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Myths about the Chinese 7th month

Q1. Avoid staying out late.

Reply: In a densely populated urban area such as Singapore, there is no need to be concerned about staying out late, even for a late-night party."


Unfortunately, there is a small minority of individuals who lack the necessary aura or yang qi to protect themselves at all times. The majority of us, fortunately, belong to the 98 percentile and do not fall into that 2 percent category.

Meet the unfortunate 2 percent:


Q2. Is it advisable to refrain from swimming in the 7th month?

Reply: It is widely recognized that typical hungry Ghosts reside in a separate realm and are expected to refrain from interacting with or frightening ordinary individuals.

Q3. What about those leaving offerings to the ghosts during the 7th month? Are they doing good?


Reply: The spirits may not necessarily descend to the ground to partake in the offerings left for them. Instead, they may view these items in a similar light to how Singaporeans proudly display National Day flags during celebrations. In essence, the offerings are akin to the vibrant decorations seen in Chinatown leading up to Chinese New Year festivities.


Q4.  Are there a higher number of wakes and funerals held during the Chinese 7th month compared to other months of the year?

Statistically, mortality rates remain consistent across all twelve months of the year, barring specific incidents of mass tragedies. The notion that death is more prevalent during a particular time of year is unfounded. Embrace the Chinese 7th month as you would any other month, focusing on living with kindness, affection, and appreciation for the present moment.

Q5. Do the spirits during the seventh month of the lunar calendar truly experience hunger?

The spirits exist in a separate realm or dimension, unable to access our physical world to partake in offerings unless they possess a medium's body. This leads to the misunderstanding that the Chinese Lunar Ghost Month was originally known as the Chinese Hungry Ghost month.

Q6. Is it beneficial to burn offerings to applease the Ghosts?  Can I do away with yearly burning of paper items?


For instance, even if one were to burn hell notes, ingots, paper cars, iPhones, or houses, they will not magically transform into money in the afterlife.

However, if this ritual brings happiness or relief to the person performing it, then it has fulfilled its purpose.

Many Buddhists and Taoists suggest that performing acts of kindness and doing good deeds is a more meaningful alternative to burning such offerings.

Priests, nuns, and monks often view the burning of these offerings as a symbolic gesture representing the concept of "ashes to ashes."

They believe that this act serves as a reminder that material wealth cannot be taken to the afterlife. Burning paper ingots will not result in real ingots being delivered to the deceased. It is simply not feasible for charred paper to transform into gold bars.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? If Yes/No?

Like humans, ghosts also comes in all shapes and sizes:-

The Good Ghost

ghosts-guardian angel.gif


The SHADOW Ghost  or EVIL One

The bad one. The bad one does not only come out during the Chinese 7th Lunar month. The bad one or often called the SHADOW one comes and goes 24/7. But they prefer to haunt a location... rarely encounter these unless one goes to a place haunted by them.


I caught a ghost in a photo!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. It may not be practical to delay opening the door until after the 7th month.

2. The decision hinges on the factors previously mentioned.

3. Hence, it would not be wise for me to propose an alternative course of action.

4. Nevertheless, if circumstances dictate an earlier move-in date within the 7th month or eliminate the option of waiting until after the 7th month, then further discussion on this matter becomes irrelevant. In Singapore, camping with belongings at East Coast, Punggol, Sembawang, or West Coast Park is not permitted, and violators will face fines from the authorities.

5. As you did not respond to the issue raised in Paragraph 4, "the urgency to move in as soon as possible," I presume it is acceptable to postpone until after the 7th month, correct?

6. Additionally, when you receive your keys, there will be less than three weeks left in the 7th month, so it is prudent to proceed cautiously.

Other considerations:

7. Has the property been unoccupied for an extended period, or has it recently become vacant?

7.1. Additionally, if the property has been empty for a prolonged period, it may be a valid reason to delay moving in during the seventh month.

7.2. Conversely, if the current owner or tenants have recently vacated the property, it may provide a more positive experience.

8. Lower floors are more likely to be chosen over very high floors, such as those with 30 storeys, due to the increased effort required to access higher levels. Concerns are heightened for properties on the 8th floor or lower, particularly ground floors or those on the 2nd storey.


