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Bukit 828 Freehold Residences & the Sales Brochure Layout site plan may be misleading (incorrect)

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Overview: Bukit 828 showroom launching soon...


The actual site of Bukit 828:-

one map bukit 828.pngIn the past, before the advent of BKE, the only way from most parts of the island is to drive past this area; the next marker is Mandai Road before reaching Woodlands then the causeway leading to Malaysia. 

Then, we do not need to use our International passport. We had another "passport" with the words "Restricted Passport" meant only to be used between Singapore and West Malaysia.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1 - There is a high probability that the Sales Brochure Layout (SBL) site plan is incorrect.

1. Based on one of the North marking on the Sales Brochure Layout (SBL), I adjusted the North marking exactly North-South direction:-


2. The SBL's micro-site plan shows the block is tilted 2 degrees to the right.

2.1. I super-imposed the above SBL onto the onemap.sg below:-

311211477_placedsidebyside.png.1a431d457463d9cec62aa50770325279.png2.2 Firstly, if I were to superimpose the SBL onto the onemap,, it seems an ODD fit!

2.3 The rough site plot outlined in RED is parallel to The Linear's fence perimeter and also parallel to the canal. Equally, the frontage is also parallel with The Linear and Upper Bukit Timah Road.

2.4 If we were to superimpose the SBL with it's distinct border-line, it is really out-of place!

3. For now, I would rather trust the outline of the onemap. 

3.1. Base on logic, this development has stacks that either face Flying Stars E1 or W1:-



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2 - Personally, I am not a fan of afternoon sun facing stacks as shown in pink (W1 facing 260 degrees).

The THREE white stacks are facing E1 80 degrees


 Fortunately also neighbouring Block 798's building corner is not aimed towards any stacks /units at Bukit 828. See below:-


For the Linear, at least the West facing side has alumnium trellis. Not perfect but helps in some heat reduction.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3 - Comments on 4 Bedroom Penthouse Type D509990384_Commentson4-Bedroom.thumb.png.4bf2dbab52044203620537fbde9192a3.png

1. When opening the main door, one can still see the staircase UP-DOWN leading to 2nd level.

1.1. The good news that it can easily be remedied with a partition as shown in purple.

2. Good news is that the kitchen sink does no face the kitchen's stove.

2.1. Please don't be totally happy, here. As the Junior Master Bathroom's basin is sharing the same wall as the stove. For me, personally, I won't be too worried with this. More importantly, the water inlet pipe and waste pipe does not share the same wall as the stove (PHEW!)

2.2. However, some other Feng Shui practitioners have other ideas. And may automatically SCREAM inauspicious. If so, please ask for their justifications. I have mentioned mine opinion, already under Para 2.1.

Others... (Not Feng Shui though)




Please don't scroll down if you and your family members take offence to my comments below!







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Don't say I did not warn YOU!

I suggest that you and your family members please look at yourselves in the mirror before commiting to buy this unit:

The living room is ridiciously small. Small nevermind! If both partners and/or family members are on the plump side... even for the two couples how to sit on the couch.. what more the whole family?

Nevermind... at least family members are anti-social animals... or I sell you a software for booking a time at the sofa? Can or not? This will help you to partly solve the problem.-:)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3 - Comments on 3 Bedroom + Utility Type C2 

3-Bedroom-Utility.jpg.31bc8ef7a3e72b5a1161d0b0a0465ab4.jpg1. Frankly, for those who had purchased this type of unit, please ask on my behalf who is the architect? I would like to know why the stove is located at this position? Why not swap the stove with the sink.

1.1. Above has more to do with safety concerns. Especially if gas stoves (most likely bottled gas) - flame out if windows are opened or windy.

1.2. Even with induction or electric stoves, if one is cooking soup etc... the heat can as shown in the illustration, curve towards the person standing at the stove. Cannot expect to buy fire retardant clothing right? Can! Buy second-hand F1 30 or more seconds fire suits...

1.3 It would have been better if the sink be closer to the windows. Better air-ventilation leading to faster drying of dishes. Less concern of algae growth at the existing location.

2. Not perfect with the WC at the foyer passage-way. Furthermore, most likely the WC is the floating type and there is a VOID sharing the foyer paasage-way wall. But some other FSMs would be less forgiving on this.

3. Again, the developer's architects expect:

3.1. The owner's and family's buttocks are small.
3.2. Taking a cue from one of our Ministers that one can create babies even at the living room on such a small couch.
3.3. Or giving a hit: Don't have children! Have the whole house all by yourself (Husband and wife!)

4. Anyway... I have seen many owners after the 1st year.. get approval to extend the living room towards the balony.. whether approve or not is another thing.. though..


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Stuy 4 - 2 Bedroom Ensuite Type B1 Unit with Poor Shapes and Forms1004503737_Comments2-BedroomEnsuite1.png.83b044a2022426d5504b61f27d7a267c.png

1. Okay! I promise not to talk about the size of the potential buyer & family's buttocks! Alot has been said under CS 2 & 3.

2. There is a stigma associated with a master bedroom door opening towards the master toilet door.

2.1. Very hard to brush this aside. Especially since many times.. it is not their Feng Shui Master say one! But rather family members. (Often the main culprit are the owner's elders or even the experienced "Old bird" buyer, liao.)

2.2. Seriously, no one else can convince the potential buyer more then their closes (Kaypoh) sorry.. I mean elders.

2.3. If so, no point me convince you.. as the cows will never come home!

3. Under symbolism, so long as the WC is not facing the Main door but hidden away is a consolation (Prize) liao! Ayiah! The most, please close the toilet door when not in use. Or when one of the shopping centres close.. Erh.. the wife stand-to watch and the hubby, remove some auto door sensors. (Oops! Please ignore Para 3.). Else I may get a sudden knock at mid-night by visitors in BLUE or anyone with a warrant card..

4. The purple arrow shows that if the shared toilet door is not opened, one can directly see a THRONE (WC).

4.1. Simply close the toilet door when not in use.

4.2 A serious concern are the GREEN intersecting lines where the WC is smack or directly within the centrepoint of the unit! Oh OMG! = Poor Shapes and Forms. :x

Comments 2-Bedroom Ensuite 2.png1168166703_wcatgroundzerooftheunit.gif.3264a1692ad9480ee883876d01b707d7.gif

4.3 "Paging for Bukit 828 architect! Please come over to our reception now" A smiling (tiger) owner of #06-02  wants to (confront) sorry I mean to praise you to the moon!


5. Congratulations! In my opinion, in the past few years, I do see stoves at the centrepoint of a unit. But for the WC to be smack at the centrepoint.. is like "LUCkY STRIKE" or winning a windfall of 10M toto draw! But unfortunately, this is BLACK money... YUCKS!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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