to combine Classical Feng Shui with that school.

2.4 You have to choose what may be easily available in your country and do more research in what suits you better.

3. No point in studying something which you cannot or find difficulties advancing towards or just for your home project.

4. If perhaps is your one time interest especially for this new house: frankly you might want to consider alternative approach to this. For eg. Hire someone... or if you have the perserverance.. read the various articles in this forum .. 1999 towards today...

Well best of luck!



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I have mentioned, if someone who is a native to that culture would certainly go directly to the source and study past academic resources.

This is why if we can do so; why should we go read second-hand stuffs of works like Eva Wong etc...

And fit in to that persons style of “teaching”.

Motto: It is good consideration to avoid “cut-and-paste” ideals of another” author. When we post this; do not always assume that others are on your same wave-length also.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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