In Conclusion

In conclusion, it is not advisable to delay opening the door until after the 7th month, and the decision depends on the previously mentioned factors. If circumstances necessitate an earlier move-in date or eliminate the option of waiting, further discussion becomes irrelevant. Camping with belongings at specified parks in Singapore is not allowed, and violators will face fines. It is prudent to proceed cautiously when receiving keys with less than three weeks left in the 7th month. The property's occupancy status and floor level are also important considerations in making the decision.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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2 minutes ago, Hozijian84 said:


I do not need to move in so soon. So it is better to wait till after 7 th mth then open door.

The unit is vacant for 1.5mth... if I open the door after 7 mth.. anything I  need to do or just follow the standard open door Ritual.



Yes, you have just answered the question.

Pure common sense. If can wait or "tahan". Why not?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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More on the Chinese 7th Lunar Month

1. There are only a few cemeteries left in SGP, so it is wise to refrain from entering unless absolutely necessary. If you do find yourself there, it is best to go in the early morning hours.

2. It is not advisable to whistle while walking alone on a deserted road at night. It is better to wear earphones and listen to traffic sounds while walking home.

3. It is important to avoid urinating on trees or plants as it is illegal and can lead to legal consequences.

4. Sometimes accidentally kicking or stepping on roadside offerings is unavoidable. In such cases, a polite apology is the best course of action.

5. It is inappropriate to make jokes or disrespectful comments about offerings, and it is advisable to leave the area if the smell of burning incense becomes overwhelming.

6. When attending a Chinese Opera, it is customary to refrain from rushing to sit in the first two rows.

7. If you detect a scent while walking, it is better to walk away from it rather than following it like a hound-dog.

8. It is best to avoid picking up interesting objects found on the road, as they may be "valuable" items left behind. It is advisable to ignore them and continue on your way.

9. Standing under a large tree at night for shelter is not advisable. It is better to carry an umbrella, but avoid using a red one. Ladies should also avoid wearing all red clothing and red high heels.

10. Hanging solid rod wind chimes at home may attract negative energy, so it is best to avoid doing so.

11. If you feel a presence behind you, it is best not to look back. Keep walking and, if necessary, run to safety.

12. For gamblers, it is best to avoid seeking lottery numbers from trees.



In Conclusion

In conclusion, it is important to respect local customs and traditions in SGP to avoid any legal or cultural misunderstandings. Following guidelines such as avoiding cemeteries, being cautious at night, and respecting offerings can help prevent any unwanted situations.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Chinese 7th Lunar Month1.gifMorning Master Cecil, a question on Reno timing cos I have not gotten my unit yet.
If my Reno starts b4 1st Aug 2019 (start of 7th month) n if e Reno period will be thru out e 7th mth.
Do we stop Reno n restart after or we can continue thru out e 7th mth?

Reply: No worries can continue during 7th month

Reno during 7th month.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Question: Hi Master Cecil, becuase my reno is going to continue to 7th month, anything I need to do to ensure smooth sailing?
Did the reno ritual per your manual on auspicious day already.


Make sure the house is not "tidy". To ensure that those things see your uncompleted house and decide to (instead) stay at your neighbour's unit.

This is the most practical solution, lah

Question: So throughout that month, must remain messy?


Common sense says.. try to. 

Just imagine... they are also like humans. If the house is extremely clean. And ready for occupation... as a human being... would you want to occupy this empty home?

Or a "messy" one. 

To play safe that's all. Don't you want to play safe? Or as in SGP = Kiasu? Ah?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Question: But next friday falls within lunar 7th month..is there anything we should so or look out for?

[hidden], specially for your first time open door this Friday: (Avoid the full First-time-open door procedure]

1. Go up to your unit.
2. Get ready to open, knock on the door three times
3. Open the door
4. Yell "PIng An Fa Cai, Huat Ah"
5. Throw in a pineapple
6. Place the pineapple at the centre of the living room
7. Bring in the fa gao (Huat Quay) and also place at the centrepoint
8. REMEMBER to bring both items home on Friday!
9. Pineapple can own time own target eat any time or place in the fridge for near future consumption.
10. Fa Gao.. usually eat a pinch of it.. or bought several days ago.... leave in the existing home. And throw away 4 days later.


