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How do you Feng Shui a home? Use the front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist?

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Hi Master Cecil,

Good Day! I would humbly like to ask for you advice regarding my house facing.

My property is facing NE2 - 46 degrees, but my main door is angled towards NE1 - 35 degrees. (only 11 degrees difference)

Would my house be considered an NE1 house or NE2 house?

Thank you.


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These are some considerations:

1. It depends on whom you consult or seek advice from. As there are two differing opinions or simply divided upon two Feng Shui schools of thoughts regarding this issue:

1.1. The Conservatives or
1.2. The Modernists

2. The Conservatives

1520487892_Theconservatives1.thumb.png.5e2e143edc8d11d2de9dc69a0a7e7055.png2.1. The Conservatives always reference their beliefs upon past practises or the key ingredient of their Feng Shui is based on one and only consideration: THE MAIN DOOR. And that all readings must be taken from the Main Door!

2.2. In general, the Conservatives practise what we call "Standing inside the main door looking outwards". For this reason, to the Conservatives says it is NE1  or 35 degrees. 

823755417_Theconservatives.png.8192096480bdcf77ac0d542d6862583a.png2.3. Most of the time the Conservatives would feel good that they have "strictly followed" by the book. Cannot blame them right? Since ancient RESOURCES make reference to the Main door. 

2.4 Another consideration is the saying: “Old habit dies hard”. Many Feng Shui Masters (FSM) keep on doing the same thing over and over again. So much so that it becomes a robotic routine. 

2.5 Some FSM are too myopic or rigid. Can’t or refuse to listen to logic. For this reason, there will always be groups of Conservatives to replace them when they retire.

3.The Modernists

3.1 I dread to use the term Modernists for fear that it gives a pre-conceived idea that these group came out recently with new concepts or theories. Far from that as I will elaborate below. But for the open minded, do call this group the Modernist.

3.2. In general, this group of FSMs look at how the ancients would have written the description better knowing that there are more and more high rise buildings.

3.3. Many of these FSMs understood what the ancients meant even if they simply refer to "THE MAIN DOOR". What the ancients were also trying to say is that at that time the main door and the FRONTAGE of the home is one and the same". 

3.3.1. Here, “Silence by the ancients does not automatically mean guilty for those who do not strictly conform to the main door and nothing but the main door use only”

3.4. In the past, when we walk towards a property, the main door or frontage is pretty prominent and "clear-cut". Many main door and frontage are grand "welcoming" areas.


3.5. What the Conservatives forgot was that at that time, other than pagodas or temples, many of the homes usually are one single level or the most two levels. These homes are much like the landed properties we see: terrace homes, semi-detached or bungalows.

197408984_housesarebacktobackofeachother1.png.056bb1df25f4ded4bbee618a7bd85f0d.png3.6. In Singapore, majority of such homes are back to back with each other. Where it is highly unlikely that the rear of the house is the facing direction given that the rear could be facing the wet kitchen/laundry and yard of another home.

3.6.1. Plus often lots of air-con compressors could be located. 

3.6.2. Thus 90% of the time, the facing direction of such homes are those where one drive-up to the gate. And where the main door is. 

3.7. The modernists would generally consider your property as NE2 or 46 degrees.

4. So who is right or wrong? 1584325211_conservativesvsmodernists.thumb.png.3a012869ce2764e1eaf8f0d75fd61c29.png

4.1. I can safely say that in the past, when the ancients mentioned taking a reading (standing inside the main door looking outwards); they referenced this to the main door. 

4.2. The rationale is that such instructions were easier to be understood. Then the term "frontage".

4.3. Although the ancients passed down the general statement "Stand inside the main door looking outwards";

5. I believe if they were aware that in today's modern world there are such things as high-rise apartments; If the ancients have known this, I believe they would have expanded their explanation and define the frontage may not always be the main door.

6. Is there any difference employing a FSM from say Taiwan or Malaysia vs those from Hong Kong or Singapore? 

6.1. The year was 1970's onwards. During that time, majority of FSMs from Taiwan or Malaysia would use the "Conservative" method: it's the main door!

6.2. The rationale was simple, the majority of homes in Taiwan or Malaysia up to even the 1990's were often landed properties. And these FSMs are so used to taking readings from the main door!

