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Part 2: Case Study: Homes at a T-junction

1. Although homes at a T-junction concerns mainly landed properties; but often there is also a stigma attached to purchasing a flat facing a T-junction.

2. Frankly, as mentioned above; it has more to do with common sense.

3. For example; of a vehicle that ploughs through the main gate of a home and landing into the compound or towards a home.

4. For a flat; this is highly unlikely. Firstly, it is not like a run-away vehicle can fly into one's unit from the windows. Even more so, there is often a service road of the estate and the T-junction.

5. Furthermore, usually the void deck is empty other than the support columns. And it is nearly impossible for a vehicle to smash into not one but two or more of such support columns.

6. For HDB Fernvale Dew; the planner did a nice touch by slanting the two stacks 332 and 334 at a 45 degrees angle with Senkang West Avenue Road.

HDB FERNVALE DEW and Shapes and Forms.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Once upon a time Fernvale Dew sits on a pig rearing area.

It was the gateway also, towards the nearby Seletar Camp. Seletar Camp used to house the Combat Engineers, School of Driver Training and School of Manpower Management (SMP).

I remembered even during the early 1980’s when we turned towards Jalan Kayu (heading towards SMP Seletar Camp West we could smell the foul smell of pigs...


Today, part of the Seletar West Farmway roads still remains to remind us that this area was once  farmland for rearing poultry, pigs ... circled in red...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Male Breadwinner and the inauspicious Fire at Heaven's Gate

1. Do a search in this forum for " Fire at Heaven's Gate ".

2. Generally, a kitchen especially if a stove is directly at the NW cardinal point will be inauspicious for the male-head of the house. Typically this can affect him.

3. This is because NW under the Ba Gua Trigram belongs to the Heaven (sign). And NW also represents the male-head elder of the house.

4. Thus in simple terms: turning on a stove at NW will burn one's Heaven luck = not lucky and also may affect the male-head elder's career.

5. It is thus not difficult to visualise South facing stacks and try to locate stacks with kitchen at NW sector. Especially Flying Stars S2 facing ones.

6. Thus for this development HDB Fernvale Dew, I picked one example. Here, stacks #246 and #250 as shown below has the kitchen within the NW sector:-


7. Unfortunately, the above two examples are just the Tip-of-the-ice-berg for this development. As there seems to be plenty of South facing stacks with similar kitchen at NW sector.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, it is less than ideal to have the main door in-view of the central rubbish bin corrider and especially the bins

HDB FERNVALE DEW and central rubbish bin.png

These stacks/units are 250, 266, 268, 288, 312 & 314.

With stacks such as 288 and 314 are some of the worst as the central rubbish bins are literally at their door-step.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: Precinct Pavilion (PP) and Electrical Sub-Station (ESS)

Higher floors preferred for 254, 256, 262, 264, 266, 268,
312, 314, 318, 324, 326, 332 & 334 as these stacks face the Precinct Pavilion. With the exception of stack 318, which has the service yard side facing the Precinct Pavilion at block 401C.

HDB FERNVALE DEW precinct pavilion.png

there is no known dangers of Electrical Sub-station (ESS); there is still a stima association with living near-by to an ESS. If so, best to skip the purchase of stacks like 284, 286 and 350 or 352.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and Service Road

1. Although a service road is often not that busy; one stills gets some disturbance of qi over at the "mouth" of this opening.

2. For example, I have provided an illustration in Red, Pink, and Grey the flow of vehicle traffic within this service road.


3. It is good that the ground level is a VOID deck.

4. However, to play safe, it is best not to purchase a unit especially#02-248 and #02-246.

5. To be on the safe side (or being Kaisu), best to purchase a unit higher than #05 if one wants to consider either stacks #246 and #248.

6. Unlike the above, although stack 358 below has less than perfect Shapes and Forms Feng Shui due to it's location at the cross-road of the service road;


6.1 The good news is that it is set-back further inwards when compared to stack 248 which is so close to the fringe of the service road.

7. Let's look at another development which is also launched at the same time: Tampines GreenVines:-


7.1 In this development, the slip road into development is at marking in RED "A". And not directly at the frontage of a stack/unit.

7.2 For example stack #208 is further inwards from the entry into the estate. This is a plus. When compared to above Para 1 & 2.

7.3 In addition, stack #236 is slanted at an angle and not directly at the "mouth" or marking in RED "B". of the entrance to the estate.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8: Potential poison arrows from stacks #290, #262, #246 and #330

1. Potential poison arrows occurs if there is a sharp corner aimed towards an opening such as a window. Much harder to cure if it is towards a living room window opening.

HDB FERNVALE DEW n Potential poison.png
Potential Poison arrow from #262 aimed towards #230
Potential Poison arrow from #246 aimed towards #240
Potential Poison arrow from #330 aimed towards #360

2. Potential Poison arrow from #401 1-Storey child care centre's roof-line or corner if any towards stack #362. Good news is that most likely if a unit is 2nd storey or above.

3. The above are not comprehensive. But a quick sampling that I did to illustrate what is meant by potential poison arrows in this development.

4. This is because, whenever blocks/stacks are not parallel to each other; there can be a concern of a sharp corner from a neighbouring block's corner.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Feng Shui suffers a bad reputation, today.

Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui.
But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui.

Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one:



Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why.

Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES!

On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client


P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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