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Hi Master,

Is it bad to have a stadium opposite the house?

As it's mainly facing the living room of the house  &  the stadium field light also shining towards the house during the evening.

Does this feng shui affect the health as well?

Thank you.

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These are some considerations:

1. Feng Shui is about the Earth luck of a person or family. Earth luck is Feng Shui of the home and office for a working adult.

2. You wrote: "As it's mainly facing the living room of the house  &  the stadium field light also shining towards the house during the evening."

3. You are half correct or nearly there. This has more to do with "pollution" or "white noise".

3.1. White noise or the glare from the stadium light shining towards the house meaning usually this is the living room and in many other instances the living room and bedrooms. 

3.2. Here, it affects another kind of luck: " Human or Man Luck!" That affects the person and family. Not so much of "Earth Luck = Feng Shui".

3.3. I don't think that the stadium lights are suppose to be turned on every night. (Correct me if I am wrong). But if so, then; when we return home; this is where we have interactions with the family as well as a place to relax. 

3.4. And assuming that if the lights affects our mental and even vision; then even if this is not directly related to Feng Shui ; it is related to poor "Human or Man Luck". Some of us get irritated or uncomfortable in our home etc...

4. Thus in reality, what can affect you is really about HUMAN or MAN LUCK factors. If one is able to tolerate then good for you. But if one cannot relax in such a house and sometimes can even affect eye-sight and this can also lead to headache and poor health.. then .. good luck... 

4.1. This link shows the Holy Trinity of Chinese Luck System.

4.2. Here, Human or Man Luck accounts for 33.333 % of one's total luck.

5. Thus for example if the home's Feng Shui is very good.. the Man or Human Luck can bring down the total score! 

6. If one has the time, one can take a look at this resource on the Chinese Holy Trinity of Luck....



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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