6.3. Thus if you asked a Master from Taiwan or Malaysia to come down to Singapore to Feng Shui a HDB flat, the person would instinctively take readings from the main door.

6.4. Today, even in Singapore or Hong Kong, some FSMs still follow this tradition. Here, these FSMs felt that they are comfortable with their perceived "backing" from the "ancient’s “Main Door” readings.

6.5 This conservatives indeed have "the proof!". And they feel good about following from "THE BIBLE" or holy grail of compass reading.

1497538530_modernistssays.thumb.png.7718cdfe4b9a8e2c5eeccd3da89e0c02.png7. The emergence of the Modernists Feng Shui masters come mainly from two countries: Hong Kong and Singapore.

7.1. Yes! You guessed correct! Both have in common the rapid built up of high-rise buildings. 

7.2.  The thinking-logical Modernists FSMs than realise, that wait-a-moment!

329650961_6MAINDOORISDIM.thumb.png.8c44f3993a6e1cd955ff7e78cf463829.png7.3. Sometimes the passageway leading to the main door of some apartments are dim and dark. Should I look at areas with the most yang qi (light and openings?) as the frontage? Or that if we always close our main doors? Main door is a relatively small opening as compared to say the living room side often with bedroom windows at the same frontage?


8. The thinking FSMs logically de-link MAIN DOOR from the Frontage unlike that of the Conservatives. The key is to determine the FRONTAGE. And the understanding that it may not automatically be the MAIN DOOR.

9. Sorry for the long detraction. I am now coming to your point.

10. Since here, the MAIN DOOR is de-linked from the frontage. The Modernist would recommend: to use the property facing which is NE 2 or 46 degrees.  In my opinion, I share this view-point. I based this upon careful understanding and logic.

10.1. If one is still an ardent fan of the MAIN DOOR, then I don't wish to argue until the cows come home. 

1021558752_Whyisthefrontageimportant1.thumb.png.c1c0fb972cf51b8d3dc2574a35fcee7d.png11. What is the key success factor in Flying Star Feng Shui?

11.1 "If the proper frontage is correctly found: Flying Star Feng Shui can be applied effectively"

12. Other considerations:

12.1. How accurate is the compass readings?

12.1.1. Drawing the conclusion that the reading of NE1 of 35 degrees BETTER be accurate! Given that 1 degrees more and the home becomes a NE2 facing direction!

12.1.2. Where if one uses NE2, no matter how lousy one's readings are; there is a larger margin to "play with" although can still get the readings wrong.. but not as thin a margin as of 35 degrees.

12.2. Sha Qi or Poison Arrows and Castle Gate Theory

12.2.1 Castle Gate Theory (if got time can read up on this)

12.2.2. In general, a practical reason for tilting door has more to do with avoiding some kind of poison arrow(s).

12.2.3. For example, today, in America, many homes still do not have fencing or main gates to their home. And if the main door happens to directly face an obstacle such as a lamp post, then tilting of the door as advised by a FSM.

13. An overview of ancient times (no high- rise) and modern times (many high-rise homes)


1811633025_(copy)MainDoorFengShuiforHigh-RiseApartments2018-06-0001_2.thumb.png.eb6021c95592107b0525a30139713f9c.png13.1 Please note that this write-up is about the Feng Shui of a high-rise building.

13.2 The Conservatives would be happy to know that for landed properties especially in the context of Singapore where landed properties are often back-to-back of each other, then Yes, often stand inside the main door looking out is the most logical thing to do.

13.3 Under the above circumstances, both the Conservaties and Modernists share the same thoughts.

413397798_1METHOD1OR2.thumb.png.508e3bebb6691ea444439f407a2e8080.png14. Case Study 1: "Flaws of taking reading from the main door: Same unit why is there so many possible different directions?"

