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Could you kindly help to differentiate between a period 7 or period 8 house. How does one determine a house as period 7 or period 8?

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Dear Master Cecil, 

I wish you well.

Could you kindly help to differentiate between a period 7 or period 8 house.

How does one  determine a house as period 7 or period 8?

The HDB flat that I am currently living is built in 1989, I moved in 2011,  without much renovation, except changing the toilet door, and the toilet seat.

 Is this still consider as period 7 or a period 8 house?

Kindly advise if possible.

Thank you very much for your  kind advise.; Greatly appreciated.

With Best Regards, 

David Tee

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These are some considerations:

1. Few geomancers have limited life experience with the switch-over between one period or the other. 

1.1. The rationale is simple: it occurs between 20 year intervals.

1.2. Even if a geomancer had lived through a few 20 year intervals; many were either kids, teens or doing work other than in the field of metaphysics (Feng Shui etc).

1.3. Some who lived through one or even 2 or more such intervals often also do not actively research into or study a transition period. Academically, it should be a study spanning many years stretch.

2. Too many Indian Chiefs

2.1. Feng Shui as we all know is non-regulated. And even in Singapore, we begin to see more and more going into a Feng Shui career. I am coming to the point...

2.2. Thus if you pose your question to many geomancers; one will certainly get varied range of answers. And one would afterwards.. either be more confused or don't know who is right or wrong.

3. How do we go from here? In general, we can classify most geomancer's view points into two distinct camps:

ONE : The conservatives (and strictly by the book) or
TWO: The modernists/practicalist

4.  ONE: The conservatives: view point is that unless a building's foundation has been demolished; the building will always remain from that Period. I am not going to bring in the idea that to even some conservatives; the start of laying the foundations can even be the day of the birth of the building or block. Few even are aware or would not be an issue if it is not close to a change over. 

4.1 For example: HDB City Vue SERS started foundation works around 6 years ago. Even so, it is comfortably within the Period 8 duration. Even if TOP is this year.

4.2 This group is pretty straightforward and quite uniform in their thinking and agreement.

5. TWO: The modernists/practicalist: this is really a varied group. Their views can be as different as morning, noon or midnight. 

5.1. For example, some geomancers will say no need to demolish the house; an act of changing the main door, windows + minus flooring can change the period. 

5.2. While others say a major renovations of the entire home (especially an apartment) will change the period.

6. What type of home is this?

6.1. For a landed property, there is also the difference between A & A works (the foundations and support frames are not touched) to the entire demolishing of the house which is clear-cut of a change of period.

7. For apartments, it is not like one can demolish part of the home or remove the roof-top. A landed property can do such things.

8. In my opinion, it depends. We go by the feel when we are on-site. Such as a major upgrading of the exterior + new landscaping and + maybe major renovations.

9. For your home, based on your description, may still treat the home as belonging to Period 7. 

10. Frankly, I have often drawn two charts : say Period 7 and Period 8 or even Period 6 with Period 8 on many occasions.

10.1 And place both sets of stars side-by-side to see if there are any correlation. 

10.2 On many occasions, for example under the Period 7 chart there is a bad flying star number say #5.

10.3 And in the Period 8 chart also either an #5 or #2. Here, if one encounters similar "bad" stars but jumbled up e.g. in Period 7 it could be the Mountain star #5. While in Period 8 same sector but as a Water star.

11. Why can't one think outside the box and instead of arguing till the cows come home; do two or even three charts? 

11.1 I prefer to do one better!

11.2 Extract of a sector with Period 6, 7, 8 charts together with Annual stars 2018 and 2019:-144723257_ComparingPeriod6and8.png.081e1465323f4b3f9e1378827b09ddc8.png

11.3 There are some similarities in P6 with P8 especially where both have a #7 star. And under Period 6 and Period 8, this sector based on the 81 combinations have similarities in that sector.

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Enclosed please find an extract of a recent review of an overseas client's home.


2. Plotting  Period 6, Period 7 and Period 8's Flying star charts of each sector
2.1 In addition, I also looked at Annual stars 2018 and 2019

3. In this extract: the Period 6 and Period 8 stars are identical = MS4 with WS1 = 100 confidence level to implement improvements or cures for that sector.557163312_ExpertapplicationofFlyingstarchartbw.png.c84367ba7e5e97f2687b4638ec6e3c12.png

4. This is not rocket science! It is both the passion and meticulous hard work to prepare Periods 6, 7, 8 charts as well as annual stars for 2018 & 2019.

4.1 In addition, need more time and effort to digest all these and come up with the best possible cures or enhancements.

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Cecil Lee, 

Thank you very much for your very detailed explanation. I appreciate very much your kind assistance. I will be booking for your kind service appointment shortly to view my house.

Thank you very much. 

With Best Regards, 

David Tee


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  • Robert Lee changed the title to To consider as period 7 or period 8 house? + Feng Shui Master's advice on best approach to this
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1. I did a flow chart on the above exercise in a past forum question similar to one above:

2. My 2014 flow chart can be found (see below)  in the above link. 

3. This senario is where someone had done major renovations. And not quite sure to use a Period A or B chart.

4. Again, my advice is nothing wrong in preparing two charts. 

5. If your geomancer has the passion; will certainly not mind more work to also even include the annual stars for a stayed-in unit with the same occupiers the whole time:-

6. Thus if you are engaging a geomancer; get him/her to agree on this for your home.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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