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The Tre Ver by UOL formerly Raintree Gardens @ 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, and 76 Potong Pasir Avenue 1

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Part 1: Sales Brochure materials

The Tre Ver a 99-years leashold. Expected date of completion is within Period 8 Feng Shui of year 2022.

The developer seems to use "TRE VER" as a short form for TREes RiVER.  


There are 3 Tower Blocks of 20 Storey and 2 Blocks of 19 Storey


There are another category named Garden Blocks consisting of 
4 Blocks of 7 Storey, including 2 storey carpark and 1 basement carpark

The site:



Part 1A: Reference Resource Bank - The Tre Ver eBrochure:The-Tre-Ver-Brochure-Condo-Singapore.pdf

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1884579502_WATERCLASSICSANDTHETREVER.png.8c1d74c095c60e5928e81a6b2f784f80.pngPart 2: Which site is more auspicious under the Water Feng Shui (Water Classics) - Make a guess? =

a. Site A (refer to the map above  - consisting of the cluster of HDB Blocks 113 to 120 Potong Pasir) or

b. The Tre Ver site?



1369994523_WATERCLASSICSANDTHETREVER1.png.114fa2b676f4a75234e1f18cee9ae24c.png1. Generally under the water classics, water CURVING AWAY from the site is the more auspicious site.

2. Thus HDB estate consisting of blocks 113 to 120 is considered the more auspicious site of the two:


3. The flow of water in the Kallang River is also major consideration that affects the site with the water course CURVING TOWARDS it.

4. Other factors include how the Block/stacks are laid out in relation to the river + the distance from the river course.

4.1 In this area, the architects have done a reasonable job to keep the majority of blocks/stacks furthest away from the river course. 

4.2. In fact, the developer adopted a layout pretty much similar to that of the former enbloc Raintree Gardens. It's layout can still be seen in the above layout plan. Except that the latest Tre Ver layout looks more like the letter "F" or the profile of an adjustable spanner.

5. Overall score sheet for The Tre Ver:



5.1 Could have scored better under Block Layouts if not for some issues of Blocks 60 & 64 in relation to Blocks 72 and 74.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Sha Qi or Poison arrows aimed towards Blocks 72 and 74: the two stacks highlighed in Yellow

BLOCKS 72 AND 74.png

1. Sample illustrations from another condo development showing similar concerns - Sha Qi or Poison Arrows and Block Layouts: If one has the time can read this link on units similar to The Tre Ver's  type of block layout between blocks 64 and 72 and blocks 60 with 74:-


2. Click this link below to find out more about the above situation:


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: In the near future homes close to a river are prone to termite infestations. As the soil next to the river is constantly damp...

Developer: "Why huh?"

FS Master: "Can affect luck: human and earth luck!"

Developer: "We will heed your advice and make sure of recommended pest control measures"


Besides this what else to look out for? Hmm....


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 10 months later...
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4F2BD216-D312-4B40-82C1-1A79E6C10C71.jpegPart 4: In Singapore, nothing surprises especially vacant plots of land.

1. Often, many of us do not consider or had wished that our home's views will perpetually be unblocked.

2. Unfortunately, in land scarce Singapore, the opposite is true!

3. Don't always assume! If indoubt, please look elsewhere... given that a unit's price can go through the roof and suddenly crashing down into the earth...

4. New kid on the block. Circled is the under construction Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital’s 438 beds nursing home which will be completed by 2021.

5. Some unit’s at The Tre Ver overlooks the nursing home. And naturally there may be a stigma associated some with this.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Case Study - Potential poison arrow as shown by the two "X's

1. Oh dear... don't tell me... a "geniuine" not fake... poison arrow...


2. Often, clues of poison arrow(s) is visible from the Sales Brochure.. provided one knows of it's possible existence...

3. Do pay extra attention to structures especially roof-lines of club-house and or other utility buildings near to one's potential unit of purchase: 1555253005_2PoisonarrowandTreVer.thumb.png.bf7a243b16828e1a5be5fd3d151e6585.png

4. For now, this not possible:


4.1 But can't you visualise? Or one of the best visual tools (not fool proof) is look closely at the developer's showroom model and zoom into the area /level stack/unit that one is looking at... 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The-Tre-Ver and afternoon sun.pngPart 6: Can I tell the afternoon sun just by looking at the Sales Brochure?

1. If one has a rough sense of the orientation of the development, one can roughly look at a Sales Brochure for clues.

2. In this example, we get to see the perspective of the development roughly from the river view.

3. I have added red stripes to the surface areas of the development where potentially these areas will receive close to direct afternoon sun ... all year round... and no running away from it.

4. Nothing beats taking the site plan; orientate the site plan with the North compass correctly at the TOP and outline the areas that can be affected by afternoon sun:-



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Wow! Most of our units with views of the river are "afternoon sun" units. Can we install ceiling fans to reduce the heat? Any problem if we install ceiling fan in every room?

If one has to time can go through this resource on the subject of installing ceiling fans.. Can or cannot?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 3 months later...
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Good intelligence fact finding by client who wants to buy a potential unit at The Tre Ver:

"for tre ver. it is facing the work waters. I am worried if it is ok for health."

Sometimes, such information may not appear on a street map.


No mention of water works, here


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: Every site even this development has it's the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Units

1. Remember, even if a geomancer says that this is a good development. However, a good unit also depends on where it is within the development:


2. Is your potential unit under the Good, the Bad or the Ugly?


3. Often if one is lucky, even if the unit is not so fantastic superficially. Some units are like an unpolished gem. While others unfortunately may be a hopeless rotten apple.

3.1. Just imagine, if the unit is like a 10 year old rundown 1,000 cc car. Even a good Feng Shui Master is unable to turn it into a good unit!  


By the way, (above) this falls under Habit Number 11.

4. Under Habit 1, one possibility is by ranking one's bedroom type by stack/unit: 1st choice, 2nd choice etc... 


Reference: Habit 1 can be found under this link:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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