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KAP Residences @ King Albert Park by Oxley Holdings + Formerly, the HQ of MAC Donald's HQ and it's Feng Shui concern when the then BUKIT Timah Seven Mile Flyover was just completed

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Case Study 1: Formerly, the HQ of MAC Donald’s HQ and it’s Feng Shui concern when the then BUKIT Timah Seven Mile Flyover was just completed...

1. KAP Residences was built on the very piece of land where if one remembers a MacDonald’s outlet at level 1, together with another anchor tenant i.e. Cold Storage... a small shopping centre.

2. I remembered meeting the then an “Ang Mo” CEO who was open to having Feng Shui done for their operations on the 2nd storey.

2.1. The outline of the former KAP building looks like this profile... 


3. As the company felt that coincidentally, they had issues after the Bukit Timah Seven Mile Flyover was completed, then. 

4. If one has the time, please read the above link.

P.S. Although one may think that Geomancy.net specialises in residential Feng Shui; little is know about our exploits with Commercial and a Industrial entities. This is because most of the time we respect the privacy of our clients. 

Very rarely, do we discuss cases unless they are “dated” ones and that the client have moved.. on..or is useful to the new “owners” of the site...

5. One should pay special attention to the new KAP Residences units that are parallel to the Bukit Timah Seven Mile Highway. 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2: Type B7 Bedroom Entrance + Symbolism in Feng Shui

1775808334_symbolisminFengShui.thumb.png.a09ab7ac5fa2e14653f83e3bff46e5f3.png1. Try to keep the dining table neat and tidy as under symbolism in Feng Shui, any sharp objects that face either Master Bedroom and/or Bedroom 1 can cause health issues.

2. Anyway, this is not a major concerned. But a matter of changing one's habit if that person is a messy person when it comes to piling things on the dining table.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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174424714_wcneartomaindoor.thumb.png.1ff517164ecc88644787197a79bd233e.pngCase Study 3: Type B7's & Poor Shapes and Forms Feng Shui

1. Under Traditional Feng Shui especially with the Conservatives; ideally it is best to avoid purchasing a unit with the toilet + wc beside the main entrance door.

2. Oh! You own this type of unit? Nevermind.. just PRETEND that you did not see this thread.


3. Who are the Conservatives?

3.1 The Conservative's "Eat and sleep only the main entrance door".

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4: Kudos for a 100% perfect rectangular layout plan: Much loved by Shapes and Forms + Vastu Principles.

1. The 100% perfect rectangle can be found under the 1st Level of Type Penthouse phB6 layout...


2. However, as rectangular a layout is just like an entry level to good Feng Shui. But this should not be considered an end all but simply considered as "just a good start!"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1305001220_KAPsiteplanandsickbuildingsyndrome.png.0219153f455fcffb294517f643fbe16f.pngCase Study 5: KAP Residences + Sick Building Syndrome

1. Especially for those who stay in a condominium for the first time + several conditions:-

1.1. lower floor units close to the pool ...

1.2. if few units near to the unit has their windows closed

1.3. hot and sunny afternoon.

1.4. windy where STRONG winds channel into the "U" trout

2. Often with a mixed of the above conditions, the concern is the high evaporation rate of the pool water = might flow into the unit.. take it like some minute vapour particles consisting of pool chemical water and sometimes even ureal (from urine pee in the pool)...

3. Understand more... of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Robert Lee changed the title to KAP Residences @ King Albert Park by Oxley Holdings + Formerly, the HQ of MAC Donald's HQ and it's Feng Shui concern when the then BUKIT Timah Seven Mile Flyover was just completed
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Case Study 6: Recurrent dreams after moving into a new home?

1. For one, how nice if we are always above a certain passion? How about food? Yes, make it Han Bao Bao(s) x infinity!" Nice-:)


2. Oh Dear! My dreams are nothing like the above. Let me describe it for you....



"Don't worry, Feng Shui has a fix for this...." And one can then move-on.. LOL

This is what you get when your home was formerly the ground zero for one of Singapore's most successful Fast Food Chain....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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