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1. In my opinion, this has more to do with pure common sense. But then again, because of certain concerns: it is linked to Feng Shui.

2. Common sense says that avoid storing items directly above the bed-head for fear that if anything falling towards our head especially “hard objects” it can be dangerous or even blind a person.1240408472_purecommonsenseandbed-head.png.de1c100cc85fbe7a30f68f91b07a68fb.png

2.1 If one loves adventure or no issue with taking risks.. then go ahead... it’s your head, eyes and face.. not anyone else. And simply shrug off what I say...

3. Of course, one can store bed linens or such objects. Hopefully one fine day the door of the TOP cabinets don’t Just fall off. Some may say this is impossible. But one never knows. Good Luck..

4. Even in Singapore, where I live in Katong for example; there were the effects of earthquake tremors felt as Indonesia is just south of my home. And what happens if the cabinet doors fall off?

5. Who in the hell wears a helmet to sleep? To be correct, the helmet must include a visor.

6. While the open shelf directly above the bed-head can be acceptable if what is displayed or placed are lightweight items like an alarm clock or photo frames or some dolls etc.. 

7. Frankly as I mentioned above.. don’t you think .. all the above has more to do with common sense? 

8. Thus I am always puzzled why so many of us seem to look at it from a Feng Shui angle? 

9. Next time, best to look at it from a common sense view point, first.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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“I don’t have any baby or children sleeping on the above bed. Is this still a concern?”

As explained, this has nothing to do with Feng Shui. Don’t ask me.. more.. 

It's no fun sleeping on my (OUR) parents bed... Yes.. it's no joke!


no fun to sleep on parents bed.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Do you know that from statistics: it was found that the two areas with the most accidents in the home are: 1. the Kitchen and 2. the toilet(s)

1. Common sense says that kitchen involves: heat / fire and sharp objects. There were more accidents involving young ones in the toilet especially drowning cases, also.

2. But do you know.. my home has a THIRD unsafe area: my master bedroom. Due to falling objects.... above my head... 


recovering from head concussion.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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