14.1 As one is at the mercy of how the architect or planner joins the unit to the entire block"

14.2 Below: These four unit's living room all faces North. But if we apply the Conservative's method, it would mean that:
Unit 1 faces South;
Unit 2 faces SW;
Unit 3 faces East & lastly
Unit 4 faces West


14.3 Below: The Conservative's method depends on the mercy of the architect:-


14.4 Below: The Modernists will consider all four Units as facing North irregardless of the main door facing:-


15. Case Study 2: "Just imagine if the unit is at the ground floor much like a landed property home."

1672248948_5UNDERSTANDINGFRONTAGE.thumb.png.6968ae2ce479381e7f9679a55f95abb9.pngUnder this illustration, one comes into the home from the "balcony" side:-

Thus one can use the above example to further illustrate the idea of the frontage of the home as the living room facing side.

16. In conclusion, does not automatically mean the main entrance door in modern times.

16.1. The purpose of finding the frontage is thus to locate the most yang qi. Thus for apartments the most logical is via the larger opening areas such as the whole stretch of the living room area towards most of the bedrooms..

76502245_MAINDOOR.thumb.JPG.c503c6dabec1a590eee4b1a338c74fe8.JPG16.2. The main door in an apartment is just a single door and it is not like one leave the main door open 24/7.

Why is the frontage important.png

17. For High-rise living, another way of looking at it is via the "face of the apartment". Actually the face is another way of describing the frontage of a home.

17.1. In a high-rise the face of a unit is often that of the living room side. Much like what we see in a landed property.

17.2. For example, in most landed homes, the main entrance door often faces the gate and not at the rear of the unit where usually the kitchen is close-by.

17.3. In fact, in a landed home, most of the time where we find the kitchen is, this will be the rear of the house.

17.4. Drawing a parallel, for an apartment, one may question the rationale for choosing the main door as the frontage? Given that it is just one opening.

17.4.1 And again, not opened 24/7.

17.4.2 Given that the main door is a solid piece (no windows) to let in light; once this main door is closed, it totally does not have any Yang Qi coming through.

17.4.3 But rather, the Yang Qi or light comes from the living room windows side of the house.


18. Another userful concept to understand is that of Ming Tang or Bright Hall or simply based on the concept of "Clear space":-


18.1 For a home to have luck coming in, there should be some form of open space in front of the house. Thus for an apartment, it is often again, the living room side.

18.2 This Ming Tang concept fortunately does not insists that there must be a minimum required "clear space in-front of the house is often sufficient.

18.3 Of course, best that this clear space is open, flat and no visible obstruction or sha qi/poison arrow(s) in the form of a sharp corner towards the unit is a good starting point for favourable Feng Shui.

19. Are you now implying that a good high-rise unit should often face a pool of water? Or that I should place a water feature at the balcony area?

19.1 Many of us have read that it is good to have water at the front of our house. Thus a high-rise unit should preferably be facing a swimming pool.

19.2 This is actually the real reason for facing a "water position."

19.3 Common sense says that whenever a home faces a water position eg. a swimming pool.

19.4 This means that nothing else can be built on-top of the pool. Therefore, this means that at least the unit could have clear space immediately up to the edge of the other side of say the swimming pool.

19.5 In fact, even if a home does not face real water, but instead, the home as some clear space at it's frontage; this is equally fine or okay. (Other than applying Flying Star Feng Shui to check on the Mountain and Water star positions).

19.6. What the above means is that this unit can enjoy both a favourable "Bright Hall" at it's frontage and "VIRTUAL WATER". Virtual water simply means clear space such that a bird can fly freely without any obstructions.

19.7. Are you telling me not to place a water position?

19.7.1. As mentioned, Flying Star Feng Shui has not been looked at all this while. Fine if the Flying Stars says that it is beneficial for a water feature such as a fountain etc...

19.8 Please take note that a water position: even pool water or water fountain or fish tank are = "dirty water".

19.9 No amount of money can buy a good water feature such as a waterfall! Thus, most of the time, pool water and other water needs top-up, gets dirty, algae growth and evaporates even into a home.

19.10 While a natural waterfall such as that of Nigara Falls .... with it's water friction with the air.. gives off negative ions. And such negative ions... cannot be purchased. Unless of course one uses some air purifier in a home be it e.g. an aircon or hepa cleaner with ioniser etc...



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1: For high-rise units, the frontage does not automatically means standing inside the main door looking outwards.


Example 1: A typical Can or Cannot Buy review that I have done. 

