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Mayfair Gardens 2 Rifle Range Road by Oxley Holding Limited + my fond memories of the former Singapore Gun Club at Rifle Range Road

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Mayfair Gardens at 2 Rifle Range Road - KIV for review when more details are obtained.


No, it is not even a Golf club. But much cooler than one-:)

My fond memories of the apex of Rifle Range Road grounds and it's rich history of the origins of Singapore Gun Club and the Singapore Rifle Range Association.

703152283_singaporegunclubbadges.thumb.jpg.58bd0257b330852dfcd7c3b997f27a8d.jpgWhen I was young, my dad who is a member of Singapore Gun Club used to bring us to the Gun Club Range.

Singapore Gun Club used to on top of the hill. The Club has a store modelled similar to what one finds in the US gun store.

For example if you have seen shows like Rambo II. A member can simply go in and purchase all sorts of ammunition and accessories. Much like we visit an Apple store today!

He would practice (leisure non-competitive) with clay pigeons using his personal shot-gun. 

Then, my father had a gun permit. And yes, he had a special cabinet built in our home. Where his guns were stored. And this was registered with the then Singapore police. 

Even when he wore a shot-gun vest + fitted a rubber slieve padding to the wooden butt of the shot-gun: afterwards, seriously one can see bruising on his shoulder-surface skin.  This is how much explosive power of a twin shot-gun can cause. As these do not have recoil built into it.

It was fun to see him practicing...other than the loud noise. On many weekends. And afterwards, he use linseed oil based lubricant to clean his shot-gun. He also has an air-gun. Today, whenever I smell linseed oil; it reminded his guns.

Once, his company’s factory at the fringe of  river at Jalan Papan off Corporation Road was infested with crocodiles. He bought special waterproof shot-gun shells and again, followed him to see him shoot some of these crocodiles on the platform(s). 

My Father complimented with his bat and even bear hunting in Malaysia with a purchased a Winchester brand heavy duty light-lamp that uses D cell batteries to light up the night that can be strapped to the forehead.. this was the forerunner to today’s powerful search-lights... it was certainly fun.. then...for me to secretly play with it.... 

Anyway sorry for the side-track.. the location... 

Leasehold 99 years

F3F47489-8A9A-4ECE-979F-E657C2FC1078.pngFor those who will or will have purchase a home at Rifle Range Road can share this story of the Singapore Gun Club as well as the existence of the Singapore Rifle Range Club.  By the way the Singapore Gun Club is still around today...

Would you believe now that I am very familiar with the Rifle Range Road and grounds?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1 - Swings in wealth luck and health considerations with stacks/units surrounding marking in red "X". 

2064888597_MayfairGardensflowofqi1.thumb.png.bb87955ebe2f407b096286a7b36c5b9e.pngA bottle-neck or funnel can cause severe imbalances or vortexes in the flow of Qi that can affect health & wealth at Mayfair Gardens

1. Unlike the recent launch of sites like Jadescape, where all blocks are tower or point blocks.

1.1 Which has overall good qi flow all round each block. However, Mayfair Gardens is far from ideal especially around location marked in red as "X" see below:-

Credit: PropNex - credit given by their stamp...1502442840_MayfairGardensflowofqi.thumb.png.1ac6cd4cf4fabdcc54fe29d168a70864.png

2. This development is much like a kelong or a large fishing ship laying a net to lure fishes to the location marked in red as "X"

3. Highly vulnerable to both poor health and luck especially during exceptional windy (really windy) days. On occasions, one can get a windfall but on many other windy occasions the opposite is true.

3.1. Highly unbalanced flow of qi = Stacks #19, #20 & #30.

3.2 Secondary vulnerable are stacks #06 & #29

3.3. Entrapped unit = stack 18. Extremely poor luck.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2 - "Commit suicide now!" But..but..it is cheap leh! Caveat Emptor! Let the SUCKER... sorry, I mean buyer beware...

entrapment.thumb.png.5eb5c7b9ce6ac60d27bde72d23bd5a7e.pngWhy only #03-18. Please note that this is just an example only!  It can also be #01-18 or #02-18 or #04... #06-18. Get it? LOL

988214171_MAYFAIRGARDENSBELLCURVESTACK18.thumb.gif.d5f8b5c83b1177571d9f93eb4486851c.gifUnder Shapes and Forms Feng Shui Stack #18 is inauspicious as it is entrappedstack 18 is entrapped.png

Agent: "Sir, we sell you #18 cheap, cheap!"