Please visit 30 Days Auspicious Date for ONE or TWO Person(s) - FengShui.Geomancy.Net




Related: Non-Religious Chinese Customs For New Re-Sale Home



Hope the above helps.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Qn: Hi Cecil, is defect rectifications works considered part of renovation during 7 month festival..


Okay to do rectifications during 7th month.

Imagine... "they" are like us. If the house is dusty and dirty and not live in condition.. they may or would just go next door. LOL


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Question: What is the quantity of incense sticks needed to be lit? 

1. According to the concept of Yin and Yang, odd numbers such as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 represent Yang energy, while even numbers like 2, 4, 6 represent Yin energy.

2. When lighting joss sticks, it is recommended for individuals to light up either 1 or 3 joss sticks at a time.

2.1. Alternatively, lighting two (2) wax candles for prayer is also a suitable option.

3. In religious settings, it is common to see worshippers lighting up 9 joss sticks. As previously mentioned, the number 9 is considered appropriate.


Upon closer inspection [See Below], the container holds three burning joss sticks.


4. Scenes from the seventh lunar month of 2019, commencing on August 1st, 2019...



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The Catholic Church is accommodating

The Catholic Church has expressed their willingness to accommodate this... (burning joss sticks + igniting candles)...

Several clergy members have addressed this issue in various public platforms, debates, and even in CatholicNews publications. While some believe that holding joss sticks is a sign of honoring the deceased, others argue that joss sticks are similar to the candles lit by Catholics to remember the departed. In certain regions, joss sticks are utilized during Mass instead of candles.

However, numerous Christian denominations view this practice as a form of "devil worship" and caution their followers against partaking in it.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Question: Hi master sorry is been quite a while. As my tenant is only able to move out on 16 Aug 2020 which I believe falls within the lunar 7th month? That's to say we cannot start the renovation?


The idea of the 7th month is that if the house is empty ... some entity (or entities) may want to "live" there.

Thus if the house is immediately vacant in the 7th month, again the idea is that these wondering ghosts may just drop by during 7th month.

Thus, if they already "own" the house ... and if one were to start renovations.. when they are around... this is really bad.

Alternatively, if by chance the day the tenants move-out; and the next day you take over.. can start renovations...

Client: Okok but do I still to perform the customs of move in and renovation?
Client: If yes I have to follow an auspicious date provided by u?


Frankly, first time take over is 1st time open door procedure. Should not...do so during 7th month.

Just do a symbolic start of renovations.. if the vacant home is just a day or two away from key collection.

Yes, nice to choose an auspicious date - but if it is too far off from the start of renovations, then skip it

More important is the move-in procedure..

The latest Handbook of Chinese Customs on 1st time open door, start of renovations and move-in can be found under this url: [url removed, here] 

Question about 7th month.pngQuestion about 7th month1.pngQuestion about 7th month2.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The Sunday Times - Life

Sunday, August 23, 2020

While there are notions of the spirit world as macabre and foreboding, there is also a counterpoint found in Chinese culture that spirits are to be appeased. The annual Chinese tradition of the Hungry Ghosts Month has nothing to do with the fear factor.

Also referred to as the Seventh Lunar Month, which this year started last Wednesday (Aug 19) and which ends on Sept 16, it is a time when reverence for the departed is encouraged.

According to fengshui master Mr Cecil Lee of Geomancy.Net, it is also a time to debunk myths and superstitions surrounding the spirit world.

“The Chinese Ghost Month teaches two virtues - giving generously and expressing gratitude,” says Mr Lee who is in his 60s  who has been advising clients on geomancy matters since 1996.

"It is an occasion to offer food and incense papers to demonstrate generosity. In fact, these are the two main reasons that Buddhists consider the Seventh Lunar Month auspicious. It gives them an opportunity to offer prayers in honour of the dead.”

Mr Lee says that according to Chinese traditions, the primary purpose of the Ghost Month is not to scare devotees but to impart a sense of giving and honouring the dead.

“During this period, there is respect for the departed,” shares Mr Lee. “However, if one is anxious about leaving the home at night, it is advisable to be accompanied by a family member or friend.”


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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