1. Although standing at main door looking outwards is NW. 

2. But in this instance, we should be standing inside the living room looking outwards. Which is the opposite direction or SE:-

3. Note Part 2 attachment is not included, here. Since it is not relevant in this example. 

4. Here the frontage need not always be the main door. But rather, the frontage = standing inside the living room looking outwards....


4. For privacy, all personal info, are always masked-out by me.

5. In this Can or Cannot Buy review: External and Internal Feng Shui are looked at. As External Feng Shui accounts for as much as 70% of the total Feng Shui of a home. While the internal comes to 30%.


Example 2: House very lucky under Period 8. But very unlucky during the years 2022 to 2024. Afterwards just Pass mark!

House was very lucky from 1st Owner's key collection till 2020. But especially years 2022, 2023 and 2024 the inauspicious impact is greatest.
But once passed Year 2025, luck climbed up to 43%:-


Note: Depending on the Flying Star numbers, magnitude of luck change varies between the years: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.
Thus in some reviews, these dates may differ by 1 or 2 years from the other reports.

Example 3: House is very lucky till 2021. Luck drops from 2024 till 2043. Luckily unit is a good fit for him!

Unit enjoys good Feng Shui from 1st owner's key collection in year 2010 until year 2020. Luckily this unit was suitable to the potential breadwinner, the score from 2024 till 2043 brings this house to a Grade B. But if the house is totally unsuitable, then the total score may be 39 marks or a D score.


Note: Depending on the Flying Star numbers, magnitude of luck change varies between the years: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.
Thus in some reviews, these dates may differ by 1 or 2 years from the other reports.

Example 4: House luck is still the same under both Period 8 and 9 Feng Shui


Note: Depending on the Flying Star numbers, magnitude of luck change varies between the years: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.
Thus in some reviews, these dates may differ by 1 or 2 years from the other reports.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2: Have you just won a lottery after key collection?

final.jpg.36e64364f09d4b9eefe559552380f02e.thumb.jpg.e84716de9b7c56f4ba5a0d6157f6b850.jpg1. Nowadays I noticed many new clients on the day of key collection were either surprised to learn that their block common bin is away from their unit or "their expression change" after seeing the common bin either beside their unit main door or directly facing their unit".

1.1. This is like “winning” the lottery for the wrong reasons! 

1.2.  Be wise (if possible). Demand from your Agent to get the block plan! For example, a sample is shown under the forum thread on "Hillion" condo.

1.3. If no? Go find another Agent who appreciates your potential commission $K.

You_Doodle_2016-10-20T05_02_57Z_jpg_d32c108a1ed643dc97c4713ab9b4f477.thumb.jpg.ffe1f002ab3309beb2aad380a195dbf4.jpg1.4. With or without Feng Shui; there is always a stigma attached to it... as shown in this WhatsApp chat...

2. In addition, if one encounters a Feng Shui Master (FSM) who lives and breathes as a "Conservative". 

2.1 There are often two ways one can encounter such a Conservative FSM:

[1.] One hires one to do the Feng Shui of their home.
[2.] When it is time to sell; and the potential buyer [PB] brings one to advice the buyer: To buy or not to buy!  In so, kiss this PB goodbye! LOL

109233919_COMMENTSTYPE3BRP3-HPARCBOTANNIA.thumb.png.8d2eeac7b62333933d81105be844fe95.png3. Similarly units especially with a WC close to the main door is another nightmare when one encounters a Conservative FSM....

4. Morale of the story? Ask your potential FSM: "Do you take your readings from the main door or from the living room towards the balcony"-:)

5. Good or bad.. leave you to decide...cause ultimately, You are the BOSS-:) And the rule is: The BOSS is always RIGHT!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3: How nice if the majority of Singaporeans live in landed properties. This is also because the frontage of such homes would often match those of The Conservatives most of the time i.e. standing inside the main door looking outwards.

1. In the sample illustration: for a landed property such as a terrace house, stand inside the main door looking outwards is often the frontage of the properity:



2. However for a corner Terrace plot, one has to study carefully where are the most openings with the most yang qi:-


(copy) Main Door & Feng Shui for High-Rise Apartments 2018-06-0001_51.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4: Frontage for Landed properties

1. The more open sides the greater is the consideration on which do I consider as the Frontage or the Mouth of the House.

