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Off-site service: How much for combined auspicious dates for TWO (2).

Contact: Support@Geomancy.net  Robert Lee @ +65 98355734

A. Non-clients  Combined auspicious dates for: 1st time open door, start of renovations & move-in. Fee SGD$68.00

B. Combined auspicious dates for ROM, Wedding & others e.g. office / factory opening. Fee SGD$128.00
      -  Let us know your date range
     -   ROM / Wedding date is similar, with optional parents & parents-in-law dob info.

C. For New Feng Shui clients Combined auspicious dates for: 1st time open door, start of renovations & move-in: Comes with your Feng Shui audit package.

What is Needed?

-    Both partners or TWO (2) persons: 1. Name (Western - no need Chinese name) 2. Gender ( M/F ) 3. Date & Time of birth &  Your email account + Handphone number

-     Time of birth can be given between: 1 to 2.59; am or pm 3 to 4.59; am or pm 5 to 6.59; am or pm 7 to 8.59; am or pm 9 to 10.59 am or pm  

For example: Cannot be between 2pm to 5pm thus should be either:- [ ] 1pm to 2.59pm or [ ] 3pm to 4.59pm       

If not stated auspicious dates are for six months to one year.             

Note:This is an off-site service. Once ready, we will sent you a link to view the dates & time

Note: Why only TWO (2) persons? Maximum is two persons. Else very hard to find dates that are suitable to two or more persons.

Need Help?  WHATSAPPx.gif.933b1f171b62310142ae17b5501fc685.gif Robert Lee: +65 9835-5734 / support@geomancy.net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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If I want t calculate wedding dates. What are the information then you will give us?

1. Basically, you will get the wedding date report something like the following for the entire date range that you want:-

1.1. Wedding Date Summary

URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16014

1.2. Wedding Date Hour Summary

https://www.geomancy.net/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16015Fetching info...

2. You will get dates for ROM and/or Wedding Dates. After you have selected your Wedding Dates, just contact us for further advice on Guo Da Li and An Chuan dates and timings.

3. Information Required. Just fill up this wedding date form for all the information required in the analysis and e-mail to us at support@geomancy.net:-

URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forms/weddingform.pdf

4. For wedding dates, this handled by my brother Robert Lee since he specialize on this area, so you can contact him directly at hp/whatsapp 98355734.

Feel free to contact him if you need any further clarifications.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Question: Hi Master Cecil,  I was looking at the auspicious dates and would like to ask whether the date and time is important, or just the date. For example, 12 Sep is very auspicious + auspicious,  but based on the hour for that day, there is no suitable time during the day. Inversely, 13 Sep is Average + auspicious, but based on the hour for that day, 3pm-4.59pm is auspicious + auspicious.

Reply: The date is important. The time is nice to not a must use.
Time go for 0818, 0838, 0938, 1118, 1138, 1218, 1238 etc..


auspicious date and time.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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