Potential Buyer (PB): "Fortunately, this is not Germany of the 1940's. Else my great, great grandfather would have hung the architect by the thinnest piano wire!"

PB: "Nevermind! Please check for me TWO (2) things: 1. let me have the layout of the common corridors. As I want to know where the central rubbish bins are. 2. The name of the architect and his firm. I want to.... "  

Where am I??? I don't want to buy a "RUBBISH" unit, please!

Don't face my main door!



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3 - Identify & study your the potential stacks/units for any "Hazards or dislikes (if any)

1. Red Flags: Avoid like the plaque

1.1. Bin Centre (and Generator Set), Powergrid, Transformer and Switch Room Substation.

1.2. Roof Water Tank - avoid directly above the unit. Unfortunately, cannot 100% confirm where it is now. Given that the development has not been constructed, yet. Even was told no, plans can change!

1.3. External units facing any neighbouring unit's block corner?
Mayfair Gardens Legend.png

2. Low floors: Smells from BBQ - usually on Friday evenings to Weekends. However, if one loves the smell and (smoke?) then go ahead

2.1. BBQ Pavilion 

2.2. Low floors extra careful of Club-house roof-lines and other gazebo and trellis roof lines (if any)

3. Are you adverse to noise pollution?: Usually from kids activities & playground

3.1. Kid's Pool
3.2. Water Play
3.3. Children's Playground
3.3. Spa 3 - Bubbling Stream 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5 - Although the Washer / Dryer is enclosed in a cabinet, I am always concerned with it being beside the all important stove.

1. Common sense says that one has to input washing powder. Liquid soap is slightly better.789054505_CommentsMayfairGardensbrochureplan.thumb.png.5d3fdbb4a17caf2628e0ef8aa3727409.png

2. This is because sometimes when we pour washing powder so close to the stove.. sometimes, I am sure, some particles may contaminate the surface of the stove and or cooking materials be it the wok etc...

3. What is worse is to set it at dryer mode. This is because, often the clothes are still damp and washing agent residue will still be on the clothing.

4. And by drying clothes, many of these residues may deposit onto cooking materials. And may be a direct cause for cancer. May not be immediate.

5. This is why, in the past, there was a reason why the washier or washier cum dryer is in a separate service yard.

5.1. Drying = Steam & Vapours + the cabinet is not exactly "air-tight".. I know you are not taking in "white powder from cocaine or heroin" but this white powdery stuff.. is just as bad in the long term... even worst to babies and toddlers.. stuffs... ERH GOOD LUCK!

6. It should have been better if the sink and stove are beside each other in a modified layout. And the washer perhaps at the sink side. Not the other way around.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master Lee, 

If I buying a unit for block 21, 25, 31 or 37 at level 1 high ceiling unit. Will it be OK in overall fengshui? Which unit in overall is good fengshui at this project? 

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Case Study 6 - For now, one can only rely on the Sales Brochure Floor Plan site-map to determine the compass directions.

At present, streetmaps like streetdirectory dot com under A: shows the existing enbloc block arrangements. While B is the new Mayfair Residences.


Using roughly the "eye-ball" method, the two almost lined-up. But the site borders are slightly different, here. Maybe because of the TOP up lease?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study - 99 leasehold condos/EC/former privatised HUDCE enbloc & 2nd time as lucky? NOTE: THIS IS NOT FENG SHUI

1. Can I also (in the future) be 2nd time lucky as the 1st enbloc owners who otherwise if sold indivually will not get a windfall as via enbloc? 

2. Please wake-up lah! Not even built-yet. Still long long time to go...

enbloc second time lucky.jpeg


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 7 - Inauspicious for the stove to directly share the same wall as the WC (Type C3a C3a Pes / D1 & D1 Pes)

Comments Mayfair Gardens type C3a.png

Another random sample: D1 and D1 Pes.. same situation...

Comments Mayfair gardens d1.png


While for Penthouse Type PHC3a.. not perfect.. but better than the above examples:

Comments PHC3a.png

For PHC3a, although the stove shares the same wall as the Toilet, a consolation is that it does not share the same wall as the WC or sink.. better than nothing...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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10 hours ago, Guest Tan B said:


 You didn't comment on stack 16.

Cannot be!

Most likely you missed the review.

Please scroll up. LOL


For a change: Why don’t you be the duck on water. And make a video and let us watch? LOL

If you do so, then I review #16 okay?



No wonder: The most common used words in the English dictionary is “I or me” That is You! ...LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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