2. Do take note that for landed properties it is also not about automatically using the main entrance door direction.


3. For instance, a bungalow has 4 Open sides. Since it is a standalone house:-


3.1 For a bungalow, it is best to be physically present to take in both the sights and qi of the premises.

4. For a semi-detached home, do also do follow the method mentioned above:


5. For a terrace house or a cluster house (with the exception of a corner unit) or a break between terrace compounds, there are two open sides.


5.1. Especially in Singapore, many terrace houses are back-to-back of each other. Thus often the frontage is the direction where one drives through the main gate of the house towards the main entrance area:-

Below: Showing homes in Singapore commonly are back-to-back. And the rear of the house is usually where the washing machine/wet kitchen/laundry yard are...

houses are back to back of each other.pnghouses are back to back of each other1.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 4 months later...
On 6/16/2019 at 12:55 PM, Cecil Lee said:

Case Study 3: How nice if the majority of Singaporeans live in landed properties. This is also because the frontage of such homes would often match those of The Conservatives most of the time i.e. standing inside the main door looking outwards.

1. In the sample illustration: for a landed property such as a terrace house, stand inside the main door looking outwards is often the frontage of the properity:



2. However for a corner Terrace plot, one has to study carefully where are the most openings with the most yang qi:-


(copy) Main Door & Feng Shui for High-Rise Apartments 2018-06-0001_51.png

Dear Master Lee, 

I have stayed in Nw1 house ( main door angled) on a Nw2 lot. (Following the conservatives before i saw your very informative website)

I need your advise for the following

1) I would like to change the Main door Angle in Period 9, does this affect the water exit? ( since i followed the Nw1 water exit) Or should I also change the water exit when i change my door angle to Nw2 ? ( wc is the facing property of the Lot)

My water exit plumbing is under ground unseen. Except for one street drain on the right side of the house. Though I still followed it dueing house construction a decade ago  

2) I wanted Nw2 because of the Sum of Ten in Period 9, am i correct that this is a good direction for period 9? 

3) I am a Metal Dog 1970 wife breadwinner  

Looking forward to your valuable advise. 


Madz 168


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4 hours ago, Madz168 said:

Dear Master Lee, 

I have stayed in Nw1 house ( main door angled) on a Nw2 lot. (Following the conservatives before i saw your very informative website)

I need your advise for the following

1) I would like to change the Main door Angle in Period 9, does this affect the water exit? ( since i followed the Nw1 water exit) Or should I also change the water exit when i change my door angle to Nw2 ? ( wc is the facing property of the Lot)

My water exit plumbing is under ground unseen. Except for one street drain on the right side of the house. Though I still followed it dueing house construction a decade ago  

2) I wanted Nw2 because of the Sum of Ten in Period 9, am i correct that this is a good direction for period 9? 

3) I am a Metal Dog 1970 wife breadwinner  

Looking forward to your valuable advise. 


Madz 168


1. Best to also change the water exit if revert to NW2.

2. Please note that to enjoy the Sum of Ten, one has to activate it. 

2.1. Notably the greatest effect is at the frontage of the house. 

2.2. Next significant advantage is the sitting position of the house.

2.3. Feng Shui even via Flying Stars is not always enhance, enhance. 

2.3.1. Sectors with bad Flying Star numbers also need to be properly disarmed.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 5 months later...
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Case Study: What happens to my wealth luck from 2024 till 2043? (This resource - must have some knowledge of Flying Star Feng Shui)

Actually, by today (2021) the change over has already began...

Period 8 House. What happens to my unit after year 2024? 


Period 7 House What happens to my unit after year 2024? 


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study of an apartment with a Private Lift/ Lift Lobby

How to tell the "frontage" style of a Feng Shui Master (FSM), here?


He says it is: Standing inside the front door A looking out towards B = Ultra-conservative.

If He says: Stand inside living room C looking towards D = Modernists.

Really if the FSM says from A to B, then he/she is truly and purely a text-book, old-habit dies hard kind.
Where his/her notion of Qi and Qi flow is clouded in the mind. 
I strongly recommend that you really think twice, thrice about hiring such a FSM. LOL 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to How do you Feng Shui a home? Use the front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist?
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